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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. Name Your Poison of the Day

    A piece of celery
  2. HOLY s**t!

  3. What is this cloth eared bimbo on about?

    hahaha oh man. There sure are idiots everywhere. Gotta love Fox News. Man she has an annoying way of speaking.
  4. I loathe "steam"

    I wonder why i got a vote down for saying I own 23 steam games and never having problems with them
  5. Anti-Bullying Video

    You know what the sad part is. At the principles office the fat kid would proberbly get all the blame and all the s**t. f***ed up world we live in.
  6. Video of Libyan Mig getting it's ass kicked

    Wow its amazing how the jet actually just loses lift and drops to the ground like a leaf. Never thought that was possible. I always thought it would like glide down.
  7. Libyan Mig shot down over Benghazi

    Man, talk about going straight down...
  8. Just something to think about...

    Japan has more than 1500 earthquakes a year. Japan is located in a region called the ring of fire. Now its not a name for show. This region has alot of volcanic acitvaty and is very seismically active. If you look at the location of japan and understand it all one kinda understands that something like this was bound to happen. And since japan is a country with millions of people the damage would the as we have seen it. This is not the first time something like this has happend and it wont be the last. So if you ask me, no i do not belive in such things. As daddyairplanes pointed out. We are all so connected today. The world has gotten so much smaller. And knowing about all these catastrophes all the time makes it look like its the end of time but the fact is the amount of earthquakes and hurricanes and all that has not changed per year. Its still the same it just happens to be that they hit highly populated areas. The wonders of chaos one might say, well not wonders in this case but yeah. Its all in the probabilities.
  9. I loathe "steam"

    I own 23 games on Steam. Never had any problems.
  10. Ive owned this game ever since it came out. I had it on my shelf for ages because I didnt have a good enough computer to actually run. Well now that I do it still doesnt run with a decent framerate. One would think that after all these years a game that is this old would run on all settings set to high. I only have the original Lock On. Havent purchased Flaming Cliffs addon. Do you guys know if this expansion pack optimizes the code or changes it in any way so it actually runs better? Even when i lower some of the settings i get horrible fps when i am flying low. Horrible for me is 15-23 fps. My PC Win7x64 Q6600 @ 3.2Ghz 4GbRam GTX 570 SOC Thank you.
  11. Horrible FPS

    Hii guys! Thank you for your help. I actually took a leap of faith and purchased FC2 and like magic it fixed all of my problems. I did not change anything on my pc. No driver updates, nothing (although i always have the latest) Now i get 40fps down in the bush and above 70 up high and this is with all the settings on high. I guess they did optimize the code somewhat in FC2. Thanks once again for your time. =)
  12. "Wingman snapped a picture during a strike mission" "Fooling around"
  13. Nice, what kind of pc do you have?
  14. How do you guys set up these missions? Do you start on the runway and then meet up on a specific waypoint?? How do you do it?? Thanx
  15. Hey Heretic, what detailmeshsize do you use in your flightengine.ini?? Chase!!
  16. finally, new rig

    Just save your games saves on a USB stick dude!!!
  17. Evidence of alienlife

    I said nothing about intelligent life. I just meant life in generall, and that can be anything from microscopic lifeforms to full blown mamal like lifeforms. The question where are they? We havent really left our little neighbourhood what makes you think anyone else will? Even if life in another galaxie is intelligent that doesnt mean they have radio or can traverse the massive universe. The universe is huge. I dont think any civilization will ever master any means of actually traveling between galaxies or distant stars in one life time. I wasnt really ignoring anything just saying that when you look at it from a mathematical point of view it should be there. Then again we cant really se antying so where is it??Question is how far can we look.
  18. Evidence of alienlife

    I cant understand that people actually doubt there is life in the universe. Just look at the math. How many galaxies are there? Billions if not more, how many stars per galaxy? Again billions and billions. How many planets per star? Lets assume 0.001% of all the stars in the universe have planets you would still get billions of stars that have planets. Then assume 0.0001% of those have earth like conditions. Again, billions of possible planets. The universe is just to damn big not to have life. Its all in the math.
  19. TOP GEAR Lightning.

    Wife: Do you think they can see it from a satelite Jeremy: Yes Wife: Maybe we will become a bombing target, what if they misstake us for an airbase Jeremy: ..... mm No hahaha "If it were for one of these you would be speaking russian now"
  20. God damn you Sony Music Entertainment for blocking this movie for me. I hate you!!!
  21. graphics may change, those other things will never happen since TK is sticking with his filosophy of sim-lite.
  22. what do you think of this computer?

    You could proberbly run SF2 on medium to high settings depending on the situation ingame. Arma2, low to medium. Arma 2 is a hard pill to swallow even for most stationary computers.
  23. Gaming laptop help

    Well what do you consider cheap? Usually in laptop terms cheap doesnt really relate to good gaming performance.

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