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Everything posted by xclusiv8

  1. Coolest, funniest, worst callsign/s you've ever heard!

    So FC, how did you get your callsign
  2. Best joke, worst example

  3. Jane's F/A-18 in Windows 7 x64

    So i found my old JF/A-18 cd and decided to install it. Problem is i cant seem to get it to finish the isntall. Ive tried with different compatebility modes but it doesnt work. Every time its the same procedure. I dubble click on the setup icon and i pick the language, a loading bar comes up loads and gets stuck at 99%. Has anyone actually installed the game in Windows 7 and got it to work? Help is appriciated Thanx
  4. Jane's F/A-18 in Windows 7 x64

    I have no idea on what just happend. I was watching a movie and all of sudden the setup screen from the game pops up. I do all the regular stuff, press next and next.... and now the game runs weird. I download TSH v4.02 and am setting it up at the moment Do i have to install the 1.01f patch before TSH?? THanx
  5. Jane's F/A-18 in Windows 7 x64

    No, no error message. It just stop there at 99%. Did you do something special to get it to install or just did the usual install?
  6. OT: Graphics Card Woes

    you forgot unit Power Supply Unit By the way. Get a GTX460. They are cheap as hell no and will do the job in most high end games. Although you might need to get a new PSU aswell.
  7. The article says, MAY HAVE. I doubt it. Nothing on that jet looks to have been inspried by the F117.
  8. Everything is stock in my install besides the desert3 terrain. Another thing i noticed is that i can only choose year 2000 as starting year in the drop down menu for singel missions. Should it be this way?
  9. I agree! My favorite aswell. I keep checking the forums many time a day because of it
  10. A question?? I dont know if i did something wrong but here it goes. I just downloaded the Super Hornet pack 1.9 and installed it. I dont get any ground weapons when in the loadout menu. Im running all SF2 games merged with the latest patch on a Win7 machine. Did i do something wrong? Thank you!
  11. What's wrong with the quality soulfreak??
  12. Nice Toy

    Seriously, what is up with all the dubbelposting lately?? Uncleal posted the same youtube channel just a couple of hours ago. My link
  13. The confession of a troubled mind

    Very brave of you Stary to tell this story. If i may ask a question. Why did 9/11 impact you so hard?
  14. News for me I was not aware of Storm of War. Looks nice.
  15. would they not loose tons of money if they canceled it now?
  16. Laid off from work

    You are not alone. My last day is friday.
  17. Framerates

    Dont forget that you will need Windows 7 x64 too be able to utillize all of your RAM.
  18. Damn, so the skinning process really takes this much time. Ive started lots of reskinning projects but never finished one of them. I dont have the patience.
  19. That is assuming the Chinse havent already done all the testing and stuff and just kept it hush hush. This might be the last tests and they revealed the jet on purpose.
  20. Talking Graphics ....

    I cant totally agree with you fubar. Graphics are calculated on the gpu, physics on the cpu in most sims. What you need to make these kind of graphics and still make it realistic is lots of money.
  21. What to do in case England is nuked...

    The A-Bomb must be the worst and best invention ever. Worst because it is to destructive and can only be used to destroy everything. Best because of all the good stuff we've got from the research surrounding it.

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