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Posts posted by rwmarth

  1. Be it that Im flying in the winter of 1916, I have often been facing some rather unpleasant weather: clouds, rain, snow, fog, sleet, etc. I do experience an occasional flickering or disappearing and reappearing cloud from time to time. Nothing that is too much of a bother, but is there a graphical override setting I can set so that the clouds don't do this? I recently upgraded my video card from a 9800 gtx to a 460 gtx but both have displayed this occasional quirk so Im guessing its not the video card. Or is it perhaps the result of some corrupted file in OFF? Again, not a major issue, but just curious if anyone else has run into this and if anything can be done about it...

  2. Has anyone else had the issue where OFF wont load from the manager to the actual flying while having Firefox up in the background? Granted, it's not an issue to close out Firefox while playing, but I thought it rather interesting that they don't seem to get along on my PC. This also leads to speculation that when (very rarely) the OFF manager doesnt respond after a sortie, perhaps its some background program conflict as well...

  3. I am not so happy with Windoze 7. Since I installed it I have not been able to fly in OFF at all, what with OFF telling me to reinstall for some reason, then TrackIr not 'seeing' OFF, and now my joystick only rolls to the left. I cant seem to find any utility in W7 to calibrate it, and the calibration software that came with the joystick shows the stick centre way off to the left, and tells me that the stick will calibrate itself dynamically, which it doesn't do.


    I am tempted to go back to XP on one of my drives and dual-boot the system somehow.<br><br>I have now (at work) downloaded a 64 bit driver from the manufacturer - Rockfire.  I'll see if this fixes the problem. <br>



    Have you tried disabling the UAC completely when flying? With the UAC on in Vista I was always told to reinstall OFF. Turn it off, and no issues at all.

  4. Thanks for the responses guys. BH, that was what I was looking for as I am not too concerned with maintaining control but rather just making the plane change direction fast. Snap rolling a Fee would be something to see! It already seems extremely fragile in just straight and level flight as is!


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