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Everything posted by Av8er

  1. Nevermind, sorry about that.
  2. Alright so I need a Regristration code to run Gmax where do i find it?
  3. Sunday Campaign

    This is what it said when i tryed to connect to TS [16:42:52] Connecting to [16:42:55] No reply from server Maybe the server is offline or maybe teamspeak is not running on it
  4. Yea ok I found it. In game when I click F3 it goes to a screen where there is a floating crossair in the centre it doesn't take a screenshot.
  5. Sunday Campaign

    Hi I have been wanting to fly online for a long time now but I have problems with connecting to the server. First I turn on OFF then I click on the multyplayer button, when that loads I choose one of the game types and click accept. After that a plane apears sitting on the ground, On the left part of the screen is a metal with the word multyplayer on it's ribbon I click on that and the CFS3 online thing pops up. In the bottom left coner of the screen it says "You are not loged on" i don't have an account so I attempt make one and when I fill in the user name and passord thing and press ok it says "Error creating account. Ensure you are conected to the Internet" when I am. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks, Av8er
  6. Alright thanks, I found the CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder but where exaclty in it would iI find the pictures?
  7. Hi I think it said on this thread somewhere how to take screenshots other then pressing print screen on you keyboard. I can't find it and was wonding if someone knew. Thanks, Av8er
  8. Hi everyone I ordered phase three about three weeks ago and it arived about a week ago now. The game is great! I know it is not a good thing but I have been shot down by Oswald Boelcke and Max Immelmann while flying in RNAS-1 when they were in FA 62. Other times I have shot them down. (my pilot dies a lot) Anyways while surfing the discussion boards for I noticed a lot of talk about this new addon with the DH-5, Nieuports. The thing about having your own unique paint scheme sounds great. Is this addon for phase three? People were talking about P4 (I think that means Phase four) and I was wondering if i just wasted my forty dollers on phase three if four is coming out soon. Thanks, Av8er
  9. First Campaign

    Did you forget rudder on takeoff? I did two days ago and my plane rolled to the side as I was gaining airspeed
  10. Phase Four

    Alright thanks for the information, It is nice to know that I didn't wast money. This Krauts VS Crumpets thing that is going on right now Is it on or offline? Speaking of online how do I join online dogfights? it will not let me make an acount.
  11. First Campaign

    Anyone had a shorter campaign? When I started an RNAS- 1 pilot the very first mission was a scramble. I took off and started climbing. All of a sudden Boelcke swooped down on to my tail and I was done for. I don't know if it was less than a minute but it was very fast.
  12. Setting convergence of guns

    Meat or Metal ! meaning failure to pump a few bullets into pilot, the engine, or the fuel tank, you could have a very non-productive day. As the Aircraft itself is mostly canvas stretched over a wooden frame Where is the fuel tank located on most of the planes?

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