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Everything posted by ultramig688

  1. That's how we learn is by asking questions and the only stupid question is the one that is not asked.
  2. The Truth About the MiG-29

    ---------- OT: The Indian Navy/AF should be able to answer how good/bad the new/upgraded MiG29's(MiG35) electronics are. I think the old versions could be a very capable fighters with some integrated western electronics suite and the bird certainly not ugly, wish we would still fly them. I think the old versions WERE very capable fighters even with the electronics they had when they were used the way they were intended,WVR knife fight in a telephone booth,I think even today if a super hornet or block 60 f-16 were to get into a close in turning fight the mig-29 could hold its own.if you have seen the series dogfights the episode about the first gulf war says that f-15 pilots should not get into a turning fight with a mig-29 if they could help it.now I don't know how true that is but it does make one wonder with a well trained pilot that even an f-15 could fall victim to a mig -29 with its close in manuvability and off bore sight archer missiles.IMHO
  3. The Truth About the MiG-29

    Very good read.but i wonder since the mig-29 avionics and radar were not as advanced as the western jets (f-18e,f-16 newest block).how would the new mig-35 compare to these jets with its advanced avionics and radar and is due to enter service with the Russian air force in 2016?
  4. I agree with Dave you have already given so much to this community take all the time you need to get well.even if you never modded again you have done so much, I personally am very grateful.get well soon.
  5. hello everyone, does anybody know where to get weapons for the typhoon beta. it shows in the loadout.ini that it has the meteor,asramm,brimstone and others but when I fly none of them come up on the loadout screen? EDIT:i may have found part of the problem with them not coming up on the loadout screen.the single mission wont let me go past 1984 any idea how to change that?
  6. Thanks ravenclaw and ianh755 I found meteor and brimstone in Mgunny ordnance shop 2 .found everything else in ravenclaws weapons pack 2.
  7. got it changed. thank you o great wrench ,prince of the ini-verse. got the asramm,aim-120, but still need the meteor and brimstone missiles.
  8. can anyone in the modding community help me fix the small problem with the typhoon beta HUD it has green shaded parts in the HUD glass around the edges. I have posted a screenshot.
  9. Thanks very much russouk2004 for the help
  10. Thanks dels at least it gives me a place to start
  11. I hope someone on the forums can answer this. how do you get rid of specific messages?i will explain,when flying the f-4c I need the radar range settings displayed so I want that message.what I don't want is the message "mig-21targeted" or "mig-17 targeted" or whatever aircraft.how do I get rid of just this message.i am running my HUD on normal setting and yes I could put it on hard but then I lose the radar range message and the range knob is not in the cockpit that I can find.any advice would be appreciated.
  12. I have been tweaking my huddata.ini and have some questions maybe someone could answer.the enemy target director color is red by default (1.0,0.0,0.0,0.75) what would black be?i have subtitles turned off but I still get the mig??? targeted message how do I turn that off?i think this question has been asked before but I cant remember,the enemy labels in game what part of the huddata do I edit to make the text smaller?if the radar is set to hard will the labels even show at all?
  13. Ok ToS you're gonna hve to give me a little more information I am not a modder and don't know how to modify the avionics.ini the way your saying.
  14. Ok found it.thanks fubar512.i presume when you modify the ini it goes into your mod folder?
  15. ok where is the avionics.ini located?
  16. Ok thanks ToS I will try to do that.
  17. Ok wrench and fubar thanks for replying .Yes I know the cockpits are accurate but since I can't ask my RIO what the radar is set at it must be part of the .0000001% that's not accurate LOL.
  18. Another question ( I am full of questions) is there a way to talk to whoever built the f-4 planes and ask them if they would put some kind of radar range knob or indicator or something in the B/C/D models or could someone be able to add the radar range text to HUD in hard mode?
  19. Thanks fubar512 I guess that ends that discussion .
  20. Well since we both agree that the B/C/D model don't have a radar range indicator is there a way to put some kind of knob or indication in the front cockpit to let you know what range your radar is at when you have your HUD on hard mode,even IRL the pilot had the RIO to set the range and let the pilot know when he was in range.i know it wouldn't be realistic but maybe put the indicator from the E model in the B/C/D cockpit just for reference.
  21. I knew the E model had the range display but I don't see the one for the C model could you post a picture of where it is in the F-4C because I can't seem to find it.
  22. Very interesting article,very informative.i have come to the conclusion that if I want no text pop ups then I will have to set the HUD on hard mode which I don't have a problem with except for no way to tell what your radar range is and I didn't see any place in the article on how to tell what your range is on the early phantoms other than the RIO had a knob he could set.is that correct or did I miss something in the main cockpit? PS: thank you romflyer and wrench for all your help and advice I value your knowledge and expertise.
  23. I am still learning to not use the HUD info and getting better but it just takes practice.i usually run my HUD on normal unless I'm trying to figure out the label thing then I have to run it on easy mode.you wouldn't happen to know how to get rid of the HUD message "MiG-?? Targeted " would you,those messages are frikin annoying .i could run the HUD in hard mode but then I lose my radar range info and in the f-4c there is no range knob I can reference .
  24. I tried that and found I needed the info. but I did find out if I slash out the line that says normal color=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 that I eliminate all text that is white so all the info in the bottom left goes away except for the when the afterburner comes on since it is red it pops up saying you are in burner.

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