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Everything posted by ultramig688

  1. I've been away from SF2 for awhile and decided to start flying it again and have some questions.i've had SF2E and SF2i for awhile now and both are the 2009 versions.i've always run them on separate installs .i know this question may sound silly,but how do you merge them?it always sounded complicated to me so I never tried it,and if you merge them do you patch them first or wait till they are merged?i've looked in the knowledge base and general discussion and can't seem to find anything on how to merge 2 different SF2 titles.could someone please give me some instruction or point me to the right area where there are instructions on how to do a merged install?any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Link from war is boring. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/test-pilot-admits-the-f-35-can-t-dogfight-cdb9d11a875
  3. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    I agree gunrunner, when I posted the article I thought it was interesting I didn't know it would open up a can of worms like this.i really don't have a pro or con on the F-35 I am waiting till it goes IOC and has a chance to be used in actual combat before I make a decision.i'm sure when the Israelis get theirs they may be the first ones to find out what it can do in actual combat given the way things are in the Middle East JMO.
  4. I just installed the a-10 warthog pack and am having a problem with certain sounds.the engine fire ,over g,and yaw rate sounds all sound like a 45 record played at 33 rpm and the low altitude warning wav. file wasn't in the install file.does anybody know where I can find the low altitude warning wave file? thanks for any help.
  5. The man doing the aerobatics in the beech 18 is Matt Younkin and I had the pleasure of watching his routine at an air show at Holloman AFB in New Mexico in 2008 or 2009 I can't remember which year,some of the things he does with that beech are amazing.IIRC the beech 18 he flys has a lot of modifications in the airframe and more powerful engines to do those aerobatics.
  6. Oh, man -- talk about bad luck!

    More like dumbass
  7. JA-37 Viggen

    Just read this thread and did some looking on the net.the viggen is definitely a different looking plane with the large canard foreplanes but would be a cool addition to go with the gripen in SF2.
  8. Does freetrack ir head tracking work in SF2 and if so how do i implement it in the sim?
  9. I did do the mouse,and it does work but with all my messing around with it I got it to work without checking the box for the mouse in freetrack settings.
  10. Got it to work.dont know how just kept messing with freetrack and it finally started workin
  11. Sukhois

    Awesome looking WIP.will be waiting patiently for these aircraft.
  12. Since the community is getting a lot of skins,cockpits,etc for the SU-33 and Fubar is working on a SU-33,and the Russian navy SU-33 is being replaced by the mig-29K in 2015 would it be better to put more effort into updating the mig-29K in SF-2 to modern standards?i know russouk04 has a mig-29K that could probably use a updated cockpit.just a thought.http://www.ruaviation.com/news/2014/4/25/2291/
  13. Net Neutrality - URGENT

  14. That's something I never understood about DCS why they don't update their exsisting aircraft to keep up with RL upgrades not only the mig-29 but the Su-25 upgrade to SM version would be great too.luckily i fly both DCS and SF2 sims so I can go to either to get the latest aircraft.
  15. Thanks flogger sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm getting my ass ripped or if you guys are just screwin' with me.
  16. That's why I have extreme respect for all the modders of this sim because they do work for free and if their interest are not the same as mine so be it I dont have a problem with that.they can mod what they like it's their skill and talent to do with as they wish.
  17. I figured I would get flamed .You guys are blowin this way out of proportion.im not saying to get rid of everything in the works or stop everything you are doing or removing obsolete planes from the game.no insults were intended ,I like playing this sim and have the utmost respect for all the modders in this community.like I said it was just a thought.
  18. SU-37 Flanker-F

    nevermind I figured it out.thanks for this great mod :biggrin:
  19. Sea flanker cockpit

  20. ="Jarhead1"Id love to see a nice pit for the Su-25 Frogfoot Me too preferably for the current su-25sm.if it's like these other great pits it would awsome
  21. You are a talented modder thank you for all these amazing cockpits.
  22. SU-37 Flanker-F

    I have a few questions.what am I supposed to do with the r-77 missile weapon text document? there are no instructions in the readme.also where am I supposed to come up with insky su-35 cockpit?
  23. The reason I asked is it shows an entry in the a-10c data.ini under sounds for low altitude warning and references a wave file I thinks it's called BBtyLowAlt .( the spelling maybe wrong but it's something like that).

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