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Posts posted by deep

  1. I had a somewhat similar experience a few years ago - the fan blade had separated from the shaft. I super-glued it back and that worked for a while. If you have an on-board chip also, I'd remove the card and activate that at least to get access to your files.


    Of course this suggestion is purely altruistic...

  2. Hi quack74,


    The variables in the TextureSets you provide with the skins are perfect. Please keep doing exactly what you have done - I just wanted to know if I was missing anything by not changing the main aircraft ini - I believe this is redundant in the ReadMe and may possibly put off anyone afraid of tinkering with ini files. Thanks again for your huge contribution!



  3. First, a big thanks to the skinners (you know who you are!) for many outstanding skins recently.


    I notice the Readme's always refer to adding and numbering the next TextureSet entry. I have not done this in quite a long time, as there was a TW patch that read in any new skin folders and added them to the list automatically. Any changes to the TextureSet.ini in the skin folder override the main aircraft ini, so this seemed like an easier way to manage everything.


    Am I missing something?


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