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Everything posted by deep

  1. First class... again! Thank you!
  2. Can we add this to the CA post hall of fame?
  3. Cockpits seem to be the big difference between TW originals and mods. I would certainly pay $15 for a TW quality F-15E front and back seat.
  4. Halberstadt CL.IV

    Thanks Laton. Very interesting to see how it looks in the shop.
  5. Bomber FMs

    At risk of sounding maudlin... I don't think your contribution to FE can be overestimated.
  6. Avsim gone?!

    I agree 100% that what happened to AVSIM was a totally destructive event, and I feel personally angry about what happened, but I think we might step back and look at a bigger picture here. Malicious attacks, like viruses are a part of cyber life, and like human viruses we develop a system of resisting them so that we are not overcome. If this never happened, we would be wiped out by the first virus to come our way, so in a bigger picture, viruses are healthy as long as we have a system to cope with them. As Dave has pointed out many times, we have to BACKUP so WHEN this happens, we can reconstruct and move on. When the attacker realizes that we are more resilient and less perturbed by his attack, he will move elsewhere.
  7. Hannover CL.III

    First class again! Thanks Laton.
  8. WIP - Ansaldo SVA5

    Beautiful! That fuselage looks like it's been carved out of solid walnut!
  9. A real life, flying FE.2b!

    How about that gunner!
  10. Your work is first class, and very much appreciated... Thank you! deep.
  11. Pfalz D.III Skins

    Beautiful work!
  12. All's well now. Beautiful skins - Thanks quack74!
  13. Will we have to add the arrogant sneer to the weapons pack? Can it be modded for jet operations?
  14. Perhaps I'm a bit late here, but hand signals!!!
  15. Triplane schemes.

    Thank you! These are awesome, don't stop.
  16. I'm sorry. Happened to me too, but always look forward, not back!
  17. Airliners.net

  18. BOB II - Screen Resolution

    A2A is the place for BoB2. This is really a great sim, you will not regret whatever effort you put into it.
  19. Please don't bother us while we have a power struggle.
  20. Welcome Home EricJ


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