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Everything posted by liamp51

  1. Ahhh, I see...I can manage! Those sound EPIC.
  2. WOW! That sounds EPIC. Do you think you will upload them?
  3. TK's reaction when reading this thread: W. T. F........Are these REALLY my customers?
  4. I'm not sure of any flight sim that does. I shall have a look...
  5. The Last.......

  6. WARNING: CHEESY JOKE. SF2:Na...Strike Fighters 2: Sodium
  7. NO CUTTING FEATURES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. X-plane 10

    Yea, I may try installing it again and try further tweaking of settings, but since it's a civilian, I'm not too distraught about the performance.
  9. X-plane 10

    Especially since I'm used to playing games at 40-70FPS.
  10. X-plane 10

    I tried it. I liked the way it felt, but, performance was BAD. Almost as bad as IL-2 Cliffs of Dover. My specs: Nvidia GTX 260 Superclocked 896MB Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 superclocked @ 3.61GHz 6GB DDR2 RAM Windows 7 Pro x64 On medium settings I was getting an average of 10FPS...
  11. Spam

  12. Yes, there will be the PTO. It really is going to be a GREAT game. I get to beta test it soon! :D
  13. So, all these guys are nuts?

    It is complete ignorance to believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe in my opinion. The amount of solar systems, stars, and galaxies out there is mind blowing. The probability of there being habitable planets and moons is therefore HUGE. What I have a hard time believing though, is that "aliens" would try to contact us. If we assume we have been on the planet, say, 2 million years, and they have been around for 4 million years, they are already 2 MILLION years ahead of us in a technological stand point. Making contact with us to them, would be similar to trying to make contact with a school of fish. Unless they are in dire need of water or oxygen or something else, then there would be absolutely NO point for them to contact and try to interact with us. Also, they may not even need water or oxygen in the first place. They might not even be carbon based. Who knows. Some day, I'm confident we will make some sort of contact or something. The universe is HUGE. Just my two cents.
  14. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  15. Same here. And I'm sitting in english class right now!
  16. Iran displays captured UAV

    Something I think is strange is that is a completely different color to all the other RQ-170s I've seen...hmm
  17. Wow. Those look INSANE! I live in Sioux Falls, SD, so I'm quite familiar with the LOBOS. Do you think you could up-load them? Thanks!

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