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Everything posted by liamp51

  1. F-4J_74

  2. F-104S pack for SF2

  3. Bumping this thread because it's exciting! I will talk to some people I know that do X-Plane stuff because I know they are interested and play the SF series. There is some incredible talent over there.
  4. Hello all, I finally got SF2 up and running again and I have fallen back in love with it. Man I missed all the aircraft. Anyway, how would I go about merging GH3.5 with the Ground War Expansion pack? It seems like if I merged the two, I would lose the custom target areas and stuff in the Expansion pack. Anybody know how to do this? Thanks! liamp51
  5. Hey guys! I'm back into SF2 after a very long time away from SF2 and flight sims in general. I'm currently finishing up high school and am working on my private pilot's license. I also built a new computer over this last Christmas so I should finally be able to run SF2 like I've wanted. I was just paging through the downloads and they look AMAZING. I am just lost as to what I need/should get and in what order. Could you guys guide me on my way to getting the required and best mods/mod packages again? Thanks! liamp51
  6. I have all of them...I really wanna do some harcdore Vietnam stuff again hehehe
  7. Hi all, I have been flying the Red Alert campaign in North Vietnam in the MiG-17 and 19, and love those two planes! I was wondering if it would be possible to create new custom cockpits for them using parts and textures from the MiG-17 cockpits that are in IL-2 1946. Obviously, you would have to get permission from the IL-2 modders responsible for their cockpits. I have some screen shots of the cockpits in question: I'm not a modder, and don't know if IL-2 material can be converted to be used in SF2, but just wanted to suggest it! Thanks, liamp51
  8. Hi everyone! I'm back after a LONG while away from SF2. All I can say is: WOW. I just created my standalone KAW game and am in the process of dumping everything in. It's just amazing what a dedicated fan base can do to improve a game. I feel like I've missed so much! I'm assuming the campaign won't be out until all the aircraft/ground objects are out? Thanks so much for making this a truly incredible game, liamp51
  9. Yea, it's been a tough few months. Family troubles and the like. Also school and girlfriends don't mix well with flight sims and other "nerdy" hobbies. -_- I've also gotten back into FSX and am hoping to purchase a new computer this Christmas/winter.
  10. Version 1.0


    Hi all, This is a new JetEngine.WAV file to replace the old stock JetEngine.WAV. I have taken two files and imported them into Audacity and edited the levels and such to create what I think is a more authentic, universal jet engine sound for all stock, and 3rd party aircraft. It has more bass, and sound more like your hearing the aircraft from about a 100 feet away, instead of 2-3. For the most part, you can't really hear the fan blades and whine of a turbojet from 100 or more feet away. It's more of a roar. I had been looking for a sound like this for awhile, but I finally made it my self. Drop in your Sounds folder and overwrite when asked. Enjoy! Credits-These two files were merged together to create the final product: Guest-Strike fighters engine sounds-JetEngine Spillone104-Jet Sounds 3+Weapons-TT-1full Here is the recommended SOUNDLIST.ini entry for JetEngine: [JetEngine] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE Looped=TRUE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=3500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=160 OutsideConeAngle=200 ConeOutsideVolume=30
  11. Texting

  12. Is Stary Getting old?

    Happy Birthday to our favorite Polish man!
  13. For the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans Misery...

    Thanks man! Gotta try that out! Good luck, STALKER.
  14. Wildcat Dusk Patrol

    Hi all, Just finished this video last night. As you all know, I'm big into RC aircraft. I mounted this camera: http://www.nitroplanes.com/86p-988-dice-minicam.html (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) on the ParkZone F4F Wildcat. Lovely plane to fly as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxQWDi2GEGA&feature=related Enjoy!
  15. Eat Randy

    Well, I'd rather eat Randy...
  16. 360° Panorama shots of Swiss F/A-18

    Very nice! Love the F/A-18.
  17. Victory In Europe Day

  18. Planes That Look Alike

    Tu-204 http://www.flugzeuginfo.net/acimages/tupolevtu204_oscarlabordasanchez.jpg Boeing 757 series http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/ed-force-one.jpg
  19. Holy Sh*t.....

    I want a Red Orchestra 2 style full real Vietnam FPS.
  20. OOOOOOOH. That MiG-17. I think I need some new pants...
  21. Some FSX

    Hi all, Just thought I'd share some of my FSX screenshots. Post yours if you have them!
  22. Some FSX

    Yea, it was actually made for GTA4 believe it or not. Works perfectly in FSX though. I've had absolutely no loss in FPS using it. I have no idea where I got it from originally, but I can .RAR it up and send it to you via PM.
  23. Some FSX

    Ahh cool! Yea, I use almost all freeware stuff with the exception of some payware planes. feelThere and Carenado for example. I use enb too. I love it. I have upped my FSXing by signing up to fly for Southwest Virtual Airlines. Quite enjoyable. Balances out my stressful air combat with SF2 and IL-2.

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