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Everything posted by Jimbib

  1. Infidel of the week

    NEWSFLASH! Our latest reports from Baghdad... Vin Diesel-esque Fubar says "Infidel this!"
  2. I think that any sort of animation when the weapon is still loaded onto the aircraft is impossible. The only animation I think that is coded is when the weapon is deployed. For example see the snakeye, penguin or some of FastCargo's weapons.
  3. Yep, he's had it for a short while I believe and Streak has it linked at his website as well as now in Gunrunner's post.
  4. Certainly, take a look at the MiG-29OVT available for an idea on how to implement it.
  5. I personally haven't, since I do not yet own the FE Expansion Pack. However, depending on what results you are trying to achieve and the way that the sim situates aircraft at an airfield may determine which method you use. If the sim randomly picks aircraft for the parking positions and you want specific aircraft at specific bases, it would be better to make the statics via terrain files in the targets and types inis.
  6. Wrench, what static aircraft would be most typical in DS? I can give you an F-16, Buff and Nighthawk (with permissions) if you like, all lower level lods of course.
  7. The pen vector tool is one of the most versatile functions there is in Photoshop. Imagine it like this, you can create very smooth beziel outlines that can be filled with a colour and then stroked with a soft brush of your choice, depends on the hard-edge-ness you want of the camo pattern. It makes for very fluent looking camo patterns. Also, using the this way, you can go back and edit the camo pattern very easily as much as you like, allowing a much more accurate camo pattern. Doing it by freehand with a brush can be very time consuming and often results in a jittery edged effect due to being drawn by hand. Came up with a quick tutorial on the basics of the pen tool...
  8. Halloween Public Service Announcment

    A good guide Fates, I will certainly keep my eyes peeled. 21. - If you are a female and see a monster wandering aimlessly that hasn't seen you yet, don't scream as per usual whilst putting your hands on the cheeks of your face, just keep the f*** quiet.
  9. Hey Sag do you use the pen tool at all for your camos, or are you using the brush freehand?
  10. Russ, I would sing your praises if you made 2048 rez templates available.
  11. Oky doke mate. Lol you're right, the bacon basher keeps me on my toes.
  12. That would be quite an easy skin to make, not many mesh connections necessary by the looks of it. Tail's simple, so is the nose due to the different colour radome. Wings would be simple too. Would you like me to try and whip something up?
  13. You mean this one? http://www.eugene.es-krs.ru///camms/ar/808/pics/109_3.jpg
  14. Have you seen the other plates that are available at Wings Palette?
  15. Try this... http://www.eugene.es-krs.ru///camms/ar/808/pics/109_1.jpg
  16. Corny Jokes Thread!

    What do you get when you cross-breed a bulldog and a sh*tzu? (I'll let you decide.)
  17. Corny Jokes Thread!

    A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
  18. Corny Jokes Thread!

    What do you call a fish that lies? Codswallop.
  19. Corny Jokes Thread!

    An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman all walk into a bar, the barman says, "is this some kind of a joke?"
  20. I would pay large sums of money for a sim where we can go and play with Baghdad Bob's MiGs that are buried in the sand
  21. Hey Davey can you show me where the nose is mapped?
  22. Going by Russo's wip pics, it should be both versions.

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