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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I wonder why the main Weapon System on ground objects uses Surface to Surface missile against aircraft? I have not see a fighter try and launch an air to ground weapon against a aircraft in flight.
  2. Further to the Cat and Dog thread

    That is funny. But also partly the truth. My last cat us like that to my dog. On the other hand my old dog would not put up with the cats if the messed with her. I am going to have to show this picture to my grandmother however as she is a cat person.
  3. I still think that some of the ships with only on launcher should still be updated in certain instances, for example if the ship had the ability to control multiple missile despite only having one launcher, due to the new "MaxMissilesInAir=X" entry. As for the Iowa's, What about arming their MK141 Quad Canister launchers for the Harpoon missiles so that they have their 16 Harpoons in addition to the 32 Tomahawks?
  4. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    Be sure to go to the Campaign room and select the Prologue first. It is five missions long and will walk you through most of the controls as well as fill in some background on the main campaign.
  5. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    I am not sure if I get what you mean. The key issue to keep in mind is that in space there is not real sense of motion due to lack of references. Also, in universe, Blackout and Redout are not an issue do to inertial compensation technology. Still take a look at the game play trailer below.
  6. I noticed that I missed a few things in the above file so here is an update of it.Antrim_DATA.7z
  7. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    The Wing Commander Saga website at www.wcsaga.com is back up and running.
  8. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    Okay, here all all the links on the official WCSaga forum as well. http://www.wcsaga.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=473
  9. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    As one of the beta testers I will say that I vary much liked your voice acting. Good job!
  10. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    All the links seem to be working now. I just checked. Not sure what is up with the website.
  11. Wing Commander Saga

    "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" has released! Download links can be found here at "The Darkest Dawn Is Clear for Launch".
  12. Wing Commander Saga

    The Wing Commander Saga release is less than 40 minutes away. Here is the new Wing Commander Saga: Launch Trailer.
  13. I got the Seaslug launcher on Hinchinbrooke's HMS Antrim working. Antrim_DATA.7z
  14. Just tested the new file. No Sea Sparrow shots but the RIM-116's did indeed massacre the Skyhawks.
  15. Will you test the attached mission and tell me what happens regarding the F122 and the enemy A-4F's? With me only the guns open fire. Also would you attach the file for your the RIM-116B RAM? I tested my RIM-116B by swapping out the RIM-7E on the LHA-1 and found that the missile does not seem to work. SAM Test 7.7z
  16. The following caption was taken from the article " Lower than a Snake's Belly in a Wagon Rut" and is about the picture you posted. I thought you might be interested. "A B-52 slides down the port side of USS Ranger (CV-61) in its typical nose down cruise attitude. Though it looks like it, this is not photoshopped. It happened in early 1990 in the Persian Gulf, while U.S. carriers and B-52s were holding joint exercises. Two B-52s called the carrier Ranger and asked if they could do a fly-by, and the carrier air controller said yes. When the B-52s reported they were 9 kilometers out, the carrier controller said he didn't see them. The B-52s told the carrier folks to look down. The paint job on the B-52 made it hard to see from above, but as it got closer, the sailors could make it out, and the water the B-52's engines were causing to spray out. It's very, very rare for a USAF aircraft to do a fly-by below the flight deck of a carrier. But B-52s had been practicing low level flights for years, to penetrate under Soviet radar. In this case, the B-52 pilots asked the carrier controller if they would like the bombers to come around again. The carrier guys said yes, and a lot more sailors had their cameras out this time. Photo was taken from the plane guard helicopter"
  17. For some reason the launchers on the F122 are still not working. There must me something else up with my instillation.
  18. At the moment I am trying to give the Soviets a taste of their own medicine in the form of a B-70 strike with AGM-48B Skybolt missiles. A conventional cruse missile mod of the AGM-48A included in the B-70 pack. I am not having much luck with it so far. Does anyone have any advice on how to get such a scenario working?
  19. The Mk46M5 appears to use the Mk13Torpedo Lod. Here is the whole folder Mk46M5 for you.
  20. I got the SA-N-4 launchers on mine to shoot as well but with the same issue. Still you got the missiles closer to the launchers than I did. I was wondering if you could take a look at the F122 Frigate's data.ini that I have attached to this post? I have managed to get all of its guns and missile launchers to track targets but only the guns are engaging them. F122_DATA.7z
  21. Thanks for the info! I had allot of it down myself but the above part is a great help.
  22. Any advice on setting up the launchers? I look at the Data.ini of the ThirdWire ships and mimic how the launchers are set up as far as I can tell in various community made ships but I still am not having any luck. I must me missing something but I am not sure what.
  23. Here are the INI files that I have been working with. INI files.7z

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