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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. All, Slowly getting back on track with this project. Sorry it has been a while but Real Life steps in frequently. Target Areas up to 1031. Target total over 26k. Movement Routes up to 206 currently and I am adding more shipping. I had to recolor the island tiles since shifting to Stary's GH3. Appreciate everyone's patience and encouragement on this endeavor. 2 Screenshots somewhere over the Pacific. More to follow. Kindest regards - Krfrge
  2. strahi, Really nice work. That Puma looks good.
  3. Calling zippo9

    Chief, Welcome to CA. Krfrge
  4. Raven SitRep

    Good luck Raven
  5. WBS, I want to express my sincere apprecaition for all the naval craft you have brought this community over the years. I remeber seeing some of your intial ships and thought, "Hey that's pretty cool". For a very long time I have been an SFP1 guy and since crossing over to SF2 all I can say is your work is truly exceptional. The detail is simply amazing. If it weren't for modders like you and the others I fear this program would have died a long time ago. You are truly a master at your craft and as one of this larger community i offer you many thanks for your dedication and selfless sharing of your projects. Kindest regards. Krfrge
  6. yakarov79, Here is my simple paint job for your use. Krfrge
  7. M151A1-TOW carrier. I'm not much of a painter.
  8. Yakarow79, Wow. Super nice Stallion. Many thanks. I think a lot of us have been waiting for this helo for a long time. Thanks again Krfrge
  9. Gerwin, Thank you for your consideration. As you said it grabs a lot of memory so it might be best to leave it "as is". Not that I am anyone but I dont think there are lots of folks out there building over 1000+ target areas. Krfrge
  10. Gerwin, Thanks for your continued improvements on this tool. A question: is it possible to have the tool count beyond 999 targetareas? I am wokring on a 3000x3000 Km area and I just crossed 1000 targetareas. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kindest regards - Krfrge
  11. I do like the TOW Jeep. Very Grenada-like
  12. WBS, Thanks for the explanation. This has helped a lot. Kindest Regards Krfrge
  13. Gents, I want to make sure I understand the above. For the above to occur (Carrier Task Forces, Amphibs, etc.) do the terrains have to be in SF2NA? Krfrge
  14. Santiagoace57, I truly want this to be a great terrain for all to enjoy. Your campaign ideas will be incorporated. There is still lots to do as the more I look there I am not personnally satisfied with where I am at. I've got work to do on the campaign.
  15. blaze95, Really nice work. The coastlines look really nice. Best of luck. Krfrge
  16. Stratos, Very interesting. I like it and will continue to develop some additoinal islands for the area. I've built a few Campaigns but they were all SFP1 based so there is much I have to learn for SFP2. Definitely some ideas I can incorporate into an overall PRC scenario. Just some random thoughts starting to develop but I could certainly whip up some quick missions; airfield strikes, anti-shipping, strike, etc. I personally believe I am light on PRC targets at this point. Honestly I ran out of steam mid-summer and then Real Life kicked in. Things are back to normal so I am trying to get re-energized on this project. As stated previously I am really trying to produce a quality area where everyone can enjoy the benefits of SF2NA / SF2V. Kindest regards - Krfrge
  17. All, Have gone thru the KB but cant seem to find an answer. Situation: I have SF2V and pulled a custom campaign over from SFP1. Initially I could click on the Campaign button and would see the stock campaings and my added campaign. When I clicked on my custom campaign the screen freezes. So I used Task Manager to end the game. Now when I restart SF2V and click on Campaign on the main screen it freezes. Any suggestions on how I can restore my original campaigns? Thanks Krfrge
  18. Major Bloodnok, That did the trick. Many thanks. Kindest regards, Krfrge
  19. All, Just to reassure everyone this project is still underway. I have loaded up Stary's GH3.5 and modified my custom tiles (Harbor, small village, base camps, airstrips, etc) to blend in with Stary's exceptional tiles. Shantou Naval Base under development More to follow - Krfrge
  20. All, Go to 331KillerBee's SF2 Weapons Pack. The manual is located inside the Weapons Manuals folder.
  21. santiagoace57, Thanks for the input. I've got to get this terrain finished with the various target areas and then I will look into potential campaigns. Krfrge

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