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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. Now thats An airstrike

    From the album KRFRGE's work

    Airstrike in Java Sea region
  2. It's a girl!

  3. LST MKII (2)

    Very nice
  4. Devill 11, Go back into the AH-1_data.ini and change the system type back to jet engine. Also reset your prop diameter to its original setting. Find the below entry in the AH-1_data.ini [sound] EngineSoundName=AH-1G <------------- Change this to the new sound file you want. Make sure that new sound file is in the SOUNDS folder AfterburnerSoundName= DamagedEngineSound= FlapsSoundName=1 AirbrakesSoundName=1 GearsSound=1
  5. Test 5

    Geezer, Regarding test image #5. I like the way the bridge looks. The ditch or canal is very natural looking. How were you able to modify the terrain?
  6. Devil 11, Open the AH-1_data.ini and scroll down to the engine line. Check the prop diameter. You may have to make is smaller to get the rotors to spin again.
  7. Gunship arrival at Nampula. Figured out the tree isssue. Was trying to "plant" trees while tiles were 512. TE likes 256 better.
  8. Nampula Commando Base Having issues with the trees but I will continue to experiment.
  9. TIC 2

    From the album KRFRGE's work

  10. TIC 1

    From the album KRFRGE's work

  11. TIC

    From the album KRFRGE's work

  12. On target

    From the album KRFRGE's work

  13. Cdo base

    From the album KRFRGE's work

  14. New Industrial Objects

    Geezer, The buildings are really nice. For anyone who does target placement these will sweeten up target areas. Thanks and hope you get to feeling better soon.
  15. Wingwiner, Thanks again. Your buildings and structures are always great!
  16. ALCON, I can confirm that adjusting the terrain_movement.ini "can move the boundary between the opposing forces".
  17. Devil 11, The only thing I could think of would be to physically place enemy SAMs and AAA in vicinity of Nellis. Make separate target entries as below: [TargetAreaxxx] Name=Nellis AAA Site #9 Position=xxx000.000000,xxx000.000000 Radius=2071.067871 ActiveYear=1966 Location=2 Alignment=Enemy Target[001].Type=AAA Target[001].Offset=-40,0 Target[001].Heading=0 Target[002].Type=AAA Target[002].Offset=10,0 Target[002].Heading=0 Target[003].Type=ZSU-23 Target[003].Offset=100,50 Target[003].Heading=90 Target[004].Type=ZSU-23 Target[004].Offset=-100,-150 Target[004].Heading=90 Target[005].Type=ZSU-23 Target[005].Offset=-100,150 Target[005].Heading=90 Target[006].Type=ZSU-23 Target[006].Offset=-200,-150 Target[006].Heading=45 Target[007].Type=ZSU-23 Target[007].Offset=-200,150 Target[007].Heading=135 Target[008].Type=ZSU-57 Target[008].Offset=-300,150 Target[008].Heading=90 Target[009].Type=ZSU-57 Target[009].Offset=-300,170 Target[009].Heading=90 Target[010].Type=ZSU-57 Target[010].Offset=-320,170 Target[010].Heading=90 Target[011].Type=ZSU-57 Target[011].Offset=-320,150 Target[011].Heading=90 [TargetAreaxxx] Name=Nellis SAM Site Position=xxx000.000000,xxx000.000000 Radius=3000.000000 ActiveYear=1969 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=SAMRadar Target[001].Offset=-292,206 Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=SAMLauncher Target[002].Offset=-392.00,381.00 Target[002].Heading=330 Target[003].Type=SAMLauncher Target[003].Offset=-192.00,381.00 Target[003].Heading=30 Target[004].Type=SAMLauncher Target[004].Offset=-32.00,140.00 Target[004].Heading=90 Target[005].Type=SAMLauncher Target[005].Offset=-492.00,206.00 Target[005].Heading=270 Target[006].Type=SAMLauncher Target[006].Offset=-192.00,31.00 Target[006].Heading=150 Target[007].Type=SAMLauncher Target[007].Offset=-392.00,31.00 Target[007].Heading=210 Target[008].Type=ZSU-23-4V Target[008].Offset=0.00,0.00 Target[008].Heading=45 Target[009].Type=Zil-157Command Target[009].Offset=50.00,20.00 Target[009].Heading=90 Target[010].Type=SA-9L Target[010].Offset=-50.00,20.00 Target[010].Heading=135 Target[011].Type=SAMRadar Target[011].Offset=292,-206 Target[011].Heading=90 Target[012].Type=SAMLauncher Target[012].Offset=392.00,-381.00 Target[012].Heading=330 Target[013].Type=SAMLauncher Target[013].Offset=192.00,-381.00 Target[013].Heading=30 Target[014].Type=SAMLauncher Target[014].Offset=32.00,-140.00 Target[014].Heading=90 Target[015].Type=SAMLauncher Target[015].Offset=492.00,-206.00 Target[015].Heading=270 Target[016].Type=SAMLauncher Target[016].Offset=192.00,-31.00 Target[016].Heading=150 Target[017].Type=SAMLauncher Target[017].Offset=392.00,-31.00 Target[017].Heading=210
  18. yakarov79Wow, what a wonderful present for the end of 2014. You have done masterful work. A tip of the hat to you! I love the '72 version with the SA-7 Strela defeat vent on the end of the exhaust. Superb work. Many thanks. Krfrge
  19. Reconnaissance work Pemba Pemba #2

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