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Posts posted by Trotski

  1. I always loved the Flatiron, it was so futuristic and "space agey " looking, I used to see them quite a lot as a kid, as I lived on an RAF station and they used to fly in to Lyneham all the time , in fact we used to see all sorts of aircraft on a regular basis, including Hunters, and even the occasional Venom , and quite common also were Iraqi "cubs" that used to fly in as well , those were the glory days of aviation, and airshows were amazing, as no health and saftey nazis existed at the time , so you always felt up close and personal with the magical machines in service at the time.

  2. Ahhh Grasshopper , eternal question of most interesting happenings , if tree in forest , falls when no one sees, does tree make sound ....................Or in this case is your wingman secretly in love with you, and wants to make sure you know for a fact, that you poop rainbows, which smell of roses, and you fly your Turkey Bird like the very angels themselves, and therefore it is inconceivable that you may possibly miss.              :airplane:  

    • Haha 5

  3. It is possible to hover some of the Helo's however the game engine isnt really designed to do this , so it can be very difficult, the same goes for the harriers, you can thrust vector ( and you use basically the same method for Helo's ) however I never seem to have much luck with it, except for rolling STOL operations . The sim is mainly aimed at jets and props , vertical is very complicated . No idea about the MFD issues or the lighting in the Nighthawk , thems is black majiks n' voodoo for the model makers .......Don't trust  'em , they turn people into slugs 'n toads n' stuff.......Us Skinners however are majikal and wonderous , and we help old ladies to cross the road....True story. 

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    • Haha 3

  4. hmm do they both use the same radar sets ? if so compare the .ini files and see if there is any discrepancy at all, it must be something to do with that for some reason, give 'em a once over and compare , dunno why it has occurred though, most intriguing !!  Desert 2 is a superb terrain, make sure you get the uploaded and updated ancilliary files to allow you to do the campaigns with that particular campaign, Green Hell is very good also, not sure on the Israel ones , as I dont often do Irael missions , no idea why, I just haven't got around to them I guess, NATO Fighters is superb by the way . all Cold war stuff , so some nice aircraft to play with !! OP Darius also is good if you want to do some Iranian stuff, and maybe that campaign actually has Israel maps . oh ad Tainted Cigar , all over Cuba ..........Ahhh So many mods and not enough hours in the day !! 

  5. Vietnam, Try Green hell, as for Europe, then the terrains included with NATO Fighters is pretty decent, Israel there is one I believe and for Desert you cant go wrong with Desert 2 most terrains are avilable as seperate downloads, however I believe there may be a few that are in the Campaign packs only ,  another reason for making those multiple installs I was talking about, that way you can test them out and see if they are for you or not, before installing in your pertinent install for whatever scenarios you are playing. As for the Phantoms, I havent noticed this issue , although I havent used one of late, it does seem rather odd that it is just the FGR that has the issue. 

  6. Ah

    8 hours ago, CrazyhorseB34 said:

    Go to the knowledge base. Read. Most questions answered by simply searching. 

    Please define, "squiffy." About 99% of humans, don't know what that means, it would be really difficult to get help. Using alien terms.

    Squiffy, is a term to describe a feeling of being "off" for example, one would feel somewhat squiffy, if the Butler fails to deliver ones afternoon Tea and Crumpets, or if ones Bordeaux is served at anything but the correct temperature. It is and indeed can be used to describe ones general health, for example , One feels somewhat squiffy today , one really must not partake so liberally of the  hors' douevres  at the club old boy, however the term can also be replaced in this instance with the word Collywobbles, if one is addressing ones Mater, or ones Nursie , when dealing with enquiries into ones health and well being. 

    So broadly translated into World Speak, ( wish these foreign Johnnys would use and understand an Englishman when he speaks !! ) it can mean anything from FUBAR to knackered, or on the fritz, or up shit creek without a paddle......Seriously how common is this vile usage of our beloved English language, squiffy is a most wonderful and descriptive word with multiple uses, and may be used to convey many emotions or feelings, without getting too over excited and "Foreign" 


    I do so hope that this is an adequate explanation for all to read and understand. Pip pip old bean .


    • Haha 3

  7. If you go to the archives on here, there is a really good guide on how to make multi installs , each new "copy" will have its own save game folders , and if you do as  Wrench says in his comment  above, you should have no issues, as I said I have several installs, all doing slightly different things,  but they all have the same default.ini ....Go take a look at the guides in here and it explains it very well how to do it, that is why none of us will put the procedure in a forum, as it has already been written. 

  8. What a lot of us do, is make multiple installs , primarily for setting up alternative scenarios, IE. I have one that is called test pilot , and I use it for any skinning stuff I am doing, and what I do is set up the controls and keybinds in the first or original install, then copy the  pertinent file across to any other installs you may have , thus you dont need to change any key set ups, or graphical options from one install to another, as they are then ( if you do what I suggested ) all a clone of each other . Also I tend to keep a back up copy of the file, just in case of any nasty incidents where you need to reinstall for any particular reason , obviously keep the file separate from the game.....I know that seems obvious, but one can overlook this in error. As for why your file that you pasted over doesn't work, I have no answer for that, the sim can be a little cantankerous at times, and sometimes it means you just have to bite the bullet and start from scratch. On my part, I have never run into this issue . Maybe someone else has . 

  9. 7 hours ago, Chugster said:

    Sir, I have been posting on boards for almost 20 years and the one thing that annoys me most is when people come into a thread where a question is asked and either don't read it properly, ask a redundant question or post a useless comment. 

    Trust me that was a statement of truth and nothing else. To paraphrase... 'If you ain't got anything useful to say, say nothing' 

    I apologise if I caused offence but I have no time for unhelpful posts in a thread where I have a probkem

    Don't call me Sir, I ain't a Knight, or an Officer, I can both read a map, and make my own tea !!  As for posting on boards for so long, as have most of us on here , and yes at times there are idiotic, or inconsequential comments, however most of us just live with them and either laugh ( because usually the offending comment is  sarcastic humour ) or move past it, no need to get irritated, as in the main, this site is very helpful and constructive . In summary, sometimes a perfectly viable solution ( As Bazillus's was ) may not be posed in a way that is immediately understandable, usually due to the fact that the author of said comment , is maybe using a second language , and the English is maybe a little hard to decipher, but if you stare at it long enough, you can usually get the gist of the authors meaning. Sorry to have a pop at you like this, as I usually keep my own council, however....................

    • Haha 1

  10. I'm sorry, but if indeed it didn't help. there is zero reason to be rude about it, Baziillus first language, is not English, so be a little understanding about peoples comments when they maybe  do not come across perfectly. I am sure he was only trying to make a courteous comment. I have noticed a few  occasions , where you have asked questions, and when members reply, TRYING to assist you, that you either do not reply , and acknowledge, or you make rather sharp comment.....basically, if you aint got anything good to say, say nothing....End of DIT !!  :censored:  

    • Like 1

  11. Maybe invest in a separate stand ? a lot of the Steering wheel stands, which are relatively inexpensive, are not a great deal different from a comparable joystick/hotas stand you can even mount your rudder pedals if you have those as well. The reason I made this comment here is because eventually I want a warhog myself, to replace my X52 pro, however as I also play American/Euro Truck simulator, and Farming Sim 19, I could really do with a set up that is easy to move out of the way when I am not using either my steering set up, or my Hotas ........just a thought mate, take a quick gander on amazon, there are a plethora of 'em on there and all for a decent price, make sure though that you look for one that has an adjustable side mount , used mainly for gear shifters, however it looks to me that it would work just fine for a throttle stand. Another comment I have seen in regards to the Warthog, is that with the joystick some peeps actually place it on their seat and use the stick in a conventional setting, as the base on your stick is very large, and therefore is comfortable to have in between your legs and wide enough for your thighs to hold it down more securely. Food for thought matey.

  12. The British of course have style, and panache, unfortunately the ones that display this characteristic , tend to be the privileged chinless wonders who led us in great "victories" such as the Crimean War, the Boer War, many of the nasty little dust ups on the Western Front in WWI ,  and other little skirmishes.....Thankfully Tommy Atkins, and Jack Tar were there to pull them out of the doo doo , whilst the silk stockings full of shit sip their Pink Gin and play leapfrog. The Vampire I seem to remember was in development DURING WWII so no German input was involved, hence the Vampire and Meteors straight wings, the Allies applied the German research on swept wing tech as did the Russkis after WWII was over.



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