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Everything posted by VonBeerhofen

  1. Another one bites the dust

    That's what you get when wearing headphones and you don't hear the incoming bullets from an enemy behind you hitting your plane. Or maybe our hearing is getting impaired after so many years of flying this game, :D VBH
  2. occasionally you can get these interesting smoke effects in EAWPRO generated by the new randomly asigned and expanded effects routines, giving many a much wider use. Besides that there are more smoketypes available which have new uses. Each animation is sixteen 64 pixel drawings in 8 bit using an entire 256 x 256 pixel PCX. Here a few expanding black smoke clouds were generated after two planes collided and you can still see a firey wing dropping down. VonBeerhofen
  3. Happy New Yeaar Gents, S!

    Hang in there guys! VonBeerhofen @ the EAW Launchpad
  4. Merry X-mas to all

    The EAW Launchpad and I wish everyone a Merry X-mas and a Happy 2022, which I hope will turn out to be a better year then before. Keep your hopes up and stay healthy, and occasionally think of those who're in worse circumstances then most. All the best! VonBeerhofen
  5. I just love sunset

    And here's an eerie Dawn Patrol: Amazing color gradients for a game which was initially released with just 256 colors. VonBeerhofen
  6. I just love sunset

    When the EAW world starts turning reddish and the sky get's those orange and pinkish hues and it slowly gets darker and all of a sudden all searchlights in the area flip on as the landing strips become illuminated. No better time for a recon mission! VonBeerhofen
  7. What a mistaka ta maka

    Needing a new fire spriteset to use EAWPRO's latest capabillities to display double sprites for each fire and using all 16 pictures now animated in 4 orientations I went out to check the result and ofcourse the easiest was to shoot up my own airbase to save time. However I got a bit too low and my fuselage skipped the ground with this result. The initial attack run: 2 sequential close ups of the resulting damage and the panic which broke out shortly afterwards Ofcourse I was reprimanded for the accidental destruction but I now had a good impression of the fire animations, :) Will try to be more careful next time and try out a few enemy targets instead. VonBeerhofen
  8. I refer to this: quote "considering on which 1200W PSU to buy" /quote It's probably not an uncommon energy use nowadays but in the old days I heated up my bedroom with it. For comparison, in the old days of EAW a complete computer system ran on app. 500W, mine still does, :) VBH
  9. Do you have your own generator for EAW RiBob? Lol. VBH
  10. Yep, this might cause problems for some people. Maybe they can stop upgrading and keep things working but most people don't even know how to make that happen. Still I don't expect Operating Systems to install an upgrade which isn't suitable for older hardware but I've seen some weird stuff before. Win10 support will also drop pretty soon I understand and with that support for EAW and other legacy games may also stop altogether. Can't stop progress. No worries for people still using legacy computers to play these games, glad I kept mine working, :) VonBeerhofen
  11. Devastating bomb run

    Lots of holes in the ground in our bombing raids in the EAW Launchpad, smoke too and absolute panic on the ground! VonBeerhofen
  12. This night screen shows EAWPRO's bullet impact animation routine in action. Impacts can select a short animation within any of the available smoke and fire animations starting from any frame in that animation. I don't know offhand how many available drawings that is but roughly well over 200! This mimics bullets hitting various types of ground or objects and can for instance even use the watersplash animation when hitting a fuel cannister or something simmilar, as can be seen on the left of the screen where also a fire has started after the impact. BTW, notice that not all drawings are illuminated at night. VonBeerhofen
  13. Just an awesome explosion

    Here's a rare picture of an online mission which didn't end well for my friend as his plane exploded into hundred pieces after colliding with an enemy. rest in peace Frank and thx for being such a great friend! VBH
  14. FXEXE / EAWPRO Help Document

    Nice one Mark, Thx! VBH
  15. Finally some time to post again. A mission with probably the oldest still flying EAW pilot Frank Růženec from Czechoslovakia, hope I spelled that right Frank. He's been with us for about 15 years as I trained him well and he's kicking my butt on a regular basis, inspite of being almost 15 year older then me, :D Thanks for all the fun m8! VonBeerhofen
  16. FXEXE / EAWPRO Help Document

    Hi Mark, I'm trying to puzzle the latest pieces together, including the pilot map. The map is needed to properly display the new plane icons. They still work more or less without but the icon colors become messed up. This is what the new map looks like in the unfinished Suez addon: There may have been few things lost but I think the addon remains playable as it is now, after all it's just a slightly earlier version. VBH
  17. Welcome New club members

    Hope you guys find what you need, don't hesitate to ask questions here or in the main EAW forum! Visit this link to download EAWPRO from Mark EAW's website which also contains lots of other interesting packages! https://eaw.neocities.org/fxexe-patches.html or visit our website: https://rabartel.home.xs4all.nl VBH
  18. Welcome New club members

    You're welcome Polundra, glad someone likes it. VBH
  19. Happy New Year

    The Launchpad and it's members wish a Happy New Year to all it's friends and the Combat Ace community. Let's hope that this year will be the turn around for the virus and we'll slowly start seeing improvements in our lives. Don't give up hope and make the best of what's to come, all the best to all of you. Stay healthy and safe! VBH
  20. Back again myself

    Hey RiBob, hope you're doing well and good to see you're still around. I've never been away myself but I'm just not posting much but I try reading all interesting stuff in most flightsim forums. As for reading books I think it's a bit too much to ask from devellopers as there's good information available through Google's search function. However, since you seem very interested in the subject yourself it wouldn't hurt to see this information verified from your books, preferrably in neat and easily comparable format. That would make it a lot easier for devellopers to obtain the right information they need and will save a tonne of work. I hope you understand how much time it would require for people who're more in devellopment then gathering data, besides that, since you play EAW, have you ever come across any weapons deficiancy or noticed weapons ranges and weapons impact power to be incorrect? Let us know if you do and we'll try to fix it! Ofcourse this offer only applies to EAWPRO but we've done a lot of research already to get it right so it won't be easy to find anomalies. Thanks for bringing it under our attention inspite of this. VBH
  21. Any new EAWPRO minor updates for DL?

    Hey Mark, not all is that difficult but some stuff is, however the main problem now is to find the energy to do it. I had a bit of energy to change the current pilotmap to what I've shown previously with the Suez map and uploaded it to my FTP. The .ZIP can be extracted into the latest EAWPRO version while allowing older files to be overwritten. Sorry it took so long, hope those remaining will find it a usefull upgrade. The files are available here: http://rabartel.home.xs4all.nl/PILOTMAPv3.0.zip VBH
  22. New Planesets released for EAW 1.60

    Not going anywhere anytime soon if I can help it Sky High, :) There's just very little progress due to life's challenges right now. VBH
  23. New Planesets released for EAW 1.60

    OK, Got it, :) VBH
  24. Any new EAWPRO minor updates for DL?

    Hi Mark, I'll see if I can still add something to your version, the one I'm using is not ready for release. It'll take some time though as I have to isolate these changes and copy them in. VBH
  25. I've been busy

    Hi Mark, we're still actively flying in the Launchpad every other day, with just a few diehard pilots. I'm still trying to be creative too but it's usually just a new terrain tile or UHR skyset. Got a bit stuck with programming but occasionally I'm stil trying new ideas. Italy and PTIV are on hold for now but the plan is still to finish it using proprietry file formats. So the game isn't dead and I hope nobody else is either. Just hang in there, I have faith that better days will come sooner or later, preferrably sooner! VBH

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