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Posts posted by Kedas

  1. Thanks for the explanation but I still have some questons. :)


    Is there a total G's measurement in a cockpit (independant of direction)


    For example if a figther lands/takes-off on a carrier than according to the definition the the G forces will be more or less zero because the blood wont go up or down. (but the horizontal acceleration wil be big)


    So if he lands/crash on the carier does it register anywere can we see that anywere and were can we find these measurements in LOMAC?


    If a pilot talks about 5G's does he/she mean the total G's?

  2. Hi,


    Yes the 9600Pro is a RADEON from ATI


    If it is faster? I don't know. if I have to make a guess I would say probably a few frames slower than yours but the image quality will most likely be better and DX9 games (lomac isn't) will be faster with the 9600Pro.


    about your confusion:

    Asylum is the name the manufacturer gives it http://www.bfgtech.com/ and 5600 ultra is a reference to the graphics chip on it that Nvidia makes.

    The number is the type of chip and the Ultra means it's faster clocked than the 5600.

    PNY verto is the name of an other manufacturer.

  3. You sure don't waste time :)


    It doesn't make much difference with a Ti4200 so keep what you have now.

    The GF4-Ti4200 is a bit cheaper. (because it doesn't support DX9)


    I would only swap your card with a 9600Pro if the price is the same.


    one other thing there is a new 9600XT that comes with a HL2 CD for free but isn't out yet.

    If you are planning to buy half life2 anyway then this could easy compensate for the more price also around 200$ I think.

    It won't give you a much better LOMAC speed but DX9 games will run good.

    DX9 games on a 5600ultra won't be that good.

  4. To be honest, Yes you did wast 100dollar. :(


    If you don't know anything about it then do yourself a favour and check some reviews on the net.


    If you still can return your card do it, say that it was a mistake.


    I wouldn't even recommend the 5600 to anyone.


    I think the best performance for the money would be a Ti4200(128MB) for you.

    (very good cards are not cheap)

    It will still not be very good but you should have about twice what you have now.


    But if you are willing to give a bit more money so you can also play DX9 games (like HL2) then a 9600Pro is probably a good choice. The LOMAC performance won't be much different than the ti4200 though.

    The image quality will be better with the 9600Pro.


    The best card you can get at the moment is the ATI 9800XT but very expensive.

    The second best choice is the 9800Pro.

  5. Somebody tell me why I get no heat blur and no graphics on the water

    And another question I've got a Geforce 2 32mb  if I upgrade to a 128 mb will I get more fps?



    1.6 ghz

    32 mb geforce 2

    40gb hardrive

    512 mb sdram

    I think no heat blur is a limitation of your card.

    (if it is a FPS killer then no one will keep it on)


    what frame rate do you have now?

    Start A10 mission en press S after that moment what is your framerate?


    I have an 1800+ 384MB GF4 Ti4600 (128mb) and I get: (medium settings)

    A10: 21FPS


    everything above 20FPS is playable :)

    (there are frame drops though)

  6. Author:    Stormin

    Rank:  Over 2000 Postings 

    Date:  08/25/03 07:51PM 



    Not much to report except that we are waiting for a new compiled version of the demo to be provided by the Team sometime on Tuesday. The team worked on it this past weekend and needed some more time to tie some loose ends. What time it will be ready to review and what condition it is in have yet to be determined. Don't make the assumption that it will be released on Tuesday, as that is NOT what I am saying.


    If we review it on Tuesday and something is broken, then the process starts all over again. That is the frustration of software development.


    I understand the anxiety some of you have but you are just going to have to be patient. We will release the demo when we are sure it is stable and complete and that the installation routine is properly configured.


    Please stop asking when it will be ready. I am no longer going to answer these types of questions. Some of you expected it to be available at the crack of dawn this morning. Stop creating expectations that are only going to result in disappointment. When we are ready to release it we will make an announcement. You guys are just going to have to be patient.


    We still plan to release the demo this week. When exactly is something we can't say just yet. If someone comes to this board for the first time this week and asks "When is the demo going to be released?" Here is what you say: "They are planning to release it sometime this week provided it is ready."


    Hang it there.




  7. I think it's important to add this as well:



    Rank:  Over 2000 Postings  

    Date:  08/21/03 08:38PM  



    I just want to add my comments to Matt's announcement.


    We have made great progress, but the rate of progress has jepordized our confidence that we would be finished in time for the "Summer 2003" release. To do so, we would have to release the game by the end of September. To achieve that we would have to have a Gold Master by the end of August. As it stands now, it doesn't take a management genius to look at the bug list and the calendar and come to the conclusion that it is not going to happen by the end of August.


    So, if we are "close but no cigar", why the jump to Winter 2003? Easy: Insurance. Lock On now has a bit of a bad reputation amoung the Marketing, Sales, and Retail folks. With all the slippage for this title they no longer believe anything we are telling them about release dates. I can't blame them. Therefore, Ubi Soft is hedging their bets and saying Winter 2003 (which means late December at the least) instead of Fall 2003. Trust me when I say the we at Eagle Dynamics have no desire to be working on this project THAT long. We are going to do what we can to get it finished as soon as we can. We must, unfortunately, agree that the Summer 2003 goal is not going to be met.


    We're sorry to let everyone down and hope that you can all understand that we are working very hard and are committed to finishing a quality product.


    Thanks again for your understanding and patience.




  8. It wasn't supposed to be seen (the lomac2 vid)

    Soo don't waste your time going there.


    info from the thread:

    Author:  De_Janitor

    Rank:  Over 100 Postings  

    Date:  08/15/03 08:46AM  



    Dammit guys. That wasn't approved. That was the half completed vid for goodness sake! Cease and dessist IMMEDIATELY!


    Is this what the community has come to? All they can think about is what they want? Can't you all wait?!


    I know you all are excited as we are but I'm not even remotely done with this vid and it doesn't even show the academics because it's a low res draft = that's right DRAFT of what the video was supposed to be before the editor crashed and corrupted the original!


    Tell me something Rindertefeul - if it wasn't posted on our site officially, WHY would you think it would be meant for you? This changes everything.



    De Janitor


    It will be available again when it's done within 4-5 day's.

  9. Stormin

    Rank:  Over 2000 Postings  

    Date:  08/12/03 03:48AM  



    With all the anxiety about when the demo will be released I decided it would be best to make an announcement about the status of the demo. Matt agreed and I will be giving you a report, as appropriate, during the final testing effort on the demo.


    Bad news is better than no news. The recent build we received this weekend had some serious bugs that prevent us from releasing the demo at this time.


    One very serious bug has to do with the Options menu where you configure your hardware. It is unstable and crashes the program when used. None of you would enjoy this bug very much as it prevents you from configuring your joysticks.


    When I have more information about the status of the demo I will post a report.


    Hang in there.





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