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Everything posted by tranquillo

  1. I use a Thrustmaster T1600 JS. I got it because there's not many sticks about that are suitable for a south paw like myself. It turned out to be a very good stick. Comfortable, the right amount of buttons all easily reached.
  2. Fokker E.III wing section...

    I did cheat in the construction and instead of using wires to do the warping I had very strong torque rods running the length of the wing inside. These were driven by a very powerful servo. Havng said that a coleague of mine built a 1/4 scale Bleriot XI that had scale wing warping that worked very well. This is mine during the test flight hence no pilot yet. The top wires are functional in as much as the wing, being so flexible, would just fold without them. I found that more wires were needed to prevent the LE from moving.
  3. There are other flight sims? Only Il2 but I don't fly that often anymore.
  4. Fokker E.III wing section...

    I believe that the Taube had wingtips that went up and down rather like a bird but as VB said it was only the trailing edge that moved on a true wing warper. I once built an RC model with wing warping and the difficult part is building a wing strong enough to carry the weight and flexible enough to "warp". The leading edge has to be fixed with wires to prevent it from moving. When turning it was a bit like an old series I Landrover - turn the wheel/stick and wait, eventually it gets there.
  5. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    I feel for you, Si. I've had my problems with DSS in the past too and the red tape and the hoops you have to jump through can get to be too much. I was a volunteer advisor for the Citizens Advice Bureau whilst trying to find a job. Part of my job there, as you can imagine, was helping people to fill out the many DSS and other benefit forms etc. Guess what. The DSS told me that I could no longer volunteer for the CAB because it meant I was not available for work whilst I was there. It no way interfered with my job searches and interviews because it was only a few hours a week. I was helping the community with something that, to my mind, should be government funded in the first place, but I had to give it up because of "The Rules". Your case simply underlines why many people are not strictly honest with the DSS. Those that are get penalised. My advice, for what it's worth, is to do the minimum required to qualify for what you need, take all the cr*p they throw at you, and when you've got what you need, take it, give 'em the finger if you like, and never look back. I wish you luck m8.
  6. OT: Panzer Corps demo

    The problem is that, since downloading the demo, my computer hasn't had the chance to cool down. If you like this kind of game then it's very addictive. I could end up buying it.
  7. Looks like Lou's closet to me. Not that I've been in it, of course .
  8. OT: Panzer Corps demo

    I've never played Panzer General and, yes, I did find it quite hard. I'm still trying to get through the 3rd tutorial Although completely different, for me, it has a similar "feel" to an old board game called TriTactics.
  9. OT: Panzer Corps demo

    Thank you, Von Paulus, I've just lost 2 hours of my life :wink2:
  10. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    Microsoft Office 2010 for £37.89 here
  11. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    I'll have a look for it tomorrow and let you know.
  12. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    I might have a Windows 7 Home edition OE which I got at pre-order price before it was released. If I can find it you're welcome to it for what I paid for it.
  13. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    I can't really help with your selection but thought I'd mention this site as being very well priced and the guys in the forum have been helpful to me in the past too. Tell them your requirements and they'll most likely give you a list of bits.
  14. Last Post...

    First year it's slipped past me. I've been comforting a friend whose husband just died.
  15. Fifa Ban Poppies

    If there's no money in it for us then ban it. Absolutely outragious IMO. As someone else said.....put them all up against the wall - I hate to see good oxygen go to waste.
  16. OT Who'd be a parent?

    As Hellshade said "children don't come with a manual". If they did the manual would probably be translated from chinese and you wouldn't understand a word of it anyway. I've brought up 2 girls now the ages of 28 and 19 and both were at the receiving end of a verbal lashing from me at some stage during their early teenage years. You do what you think is right but that doesn't ensure that you'll feel good about it afterwards. It seems that your children "leave" you at some stage during their teens, become someone you're not familiar with, but as long as they know they're loved then they'll return and love you back. My 2 girls turned out just great.
  17. Indeed, Olham. I must stop buying these cheaper hot water bottles.
  18. I've already got P4. Or was that a dream I had?
  19. Albatros production line

    Thanks for posting those, Elephant. Yes indeed, a flat spin will slow descent considerably. Still damn lucky to escape that though.
  20. My word, it's a flying house. You can see the solar panels on the roof.
  21. Hi Tuba2 and welcome. I can only confirm that I have both OFF and Il2 1946 both working with no problems on win7 64bit but needed to set both to run as administrator and I have both running in XP mode as well. I'm sure that others will be along shortly to advise you further.
  22. OT For Total War fans

    Thanks, m8. I'll look for Napoleon (not the man, of course).

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