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Everything posted by tranquillo

  1. Joystick Woes

    My woes continue. :suicide2: Downloaded the drivers from Thrustmaster.......no change. Works for a while then no response at all. After exiting OFF and opening "Devices" there is no response there either. The only difference this time was that just before it gave up whilst I was flying, the response to my input was delayed somewhat and then when it did respond it was with way too much movement . So, I'm still open to JS recommendations.
  2. WWI Paint and Model Site

    You could combine all but OFF into one hobby......RC flying. That might save you some time .
  3. Joystick Woes

    I did try that once, Olham, but I just couldn't get my right hand to accept a joystick. It was most unnatural. You're very lucky.
  4. Joystick Woes

    uncleal, I'm not bothered about having FFB but I take your point - it seems that Saitek have very little range now. Shiloh, the problem is that when I first got the JS and plugged it in, win 7 found its own drivers so I didn't have to load any software. I might download the win7 software from Thrustmaster and try that but it suggests removing any previous drivers first. I'm not a PC dummy by any means but I wouldn't know where to look for the current driver. Aah, just looked at the driver details in "devices" ansd discovered that "no driver loaded or required". So looks like I can try the official drivers??
  5. Joystick Woes

    Yes, I play cricket right handed, tennis left handed, I use scissors right handed (just as well considering how difficult it is to get left handed ones). I also have been unable to find left handed locking forceps but, again, I can use right handed ones OK. But, alas, the joystick can only be left handed which limits the options considerably. Thanks for the tip, Creaghorn, I'll have a look at that one.
  6. You can use CPUZ or PC Wizard. Both are free. I prefer PC Wizard because it gives me temps as well.
  7. Rating 5.9. But, as UK said, I'm not sure of its' accuracy.
  8. Excellent WWI Documentary

    Yep, first released about 1964 and still regarded as the most informative documentary on WW1 ever. I remember watching the series on TV at the time. Ooops, showing my age.
  9. OT Apocolypse....bring it on!

    Was it "rapture" or "rupture". I'm sure I got a hernia yesterday.

    Excellent. Are they the Milton Keyes cows?
  11. Perfect 'crash?' landing?

    A scale model is "a scale model". It has the same control surfaces as a real one and behaves in the same manner. The repair job was actually the result of pilot error.
  12. Apparently cool Fokker film clips...

    I think only the first one has sound as it appears to be a documentary.
  13. Apparently cool Fokker film clips...

    Thanks for the link, Shiloh. I was going to post that.
  14. Apparently cool Fokker film clips...

    I can see it . Amazing footage - wish I understood German though.
  15. Perfect 'crash?' landing?

    Someone doing his job well. Superb bit of flying. Olham, I've got a flying model of the Storch which, the previous owner discovered, can also land unexpectedly. I'll get to repairing it one day.
  16. OT-If you had a time machine

    UK & Olham - you are both welcome but bear in mind that I'm with my wife so you'll need your own boat . Paradise it was, indeed, Olham.
  17. OT-If you had a time machine

    About 30 years ago I spent a couple of months living on a houseboat on Lake Dal, Srinigar, Kashmir. It was heaven on earth. I would like to go back to that time, before Kashmir was ravaged and re-enjoy that simplistic living for a couple of days. I wasn't married then and I'd very much like my wife to experience it with me. I know, I'm soppy.
  18. I didn't mean to offend, JFM. I should have made it clear I was reffering in particular to those involved in that aerodrome thread who are certainly not willing to accept that there may be something they don't know about.
  19. My Grandpa woulda loved one of these!

    I shouldn't want to try it - all that heat and fuel in such close proximity to each other. No thank you. Like the original post, UK. We've got some in my local town who think they are jet propelled and wobetide anyone who gets in their way.
  20. The problem is that historians believe they have all the facts.
  21. OFF and Win 7 x64

    Phase 3 runs a treat on Win7 64bit.
  22. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    And that was just in the Houses of Parliament . Nothing new there, then.
  23. New system question

    You're welcome - and don't ever think you're bothering anyone here, you're not

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