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Posts posted by Slant6

  1. Playing the 1953 campaign as a sabre driver in NF5. Every time we escort A-26Cs they never fly to the next waypoint after a bombing run. They just fly off together in some random direction, even if undamaged, so the mission never ends successfully, even if they all hit their target. :angry: Can this be fixed? A-26Cs that came with NF5 and Wrench's A-26Cs do the same thing.

  2. Sounds like a fun campaign. But yes, I've been playing the 1986 campaign of NF5 (after adding a few more Polish fighter regiments that were inexplicably left out and a few other OOB changes) and the NATO aircraft (F-15Cs, Tornados, F-16s, Mirage 2000s) have it pretty much their own way with the Fitters, MiG-21s and MiG-23s. The 1953 campaign needed some fine-tuning as well. There were IRL no La-15s or MiG-9s facing NATO by then. And the campaign has no real red ground attack without Il-10s, which were still in wide use by the Soviets and Czechs at the time.

  3. Have done some editing of the 1953 Campaign (campaign 6) of Nato Fighters 5. Besides adding a few Soviet Il-10 "regiments" (unfortunate that these were overlooked--replaced a few of the numerous Danish F-84 squadrons with them), tried changing S-99 to DLC S-199, which the Czechs had in far greater numbers in the early 1950s. But they rarely if ever show up on the map. S-99s show up far more regularly. Can't figure out why.

  4. This is a great place for researching Soviet VVS/PVO Orders of Battle: http://www.ww2.dk/new/air%20force/regiment/iap/iap.htm I've been working on a 1953 Europe Campaign using the stock 1956 campaign as a template and campaign 6 (1953) from NF5 as a crib sheet. But NF5 has a few mistakes. Learned from this website that the La-15 was deployed nowhere in East Germany. The units NF5 claims had La-15s in 1953 really had MiG-15s (probably the early version). Also, too, Poland's 11. PLM never used the MiG-9 in '53. It used the Yak-23 instead. Anal? Sure, but I like to get things right. Maybe I'll post this 1953 campaign once I get it running.

  5. I'm not running Green Hell or anything like that. Just stock. And I'm presently using a GTX 650--so the GTX 950 was expected to be massive improvement in comparison. What driver are you using?

    I'm not running Green Hell or anything like that. Just stock. And I'm presently using a GTX 650--so the GTX 950 was expected to be massive improvement in comparison. What driver are you using?

  6. I'm patched to July 2012 fully merged except for NA. Right now running old GTX 650. Upgraded my CPU to an i5 and now want to upgrade CPU. There are NO price breaks (massive price fixing) for above 750 ti NVidia cards. Some good deals on amd R7 265 and above. But the last time I used a radeon card, my vysnc was locked. Is anyone running an AMD card with a later patch (at least 2011) and not locked into vsync?


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