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Everything posted by dast24

  1. we need more migs: addon: http://combatace.com/files/file/12489-the-mirage-factory-mig-29-fulcrum-mod/
  2. doublepost again but with screens from the "modified" cockpit what i was suggesting, many borrowed work, but i didn´t released it was only for personal use.:
  3. can you send me the beta version of the "K" to have a look over it? had done the upgrade an conversionpacks for the old ones here at CA. mig-29 is for me something i really love like some guys loving the tomcat :-)
  4. regarding cockpit: there are infact more than 2 gens. the "K" is a version from the Mig29M in prototyp state the shared the same cockpit layout 2 monochrom CRT display´s like that one but not exactly: http://gallery.military.ir/albums/userpics/mig29m1.jpg than the 2nd Gen: http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q35/flex297/MiG-29M2front.jpg something like this one, but not exactly an 3rd(the indian versions: http://www.naval.com.br/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/mig-29k-simulator1.jpg exactly like this one :-D got the books von Yefim Gordon ;-) i have a "whatif" Paran Mig29 for personal use. with modified cockpit. i used the "old" mig29A cockpit and added the hud and radar symbology from the european vipers and transfered it to the metric system the EESG is also included, but no ILS. but maybe it is an idea for your interim mig-29k :-) if you want i can try to get it working on your "K"
  5. do you have plans for a interim cockpit to be used with your interim mig-29k? you also have to ajust the empty weight and the fuel capacity. and the engine parameters EDIT: sry for double post.
  6. @russouk2004: the mig29k does not have the funktion to close the jetintakes. they have a a internal guard mesh.
  7. @fubar512:: you have a major issue on your mig29k the jetintakes are closed! the mig29k does not have this function! they have a a internal guard mesh
  8. EC 655 Tiger

    Werden se brauchen :-) aber war nichtmal diese Rheinmetalkanone die auf dem Wiesel drauf ist im Gespräch um sie an den Tiger zupacken?
  9. But how can a JET ENGINE be stolen from a Airbase?! i, mean it is nothing you but in your pocket an go out to the front door...... maybe only a drunken guy stored it somewhere were no one expected it to be and the drunken guy cant remember..... :-D
  10. in SF1 i died one time in a Panther. i fired a heatseeker an it exploded directly under my plane for whatever reason. one time in a dogfight i fired with the gun on an enemy plane missed it and hitted the plane that was flying behind my target.... i´m also flying mig29´s very often. in most cases i have to land with not more than air in the fuel tanks and so i´m standing on the runway and my wingman crashed in my plane...that sucked because i got 12! A2A kills in that mission.
  11. Maybe this will help: http://s362974870.on...howtopic=254217 no exact date the estimations reached from early 80´s to 85´s maybe the transfer to fit the tank to all in service F-4E´s took some time. From an F-4 Pilot: "We had them at Ramstein starting from around 1985"
  12. russouk2004 your inbox is full message to you is: Hello, on your screens the pilot seat position is wrong. if you download my Mig29 package 2.0 you will get the latest config updates.
  13. Do you employ the JDAM like it is mentioned in the SF2 Series Air To Ground Combat School ?
  14. really good start, maybe you can include the cockpit or use juhlems raptor pit. i´ve the problem that the F-35 Cockpit is slightly of. looks like the position data is wrong or something
  15. can we get your pak fa, and the mig 1.44, too? ;-P what next on your list? reworked F-35?
  16. nice one, want that beauty for OP Darius :-)
  17. Braucht noch jemand ne F-4F ICE?

    Toll ne F-4 bieten se an. Ich hätte damals lieber ne Mig29 gekauft und der Preis war auch unschlagbar, für ein euro, dafür bekommt ma ansonsten nur ein Ü-Ei. @Volker: apropo Mig29 was gibts neues zu dem Projekt?
  18. hm now it works. must be that problem: pc´s are like women. you do the same thing for years and now it´s all wrong
  19. DCS World

    ...nicht :-D ich wollt halt ne extra son dingens benatragen mir holen oder wie auch immer für das eine mal :-D EDIT: komisch, jetzt gings mit paypal *kopfkratz*
  20. DCS World

    bei meim glück geht das dann wieder nicht auf der seite :-D
  21. DCS World

    weswegen ich gerne das angebot auf dem link genutzt hätte um von steam wegzukommen http://www.getloadedgo.com/ leider ist paypal nicht verfügbar und credit karte habsch net. :-( gibts viellei nen lieben kerl unter euch der eine hat und mir die 18€ für DCS BS2 und DCS A10 auslegt? geld würde ich dann überweisen. ja ich weiss is frech aber probieren kammers ja mal :-D
  22. also tried it with e-mail verification but no luck can someone help me out with the payment issue?! please

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