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Everything posted by TROOPER117

  1. Hi

    Good new mate... looking forward to seeing how all your experiments turn out.
  2. Thanks for the answer... I'm happy using the JSGME process (used it in previous versions of WoFF and other games) but not tried this one... I'll try it out this weekend!
  3. Who can convince me to use this mod... what can it bring to the party that the vanilla install already has? So far I've been reluctant to use mods as this version of WoFF has already advanced the goalposts on so many fronts...
  4. Hi

    Those pics above just show how good the graphics are... thanks chaps!
  5. Hi

    Outdated graphics!... Sorry, got to go to the mess and have a whisky shandy.
  6. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    You never know... it could happen. (Winders and Pol are just machines. They are probably being programmed right now)
  7. Throttle problem

    Yep me too... my crosswinds had the same problem.
  8. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    I never wait for the flight to 'eventually' come down together and land... as soon as I see the home airfield I'm offski old chap! First down and straight to the mess... I've already had two egg banjoes by the time the others turn up
  9. 21 Cringeworthy Errors in the Movie TOP GUN

    I liked that video... I'm not a jet jockey so it was quite informative.
  10. Well as I don't smoke, does that mean I get to laugh twice?
  11. Here's an interesting little film worth the watch... Jasta 9 (look for the improvised mudguards) Please follow the link https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de//item/DBRSM5WULV6Y57XEH7L3QHMNHFE3KSON
  12. WOTR Screenshots and Videos

    Why are you still in bed? Didn't you hear the bell?... SCRAMBLE!
  13. Yes, I'd never seen that film before either. I wonder who's idea it was to improvise the mudguards... even sticking some on the Caudron as well.
  14. Captured Caudron G IV and a DII from Jasta 9 used in the film.
  15. 2-seaters NOT taking off

    I say, well done!... You didn't meet Sgt Incomplete Survey on your travels by any chance?
  16. WOFF BH&H2 my impressions thus far

    Ah, when in game you are 'looking back'... but in reality, when using trackir, you never actually look back!... (a bit of lateral thinking old beans)
  17. Soon as I've got past the form up bit I always send the flight onto it's next WP...
  18. Looks good... wish we had a proper map to fly it over mind.
  19. DCS: Mi-24 Hind Pre Order

    For those of you interested in the Hind, this is quite an informative video. DCS Hind flying around the Syria map... nice footage and commentary from Waggs.
  20. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    Well, I've learnt something today mate, thanks!
  21. Pre covid 1916...

    Great find Lou, and rather good detective work as well... Psssst! don't tell that Poirot chap!
  22. Social distancing?... I should cocoa!
  23. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    I thought the Lewis was mounted on the Foster mount... or are you talking about the observer station only with Scarff ring mount? Mind you, you could be talking about the froggies version, those chaps had lots of strange stuff

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