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Everything posted by TROOPER117

  1. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    I concur old stick... well done to all participants!
  2. Hat in the Ring!

    I've never yet been able to live long enough to transition onto Spads when flying the N28 in WoFF. Tried it in RoF and managed to survive well into the Spad period with the 94th,
  3. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    And Lofty goes west too! Bad luck mate!
  4. Future plans ?

    No mate... it ended up in some shitty Scottish wasteland, freezing our Teutonic nuts off, pestered by goats!
  5. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Chuffs was snuffed!... oh dear Lou, and he was racking them up in spectacular fashion no doubt.
  6. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Spiv gone now too, (sniff) Keep going Balders... someone needs to keep our end up (ooh, er, missus)
  7. Rear Gunner Blues

    ''Got the blighter!'' well done mate!
  8. Future plans ?

    I did the last one flying the 109, it was great fun... (it ended for me in the usual way though).
  9. DCS: Mi-24 Hind Pre Order

    Another one from Wags...
  10. Rear Gunner Blues

    If I have this right, if you change the rear gunner accuracy, it also affects friendly two seaters as well...
  11. Mission Replay ?

    In campaign, after a mission there will be a tab to click on to review your mission. If you click on it you will see a screen that will show you your flight route and any event that happened over that missions flight. There are tick boxes with various options on what you want to see and how to run it, but it's all easy to work out... (if I can work it out anyone can)
  12. Desert Storm - The Ground War, Days 1-5

    Good stuff!
  13. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Well done Balders... good show! Stache... Sorry Reed had to go west... seems that this week the casualties are mounting
  14. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Hey, that's my Ysabel your talking about!
  15. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Lot's of young men died in flying accidents let alone enemy action mate...
  16. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Well done Lofty! Bad luck mandrews... you were having a good run. It just shows you, as in real life, people are there one minute and are gone the next. I have to admit, in all the combat sims I have played, in campaign I always play dead is dead, and I have never reached the logical end to any of them... (apart from getting dead of course)
  17. DCS Free to play program announced.

    This is great stuff... I hope people get onboard with this and try out some modules.
  18. Got no real interest in the ground vehicles, but the drop tanks news should keep people happy!
  19. SH3 - U-33's back at sea!

    Great stuff... I feel like I'm in the middle of the Das Boot film!
  20. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Bugger!... crikey, bad luck mate... thought you had cracked it. That was a good fight, lots of damage dished out to Hunland as well.
  21. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Well done Balders, Mandrews, Rick and Catch... Good flying and all still alive, ready to go up and do it all again. (no pressure) And Rick will be fine (read the small print)
  22. Battlefield 2042

    I'm not going to be playing this one...
  23. Drone refueling a fighter in the air

    No pilots required, ever... won't be long.
  24. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Rick... searchlights, tracer everywhere, Huns in the dark, sudden death lurking... what's not to like? Flying in the dark, atmospheric and dangerous! It looked great. Carrick, unlucky mate... come and join the dead club. I'll buy you a drink, have a bloody Mary

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