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Everything posted by TROOPER117

  1. more Questions

    You've got me mate... it's all up in the air you know!
  2. It's a big one!
  3. A little colour...

    The Mata Hari one is gen... there was a B/W photo of her but I didn't post that.
  4. What a difference a little colour makes... It gives a different perspective to these well known pilots.
  5. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Real life always comes first Lou... we look forward to seeing your exploits soon!
  6. Rise Of Flight Screeshots

    Sopwith Triplane... when seen rolling and diving, it was described as ''a drunken set of stairs''
  7. Rise Of Flight Screeshots

    I'm going to get some screenies going in here... I'd forgotten how good the graphics can be in RoF!
  8. A little colour...

    A few more... The infamous Mata Hari. Another one of the Baron. Kurt Monnington.
  9. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Bad luck with Finney mate... just shows you that you don't have to be in combat to find yourself pushing up daisies.
  10. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Rick, great intercept... loved watching your flight all peel off into single file to commence the dive onto the albatros flight. And well done Stache to keep your pilot Reed alive with that landing.
  11. What video editor?

    Yes it's a minefield out there... quite a few different free editors, (I'd rather not pay for one) with shed loads of advice, tutorials, with some of them requiring a knowledge of Einsteins theory of relativity! I always remember this little ditty from my army days when teaching recruits, K.I.S.S... 'keep it simple stupid'
  12. I recently found that windows 10 actually has a video editor... if you go into search and type 'video editor' it will bring up the video editor app. It's relatively easy to use and there are tutorials on youtube... (if I can work it out anybody can believe me) However, it's one drawback for me is it only allows you to save the video in 1080 resolution... what other editors are you chaps using?... as I see some of you are making great videos at a much higher resolution.
  13. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Nice one catch... short but directly to the point at each change in tempo. I enjoyed it
  14. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Oh, sharp, very sharp... and slick. (Rick, I agreed with him so can I have 5 as well?)
  15. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Forgot to say, well done Mfair... seems like so far everyone who has posted has survived. Let's hope the trend continues.
  16. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Well you could both be right! So long as we move the campaign along as Rick suggests I'm sure we won't be up before a General Court Martial
  17. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    I thought it was 3-7 missions a week, only one per campaign day?
  18. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    A good result and a good fight Rick... although when that Pfalz went up past you like a rocket I thought ''oh no, a Pfalzcopter'' lol!
  19. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Thank god for that... I thought it was only me!
  20. My Flying Checklist

    I'm surprised that none of you aren't really taking this flying lark seriously enough!
  21. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Thanks Rick... and yes, I thought the same thing when I heard that big crunching bang. As it turned out it was a collision with the two planes you saw crash into the ground moments later. I don't mind telling everyone, I couldn't stop my left leg from shaking on the rudder pedals during that first part of the fight!
  22. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    First patrol with 2nd Lt 'Pixie' Turkington Smythe... I haven't done a lot of video editing so you will have to forgive my clumsy attempt out with Pixie for the first time. ''An autumn day like no other'' was the first thing Pixie told his chief mechanic on his return from that first patrol. Nervous, twitchy and desperately not trying to mess up was foremost on his mind after taking off and trying to form up. Being nervous was the least of his worries as they neared the front lines. One minute he was quite pleased with himself as he held formation and was starting to relax into the flight. The next minute, everything went for a ball of chalk as the whole flight just seemed to scatter as a bunch of Huns just charged in out of nowhere! ''I had no idea what on earth was happening, until rounds starting hitting my aeroplane... that woke me up I can tell you''. Eventually he found himself shooting at some Hun in a black and white albatross, but lost him, then found another who was trying to scarper back over the lines and managed to bring him down... ''What luck''! Put a claim in with the adjutant telling him what to do, so now he waits... in the bar, obviously!
  23. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Great stuff chaps... glad to see no one has been killed so far on their first outing with 40 Sqn. I'll have a video up shortly
  24. SH3 - U-33's back at sea!

    Keep us posted mate!

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