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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Posts posted by flameout513

  1. Wrench sooooo sorry man I have done the not backing up my mods but have the system restore to delete selected files that is just insane!  I have not upgraded yet and seriously don't think I will this time.  I have a lot of Combat Ace files from others and you and I have my mods so if their is anything I can do to help just pm me and I send you whatever I can if it helps.  Hang tight Semper Fi buddy Always Faithful we adapt we improvise but most importantly we overcome OOOOORRRAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

  2. ok, I went through my aircraft and looooked at all the dates and made corrections as necessary. However, in an effort to drive me insane I find that the Texture some had a StartDefaultDate not a StartServiceDate! My question is do you change the Default to Service and why is 3W trying to drive us crazy!!!! I would expect some conformity in the use of these terms among 3W and modellers. I don't know if any changes are correct and maybe the best thing I can do is leave it alone??? Opinions most welcomed

  3. Once again thank you Wrench, had the download but haven't setup my ETO install yet. I know you are working on a big Europe Terrain project can't wait to see that one once you are done.


    Anything on the horizon for some MTO Ju87 skins and Bf109 desert version aircraft?


    Everyone might want to check the Martin_167 config ini as one of the lines in the description is wrong and you get a black model



    AircraftFullName=Glenn Martin 167 A-3

    AircraftShortName=Glenn 167








    Should read



    AircraftFullName=Glenn Martin 167 A-3









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