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Everything posted by Roopod

  1. Speaking as a trained observer and one who appreciates good art, I think you are definately onto something. Let us know about any further progress you get with those tweaks.
  2. Know your limits

    Especially after hearing how a scientific study had assessed that a person hasn't fully developed the portion of the brain that deals with judgement skills until after the age of 20. All good and well to know although I personally can attest that at least half the population doesn't use good judgement until after the age of 40. Something about age and wisdom I quess...
  3. Actually, I'm thinking more in the line of virtual reality goggles. Like this... Anybody ever try something like those?
  4. Here is my take on historical accuracy, immersion, and the mythical 100% accuracy goal of all flight simulation games. If I could afford and buy TrackIR I'd use it probably religiously. I have listened and read of some oficionados who spurn the padlock option as if it were some sort of cheat. Let me remind you that you're sitting in front of a monitor and can't feel movement, inertia, or see the sky above and earth below. You probably don't have the sight advantage of some of the better fighter pilots. To compensate for some of these disadvantages there was the padlock view given to you. Which is what pilots would do with an adversary or target. Hence the term of target fixation that can be a tactical death sentence when you've lost all situational awareness and the other guy gets you. You padlock your head to your target while your body remains straped in as part of your aircraft. Your aircraft is then an extension of your body while your mark one eyeballs track potential targets and threats around you. The padlock helps accomplish this action while you sit limited to the tunnel vision of a 19 inch or so screen. If you want total immersion and 100% historical accuracy then you'd better go buy your own plane or go back in time to become an actual pilot. That's my own take on the padlock. I accept those aficionados who spur it for themselves because it spoils their immersion factor and quest for 100% historical accuracy in their gaming experience. But when you start bad mouthing my padlocked view like it's some kind of cheat you've crossed that line into sounding like you've entered the fanatic realm of an elitist gamer.[sarcasm] And I'll only retract that last comment when someone buys me a TrackIR or any set of high definition virtual goggles.
  5. YAP2 extras

    From the album USMC

  6. USMC

    Back in the day...
  7. MiG-17_Kill.jpg

    From the album USMC

  8. Flyboys

    The Great Waldo Pepper (1975) Howard Hughes' Hell's Angels (1930) Although I liked Flyboys (Widescreen Edition) (2006) if you cut out all of the luvy duvy parts.
  9. Well, darn it! I had to delete everything due to lack of disc space. After spending a lot of time looking for answers I've decided to just waite another day when there is a download that has everything needed on it to make the puppy run. There seems to be way too much information to go through to find what is needed at that website. I'm an adherent to the K.I.S.S. rule of Keep it Short and Simple. Life is too short and other priorities will preclude any addons for now. This is just like when I tried out the Orbiter Space Simulation freeware. After the game crashed for the fiftieth time and disk space was running low I had to dump that one too. After saving to a CD disk of course. Oh well, maybe someday.
  10. Unbelievable

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and conjecture it another case of sudden jihad syndrome.
  11. Nope, just a static.ini file and nothing else.
  12. I must be missing something since it requires adding info to the air.ini file. After registering, downloading hundreds of megabytes of files guess what? There is no air.ini file. Got the AC_INSTALLER_v3_3.exe, unified installer downloaded, and no air.ini file. An hour on this and I'm still searching... if anyone has a working install of this I'd appreciate some help in what I'm missing here.
  13. So I go over to flying legends to look for some skins and I see skins for the F-86 Sabre jet and Sea Fury. What gives? Nothing about where to get these or when you can get them. So now the hunt begins...
  14. 100 things to do before you die

    24. Passenger on a space shuttle mission. 25. Passenger on the first return mission to the moon. 26. Find a futuristic rocket pack and fly everywhere with it. 27. Join an astronomy club. 28. Obtain pilot license for fixed wing and helicopter.
  15. must see video on Middleeast crisis

    Thanks for the video, Nesher. As a fervant student of history I appreciate the full perspective. I'm sure there were plenty of Germans who were victimized by their leadership from 1933 to 1945. That's why there is the ten percent rule. You know, that ten percent that ruin it for the rest of us. There are always the innocent victims that will be forced to pay because they have no choice. It didn't stop us from destroying our enemies by 1945 and nothing has changed in warfare except that we tend to kill fewer "noncombatants" then our enemy does. A fact that seems to be ignored by too many people these days.
  16. F-22 Raptor Cut today?

    Todays reality: North Korea launches their "satellite" which can reach the state of Alaska. The US responds by cutting development of their missile defence shield in Alaska. While Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, China, and Russia are either developing, expanding, or modernizing their nuclear weapon capabilities, the US vows unilateral elimination of theirs. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. As to cuts in military modernization programs? The F-22 would have actually saved money over time by elimination of other expensive older aircraft required to do the same job. Over time it would have saved money by lowering the number of aircraft needed to do the same job. Which was one of the goals for its procurement. This doesn't save money; it only scores political points. Which is why these programs are being cut for politically expendient reasons and not financial ones. This 44th President has already promised to spend twice the amount that all preceding 43 Presidents had already spent, combined. So don't think this is to save money. I don't find my strength in ignorance.
  17. I prefer this combination for tactical paint schemes: Specular=0.440000 Glossiness=0.150000 Reflection=0.330000 Not too flat with some reflection.
  18. 1. 3D full mission editor. 2. Road and train networks that vehicles, tanks, trains will follow. 3. FAC aircraft that designate targets for other aircraft to attack. Such as a WP rocket designate a target area for destruction. 4. A player to target view for incoming SAM and AAM. Yeah, I like that drama buildup instead of just the instant disintegration. 5. Ejecting pilot animation for all aircraft.
  19. Amok in german school

    Tragic and unfortunate, yet thankfully still isolated incidents. With the perspective of other places where these happenings are far too common I'm grateful to live in a quieter part of the world. My condolences to those affected. Since someone had to mention it then here may be some enlightenment if you care to take the time. On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman - -Visit the Webpage- Defensive use of guns underreported article: -Visit the Webpage- "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -William Pitt
  20. Whats you favourite Patton's quote?

    "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." - Patton's Quotes Here -
  21. About Damn Time!

    Actually I know you've been out there and I appreciate your opinion. You provide me with an excellent sounding board. What I'm trying to tell you is that you motivate me! So thanks. "When everyone is thinking the same, no one is thinking." -John Wooden
  22. About Damn Time!

    I'm speaking of my own experiences, of being out there, and not anyone elses. I'm talking from the perspective that these guys were used as political pawns which I believe is an accurate one from what I've read. This is why it's about damn time! The only thing these guys were guilty of was having supervisors who stabbed them in the back. Finally, I'm talking about this article: --HERE-- as one example that supports everything I've said here. I've seen people railroaded for someone elses agenda while being out there. If anyone thinks I'm talking to them then they got it wrong. That's all I got to say about that...
  23. SAAB bankrupt

    I wonder if it has anything to do with pensions and worker contracts? Sweden has a socialist economy, doesn't it? Bankruptcy may make some contracts null and then would be either dropped or renegotiated. Depending how Swedish law goes, that is...
  24. About Damn Time!

    By "Rule of Law" is exactly what happened in Germany between 1933-1945. Everything was put into law and made legal before it was implemented. Therefore every German citizen could say that it was the "law" they were merely obeying. I know they were big on "oaths" too. By the legal manipulation of the law I can assure everybody they can be made to perjure themselves in a court of law and therefore seen to violate their oaths. They were known as Kangaroo courts and they seem to have made a come back these days. I can make anyone of you lie without you even knowing it. Everyone lies, don't they? The whole point to you legalists is the impropriety used to railroad these guys up the flagpole so as to protect Mexican consulars drug runners. Immunities given for testimony for drug traffickers as well as their supervisors after they too had changed their stories several times isn't what I call justice. If you want to believe everything Sutton said then there isn't any further use in trying to reason with you. The mantra that someone lied and an oath was violated rings hollow to anyone who has already walked the walk of being on the line with unrealistic expectations. Zero defect is a myth only upheld by those who don't live on the pointy tip of the spear but relish behind it in the shaft. P.S. Which is why I'm saying Ramos and Compean got shafted!
  25. About Damn Time!

    Make an example of Compean and Ramos, that is what this was all about, period. Border Patrol agents fired for changing testimonies 2 agents face dismissal, 1 resigns – all 3 given immunity despite altering accounts Story: --HERE-- There wasn't any sense of equal justice done here, and I find it suspect that there is an unequal standard for some and not others as was the case in this instance. This is the whole point that these two eventually had their sentances commuted by the very same president that had sent his dog after them. If you don't want to read the writing on the wall then it only reflects on your own character. Some would rather go by the book then ever have to rely on a little common sense. If you don't think something don't stink then you've missed something even bigger then that little one you can't get your focus off of. Which we will just leave it up to a difference of opinions. Fine by me and thanks for everyones input on that.

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