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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Snoopy

    Has anyone made a Snoopy LOD for a pilot in SF-FE??? Now that would be cool...
  2. FWIW, my new build... Gigabyte P35-S3G mobo E6850 dual core 3.0ghz x 4MB cache EVGA 8800GTS G92 512mb video KHX8500 1066mhz DDR2 ram 2 x 1GB in dual channel mode Seagate Barracuda 250gb hd with 32mb cache Soundblaster X-FI extreme gamer sound card (get the sound off the mobo and cpu) Arctic Freezer 7 cooler ASUS WV222 22" 2ms monitor Windows XP sp2 This moves SF and Silent Hunter IV along very nicely... Lots of room to overclock speeds on the cpu, video and ram. I can always add two more gb of memory. I would have preferred an E8400 3.0ghz Wolfdale cpu, but just could not find one... Well anyway, this setup works very well. I think we should standardize some kind of "in-game" test mission to note our frame rates... FPS, mission load times... Just so we can compare apples to apples...
  3. Just remember that SF is NOT currently setup to use either dual or mutli core CPUs, nor does it use ATI Crossfire, and not sure if it even will use nVidia SLI.... http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...+dualcore+love/ http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...light=crossfire Check out Tom's Hardware review of video cards... http://www.tomshardware.com/2007/12/12/gef...800_gts_512_mb/
  4. My senior Project

    For multimedia, you could just use FRAPs and make an SF video... Have a good time in the Marines and stay safe. Thank you for having the courage to serve our Country! It will be a time unlike any other in your life...
  5. It's Alive, sort of...

    Well, got the new machine assembled last night. Everything went well, until I went to load Windows XP... The error message stated "no hard drive found" .... Further checking reveals HD not being detected... Tried new cable, different SATA port, etc... Looks like the Barracuda was DOA. I will load up with an old IDE drive to test things... Oh well, Newegg will send me another... Everything else seemed to be working correctly.
  6. It's Alive, sort of...

    Well, crap... After Alt-N, the first radio comm will result in a BSOD crash... Looks like the Soundblaster driver is not happy working with the EVGA 8800 driver.... Need to disable my sound card to test this... Got the latest nvidia drivers. Need to try the onboard sound and/or the new beta soundblaster drivers... oh what fun... Still, it looks and sounds great, at least until it dumps...
  7. It's Alive, sort of...

    Well, WOI on a 22" monitor @ 1680 x 1050 and unlimited settings looks absolutely stunning... Need to tune clock and fan speeds... This is a blast! Newegg is a great PC parts supplier!
  8. It's Alive, sort of...

    Blackbird; you are the MAN!!! I "disabled" SATA mode and XP kicked right in... HD is formatting now as I type this... THANK YOU! I can't wait to run SF on "Thunderbolt", my new machine...
  9. It's Alive, sort of...

    I hope it works for me too! Thank you very much for the tip. I will give it a try tonight. Can't wait to fly on my new machine... EVGA 8800GT.G92.512mb, E6850 3.0ghz, 2GB Kingston 1066DDR2 ram, Soundblaster X-fi extreme gamer sound card... Thanks for all the replies! :yes:
  10. It's Alive, sort of...

    IDE? ok, worth a try. Will give it a shot tonight... But why IDE instead of SATA when it is a SATA drive on integrated SATA port? But anyway, it doesn't work with it set as SATA...
  11. It's Alive, sort of...

    Yes, changed it from IDE to SATA... Also set it to boot from DVD drive to install XP. One odd thing; one screen showed some kind of boot options, but only two choices (can't remember exact wording here) but it did list the exact model number of the drive, but the POST screen doesn't show it, Seagate disc tools won't run because it doesn't see a HD... I'll have to check this part exactly tonight... Probably some obscure BIOS line value not set just so somewhere... (or, as my old buddy Reese used to say: "Some BS checkbox somewhere ain't checked...")
  12. It's Alive, sort of...

    Initialize it? How did you do that?... Anyway, not sure why this would even be an issue, this mobo only came out in November of 2007... Not like any of this stuff is unknown technology here...
  13. It's Alive, sort of...

    That's what I am doing, using a new XP-PS2 disc to install windows. It starts the initial installation process but doesn't see a HD... Might there be seperate drivers from gigabyte?
  14. It's Alive, sort of...

    Seagate website doesn't indicate that additional drivers are required... I am planning on calling Seagate tech tonight... Last OS install I did just booted from the Windows CD and installation went without a hitch...
  15. It's Alive, sort of...

    I know, my mobo has both SATA ports and IDE... Computer boots from DVD drive and loads some drivers into memory, and analyzes the system. Then, where Win XP would actually load, it fails at the actual installation because it sees no HD... Is there some other step I need to take here? Gigabyte P35-S3G I just want to test the machine until the replacement HD arrives....
  16. scary landing attempt

    ROFLMAO! :yes:
  17. scary landing attempt

    Someone knows how to work their feet!
  18. USAF News

    I recall seeing an article that mentioned that the USAF was going to refit the B-52 with high-bypass engines and fly them until 2040... Any current news on that?
  19. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...p;hl=F-16+paint
  20. Well, in a campaign, a destroyed runway can be repaired... That would be a bit more difficult with a sunk carrier... Anyway, AI need to be "told" (programmed) what to do explicitly, otherwise you get unexpected outcomes...
  21. Having carriers be "sinkable" would pose some interesting problems for AI aircraft flying from them... Where do they go if their carrier is sunk? Do they just circle around where they thought it should be and wait to run out of fuel? Do they go look for somewhere else to go? What if YOUR carrier was sunk while you were on a mission? Would you know when it happened? When would you get a radio call, if any? Would you abort your mission to go help? Having no base to which to return opens a whole other course of events....
  22. Lets Go UPS!

    Come on UPS! Lets go!! I ordered parts for a new machine today... Gigabyte P35 mobo, E6850 3.0ghz cpu, EVGA 8800GTS.G92 x 512MB video card, 2 GB of Kingston KHX9500D DDR2-1066 memory, SoundBlaster X-Fi Extreme Gamer, Asus 22" VW222U 2ms monitor... and various other parts to complete a new machine, with, of course, the old standby Windows XP Pro... This ought to run SF fairly well...
  23. Lets Go UPS!

    Well, we have that in common; when I am sick I crawl into a proverbial cave and pull the rocks in behind me... It's better for innocent bystanders that way... I do hope you are feeling better soon. :yes:
  24. Lets Go UPS!

    I understand the being ill this winter. I took a sickday form work yesterday and my wife took two days earlier this week. No offense meant, LP. My comments were offered in jest. I apologize if you were offended in anyway. and I do think ND was hilarious, just had not seen it in a very long time and did not recall the "lucky:" line. Get well soon. ML

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