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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Lets Go UPS!

    oh Erik, my post was entirely one of jest... and I have seen Napoleon Dynamite and have never laughed so hard. Most impressive is that was "clean" movie...
  2. Lets Go UPS!

    Is that the modern standard for "cool" for the youth of America these days ? This country is in serious trouble... Those boys need professional help... I see you are 14, YP. Why aren't you in school? I don't want any garbage about a "snow day", either... Read an encyclopedia or something. Please, do not try riding a bike today either... You might want to build a ramp or something; just don't do it. Napoleon Dynamite??? What a dud... Is that some kind of youth oriented movie or something? That boy is NOT a role model... He's what we older guys would call a "dork". bad. bad bad bad...
  3. Lets Go UPS!

    "Luck" has nothing to do with this... It's called work, and my employer came through with some bonus $$ because of a decent end to 2007...
  4. Lets Go UPS!

    uhhh, Newegg used UPS... yeah, it was their idea.... :blush2:
  5. Military Graphics This is one cool website... Decals and graphics like crazy... Skinners may find things of interest here also!
  6. Inline VS Radial

    The P-51 in Korea generated enough issue with engine vulnerability that the USAF actually undertook a feasibility study to fit an alternate powerplant on the Mustang... The engine being examined for installation was the PW R-2800... :yu:
  7. Inline VS Radial

    Radial: Extraordinarily rugged and bullet proof (figuratively and literally...) The RW2800 that was installed in the YP-47-M was test run at 3600hp for a total of 250 hours before being released for production at a very detuned rating of 2800hp WEP. Many stories of thunderbolt pilots flying back with catastrophic damage such as blown off cylinders... Give me an air cooled round engine any day...
  8. Inline VS Radial

    True, the "M" only saw service with the 56thFG, the "N" equipped at least five fighter groups: 318FG, 413FG, 414FG, 507FG, 508FG. How many units actually flew the 51-H? The "H" didn't even fly until February '45 and only 370 were built before VJ day, making it a truly non-operational USAAF aircraft. Over 1800 P-47Ns were built by VJ day, and the last "Ace in a Day", Oscar Perdomo, flew the "N"... At least both high-performance P47 models actually equipped operational units and saw combat... Little to no service? That certainly describes the P-51H to perfectly...
  9. Inline VS Radial

    Barnes & Noble Just search for Report of Joint Fighter Conference # ISBN: 0764304046 # ISBN-13: 9780764304040 # Format: Hardcover, 356pp # Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. # Pub. Date: January 1998
  10. Inline VS Radial

    Well, if the book "America's Hundred Thousand" (Francis H. Dean) is to be believed... TOP SPEED P-47M = 470mph P-47N = 460mph P-51D = 440mph Because of the P-47s turbo system, the Thunderbolts speed increased as altitude climbed. The P-51D speed fell off sharply above 25,000ft... ACCELERATION P-38L = 4.13 ft per second P-47M = 4.02 ft per second P-51D = 3.85 ft per second (These data are originally sourced from the "Report of Joint Fighter Conference: NAS Patuxent Riuver, MD, Oct 1944, and reported in the many other sources. These are real data, not wishful thinking or imaginative history...) Personally, I would have taken a P-47. I would have hated to ride the silk elevator because some jugend with a BB gun who got a lucky shot on a radiator hose... As for range, the P-47N was the US WWII champ with the longest legs... 996 gallons would get you a clean 1000 mile range at 25,000ft with a 30 minute reserve and 20 minutes of combat time. The P51D with external tanks only got 700 miles with those conditions... One last thing, if you are a Mustang fan, DO NOT read the comments by Naval LT Halaby on page 241 of the Fighter Conference Report... You'll only get mad and go into revisionist history denial...
  11. Wings over...

    Maybe Wings Over New Guinea... wait, that would just be WONG...
  12. Wow... one plane = 5% of the B-2 force...
  13. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,331558,00.html Time for the F-15 to head for the nearest museums... This is starting to get out of hand...
  14. Can you post or send the video? I'd like to see it... thanks! ML
  15. Try newegg.com or ewiz.com
  16. Well, if I could do more than shovel snow in my spare time... Every other night, every other early morning... we've got 5' piles by the corners of the sidewalk and end of the driveway... At least I am in great shape now!!
  17. The frontline can start and end on one side if you want; it just has to separate one area from another... The frontline is defined by the points listed... You do not have to have all points displayed on the briefing map however... Startshow = the first point on your frontline list that will be shown on the map Endshow = the last point on your frontline map that will be shown on the map... Start and end show have nothing to do with targets. Only defines the friendly and enemy "sides" (or area if you prefer...)
  18. Yes, frontline must extend from zero edge to another zero edge. It does not have to north-south or east-west... Only that it closes off a section of the map from the rest... Show means that frontline point is displayed on mpa, as Gocad noted...
  19. Dear Technical Support

    Don't do it.... Just don't... no... Very dangerous...
  20. Seriously WTF, there's free speech and then there's B.S

    I agree; intolerance, ignorance and fear from enlightened pseudo intellectual atheists is much better...
  21. Pilot bailed and is ok... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,327786,00.html
  22. As of now, the Aerodrome is closed. I thank you for all your support over these many years. The old address majorleesaerodrome.net has been shut off. My former webhost, Ipowerweb.com, was completely and utterly incompetent. They migrated my site to a new server and managed to leave behind all content items, such as pictures and Zip files... Ipowerweb is currently under investigation for fraud; just Google their name and the word fraud... The Aerodrome will return soon with a new look and a new, easier to type address... I shall return! ML...
  23. Mulitple Monitor Display

    The Strike Fighters series already supports this... Would be cool...
  24. GeForce 8400 GS question

    Well, you need to know if your Dell motherboard has a PCI-Express slot available for the new video card... Also, you will want to make sure that your monitor will work with the DVI port on the card....
  25. My Useless Post for 6000

    My contest was not rigged... Fates is just more knowledgeable about the internet and where to find information...

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