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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    It is????? I had NO idea... Well, I guess that cuts the prize back to lunch and bragging rights, and of course, my diatribe about the Thunderbolt... Still, no one has come up with the easier to type URL...
  2. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    Any landing from which you can walk away... Just a bit short...
  3. I always liked the F-100, but even more so after reading "Boyd; the Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War". Incredible book, a must read... http://www.amazon.com/Boyd-Fighter-Pilot-W...d/dp/0316881465 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Boyd_(military_strategist)
  4. and what about the X-29??? HMMM???
  5. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    I saw Star Wars at "The Quad" in Saginaw, Michigan, back when the quad actually had FOUR screens and let me tell you, a four screen theater was a BIG DEAL back then... I was 12 and that movie was a long, long time ago in a past, far, far away...
  6. Take a break for a few days... Stand by...
  7. As of now, the Aerodrome is closed. I thank you for all your support over these many years. The old address majorleesaerodrome.net has been shut off. My former webhost, Ipowerweb.com, was completely and utterly incompetent. They migrated my site to a new server and managed to leave behind all content items, such as pictures and Zip files... Ipowerweb is currently under investigation for fraud; just Google their name and the word fraud... The Aerodrome will return soon with a new look and a new, easier to type address... I shall return! ML...
  8. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    As of now, the Aerodrome is closed. I thank you for all your support over these many years. The old address majorleesaerodrome.net has been shut off. My former webhost, Ipowerweb.com, was completely and utterly incompetent. They migrated my site to a new server and managed to leave behind all content items, such as pictures and Zip files... Ipowerweb is currently under investigation for fraud; just Google their name and the word fraud... The Aerodrome will return soon with a new look and a new, easier to type address... I shall return! ML...
  9. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    Maybe a two Sparrows grasped the head in their tiny claw like feet and carri.... never mind.... wrong show...
  10. Happy Birthday To....

    Happy Birthday!!
  11. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    Well, I have a copy of the Aerodrome in a safe place... That's all that matters...
  12. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    You wouldn't believe the emails I got from them... Phone support was a test of patience: generally one to two hours on hold before one could speak to a person. Email responses took 24 to 48 hours... They have fallen off the face of the Earth this year in terms of customer service. They used to be top notch; now they're just useless... This is an actual email I received from IPW... I am guessing that English is not this person's first language, or that this is a Google translation of Farsi or Pashtu... In order to get the old backup of your account we need you to get back to us with the confirmation regarding the backup of the files if you have recently made any changes for your Web site. Also, I have checked you’re all the files it reflects the same content of your index.html files. Could you please let us know which Web site installed correctly you are referring. Fans?
  13. X-29 data... http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/news/Fa...S-008-DFRC.html there might be lots of info on this canard bird...
  14. From Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End, the main pirate dude - Jack Sparrow... (I didn't pay that much attention to this movie, but the line was good... and no, I don't think much of Johny Depp.) "Just close your eyes and pretend it's a nightmare. It's how I get by"...
  15. OK, anyone have a suggestion for the best motherboard @ $100 or so? Are you/ have you used the board you are noting? I would prefer an Intel 775 board that will be compatible with future CPUs from Intel... Intel seems to have a better grasp on moving ahead at this point. (45nm CPUs and all that) A compatible single core cpu would be fine for now, I just want to be able to expand piece by piece in the future.
  16. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    My once decent webhost, Ipowerweb.com, has totally porked the Aerodrome. They have "transitioned" my site to a new server set up and managed to "lose" all of my files... all images, all download zips, everything under the top level... hundreds of MBs of SF stuff, gone... Ipowerweb is having serious issues, so much that they are facing class action lawsuits due to the current state of their hosting operation. I will be searching for a new host soon... Well, anyway, not to worry... With all the nagging about data backup from whiney little snits like USAFBLT w/cheese, I downloaded my entire site back to my computer... I have all the stuff right here at home. Backing up data is the best advice ever given to somone who has a computer and data. Thanks Dave! I owe you one. Next time you ever get through west Michigan, lunch is on me. :yes:
  17. The Castle.... very nice...
  18. LODs for greater distance should have progressively less detail and each LOD file should be smaller in size to reduce the load on the game system...
  19. Capun has produced a series of static aircraft for airfield decoration. Also, I believe other static AC have been made. The next patch for SF will resolve this issue and allow parked "regular" aircraft. This is implemented in the recent FE expansion.... Otherwise, the 1/2 aircraft deal is a known issue... It has to do with not having landing gear displayed, thereby keeping the AC off the ground... Personally, for decoys, I think these are ok, given the low quality of decoy needed to actually "fool" pilots flying at speed... Recall some of the crude stuff from WWII...
  20. Motherboards... The best for $$

    I don't think I'll need RAID. I wouldn't need Crossfire because I will stick with NVidia video cards. SF isn't set up to use SLI, so that isn't a priority, but might be nice for other games.
  21. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    Dave was RIGHT!!!11!!11!!!1
  22. Major Lee's Aerodrome

    Kidding aside, Dave's advice really saved this one.
  23. Are you ready for digital TV?

    SEVEN??? You had seven? When I was a kid, we got four: NBC, ABC, CBS and PBS, which was new at the time. It was all free, because it sucked.
  24. The Loss of a Veteran


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