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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Happy new year.

    Happy New Year!
  2. Level bombing? In a Lancaster? I'm a fighter kind of guy, not a pilot of one of the ugliest aircraft of WWII...
  3. Bombing challenge? Are you making this up?
  4. Point aircraft nose at target, mentally judge aircraft speed, dive angle, slipping, crosswinds and arc of trajectory of weapon, pull trigger... Observe impact. Move rudder and stick to adjust fire, pull trigger. Easy.
  5. Back To the USAF Museum

    Dave, you ever make it back to Michigan?
  6. The Life of Major Lee

    Needing work on social dancing skills in preparation for the New Years Eve party, I sought the guidance of a skilled dance instructor... Dance Instructor If only I can gain half of the flair and style of this fellow, I should be quite smashing at the party! :yes:
  7. On a Good Note.....

    Happy Birthday to a pair of very cute young ladies! What a wonderful family you have Dave! :yes:
  8. new computer innards

    SF games are not SLI enabled... http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...p;highlight=sli
  9. I want my XP Back

    Well, as I consider a new machine, I saw the space requirements for Vista... 15GB! That is TEN times the space needed for XP @ 1.5GB... What is MS doing that they need to take up another 13.5GB??? All that to have transparent menus? No thanks... I'll get Vista when TK makes SF DX10 compatible...
  10. I wonder if it is Russian, flying from a secret mountain base north of the Kamchatka Peninsula...
  11. Width and height are in kilometers and the TE will make rectangular flat areas. Be sure to use the "smooth terrain" command afterwards...
  12. Snoodagrass.jpg

    I've seen Dale fly... that shot is a bit high for him...
  13. Why would one "fly" a simulation when the real thing is available? I am truly baffled at this..
  14. Which ini? Most are very straightforward affairs...
  15. Just look down... You'll see them. As for particular versions, I'll take the P-47N and F-86H.
  16. 6. Some modders will help people 7. Some modders will help other modders make new stuff for the SF community. Let's all get back to work...
  17. I Passed......

    Guys, you are looking at the future of the Air Force; Chief Master Sergeant Slavens! I hope you'll have time for us ordinary folks when you're at the top looking down... I know it's a ways off, but your future is inevitable...
  18. I Passed......

    Congratulations Dave! I knew you would pass!
  19. Interesting photo

    What a trio! :yes: Thanks for posting this gem... ML
  20. As you know, I am beginning work on DBS 2.0. There are a few who have already made contributions to the new project. CA_Stary has already made an Alaskan lighthouse, as well as previews of some awesome buildings! Capun has delivered two static aircraft that fit into the 1961-62 theme of the Bering Straits. Fracture has just posted his billboard series. Julhelm has posted a preview of a nuke plant. Lots more to do and build.. 3D work, terrain tile work, target INIs... lots of work to go around... If you are interested in joining a more co-ordinated effort to build DBS-2, please post below. I will see if we can get a private forum set up here at CA.... Below is the map I will be using for DBS2. I will post a marked up version in the next few days along with details of target areas... Anyone want to join for one project?
  21. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Islam is now on the "religious right"?
  22. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Some of the commentary below the article is truly naive and utterly illogical...
  23. NOTICE of COMMENCEMENT: Danger! Bering Straits 2.0 For those who may wish to contribute, please consider this post to be your semi-formal agreement to contribute to the DBS-2.0 project. This will be a community effort and will not be worth doing without lots of help. If you wish to make contributions, please list your areas of expertise and an affirmation of intent... Access to the private DBS forum will commence this weekend.... (Much thanks to USAFMTL for the new forum!!) This post notes some of the things I need to see for DBS2. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23807# I also need some terrain tile dirt painters... I want thank those who have already made contributions to the new effort, Capun and CA_Stary. Fracture and Russo, I believe, aren't far behind. I also want to thank those who made things for the original DBS: Polak and Russo come to mind, but there were many others, so many others... Please sign up for DBS 2 below... This list is not all inclusive, but will get us moving along. Here are some of the skills useful for the project... 3D Objects Aircraft SKins Objects Skins Terrain Tiles for base set Terrain Tiles for season switching Target and INI work Beta Testing and Realism Mission and Campaign design Thanks! ML...
  24. We can be positive without all this touchee-feelee-huggeee stuff... OK, one hug, but make it quick... and watch the hands! We have work to do...
  25. I recently received this email... Dear owner of majorleesaerodrome.net, I noticeded that your domain "majorleesaerodrome.net" expires in a few weeks, which means that it is going to be publicly available soon. I'd like to buy this domain name before it expires. I assume that you are not interested in keeping it for yourself. I can buy this domain for $60 plus any renewal related expenses. What do you think? Stan ..... $60? Whooo Hoooo! What do I think? Large quantities of low quality drugs have affected his mind....

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