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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. CA_Stary, judging by Treepoint, you are "IN"! Hopefully a secure meeting place can be arranged soon where we can sort out details about who is doing what and assign tasks...
  2. Oh sure, Typhoid, as if you know anything about the Bering Straits and northern Pacific... :umnik2: Just 'cause you flew there in the Navy... Glad to have you aboard! :yes: ML
  3. I know stuff... :yu: I tried to get icebergs for DBS1, but couldn't get any completed... They are on my list of desired objects for DBS2...
  4. Fracture, that's cool... A little shorter in the legs and a sequential series, and they'll be perfect. Thanks! ML
  5. SH4 Screenshots

    This sucks... A classic sunrise... A busy port... Betrayed by the Moon...
  6. DIdn't see post #35 on the 2nd page? Anyway, wonders will happen happen without the object placer... Modders are two things: resourceful and persistent.
  7. To My Friends In The Army

    Glad I don't spend my time with sports... 38 - 3? Who was Navy playing, the Army cheerleaders? :close_tema:
  8. Debug mode in the HUDdata.ini has an excellent pointer and gives co-ordinates already within game. That said, the overlay ruler idea does have physical appeal. Perhaps a larger grid pattern? You may have something here! :yes:
  9. OH? Know any programing majors at University? Object placer should be able to do the following: 1: Read all objects within the terrain folder. A: Validate objects by finding object ini and lod files 2: Display in a list within the Utility, all objects from Step 1 3: Read all target areas within the utility A: Display as a list within the Utility, all target areas from Step 2 4: Display a selected target area from 3A. 5: Allow placement of objects from Step 2 onto the target area displayed in Step 4. A: Allow viewing of overhead placement of object within the target area. B: Write / re-write target ini as objects are placed onto target area. Simple, for a skilled programmer...
  10. Yes, I agree: update on the fly in a stand-alone object placement application would be a dream come true and an incredible time saver... *sigh*
  11. TK has talked about an object placer but has not released anything. He has also said that because SF is so open, it would not be that difficult for a programmer to write such a tool... Until then, we always have the old fashioned way... :dirol:
  12. Well, making a large city without the 3D models will be impossible. If models are built, making tiles to set them on, and placing the buildings, will merely be tedious... There are a handful of people who could effectively produce the organization and design... Of course, with Google Earth, we have great imagery for guidance.
  13. Not sure where I could put the skyscraper, but if there was a series of buildings, that would be helpful. I am sure we could fit in a large city somewhere in SF...
  14. What is this circular installation on the the NW corner of Elmendorf AFB? (Yes, Elmendorf, disregard the Eielson tags...)
  15. DBS-2 is going to be very interesting... :yes:
  16. Tokyo Bay and Godzilla is on the loose?
  17. Well, if the Soviets operated them, I will need to include a couple installations in DBS2...
  18. Where does it all come from?

    I received this little gem the other day... Sure, I have a Barclay's account... Read this carefully; what would your high school english teacher say about the grammar? The link has been deactivated... ============================================================================= Dear Sir/Madam, Barclays Bank PLC. always look forward for the high security of our clients. During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your account information.This might be due to either of the following reasons: 1. A recent change in your personal information. 2. Submitting invalid information during the initial sign in process. Due to this, you are requested to please update and verify your information by clicking the link below: https://update.barclays.co.uk/olb/p/LoginMember.do *Important* We have asked few additional information which is going to be the part of secure login process. These additional information will be asked during your future login security so, please provide all these info completely and correctly otherwise due to security reasons we may have to close your account temporarily. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. J. S. Smith Security Advisor Barclays Bank PLC.
  19. DEW line? Elephant Cage? Stationed there? Can you get pictures? This stuff, as you know, is highly relevant to DBS-2.0... :yes: Meaning of "HF DF" = ?
  20. To My Friends In The Army

    I think we will find that the Navy is going to be all wet on this one...
  21. WOW! SF has a real estate developer!
  22. For that, I can wait... Very nice work indeed!
  23. CA_Stary, what do say? Do you have these imported into SF yet? I would like to place these into a map...
  24. Viggen, if you can make those buildings, I will place them in a city... Send them over.
  25. We also need the "flat" style 150 and 215 gallon drop tanks for the P-47... I'll post pics later...

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