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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. ATT...

    or just bombastic...
  2. Someone post a few screenshots if you can today...
  3. Any History about CA?

    Yeah Dave, I'm all ears... I gotta hear this one!
  4. TA-4J

    Very nice... :yes:
  5. ATT...

    The DSL I have is only $24 per month. Cable is something we decided was not on our priority list. We have too much to do, even without it. Compared to the cost of cable along with everything we didn't want that comes with it, it just does not seem like a good value... If/when we can get cable carte blanche, we will give money for what we want, just like any other product or service.
  6. ATT...

    Compared to dial-up... oh man... I might even be able to fly online :yu:
  7. ATT...

    DSL is so much better than dial-up
  8. There's that sign that I wanted, Wrench... I know you got it... Ship it dude! Please....
  9. Full version at CDW... http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=1080708
  10. That's interesting Wrench, an automatic for Russian roulette... just as long as the other guy goes first...
  11. What?

    The E ring where the plane crashed had recently been updated with various ballistic protections in the walls and windows shortly before 9/11... It could have been much worse there...
  12. Target placement is easy, once you learn to see and think in XY co-ordinates...
  13. Use the Thirdwire Terrain Editor... Import a DEM and export an HFD/TFD... No bruising required
  14. That's cool Dave... Send it over, runway cleared...
  15. Your thoughts

    It is truly amazing how time goes by... Brandon has served just over four years... He will be home Nov 8th... From 18 year old kid to decorated combat vet in just four years, yeah, amazing :yes:
  16. Your thoughts

    Nothing wrong with a young person getting college money from military service. Just be sure to take a couple of history classes before you join so you know what the military actually does when deployed... My son is getting a nice pile of school money from his service in the US Army. It was paid for in Afghanistan and Iraq, and sealed with that purple medal on top... Brandon gets out in a few days and starts school in January at Grand Valley University
  17. So what's going on here...

    Wake turbulence testing? Look at the attitudes of the planes... Might be getting rough in proximity to the large aircraft...
  18. Thanks for the replies to the first survey. Since the majority indicate that they would pay for aircraft, what aircraft would you actually buy? There are so many that have been done, but the quality and completeness does vary a bit. Myself, I would like to see a high level P-47D/M/N series, along with a fictional combat version of the XP-72. I would like to see a companion/antagonist set of the FW190A/D to match. (We currently have a very fine P-47N from Russo, but it does need a proper cockpit) For jets, I really need to see the F-86H. So, please answer the following questions below... 1: What would you pay-to-fly? 2: As for terrains, where/when would you pay to see in the SF series?
  19. Which planes? "Reasonable" for one person might be very different from someone else; it's how badly one wants the item in question. There are some planes I would pay $10 to $20, but precious few for which I would pay more... However, I would pay, if it were available... The high availability of variant aircraft from the free modders makes paying that much more difficult in the SF community.
  20. Those are awful pics, Wrench, just awful...
  21. Recent discussion at the Thirdwire forum http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4701 begs the question: "What add-ons would you actually part with cash to have?"
  22. Thanks for the responses, please see part 2...
  23. Does anyone recall who made the sign post 3D object in these pictures? ( I did the graphic on them and Geo made the moose.) I need to get the sign again as I lost them back when my HD crashed...
  24. Season Screenshots

    No, it's only on the new Cambrai map...

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