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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. I believe TK has a great understanding of online community dynamics. Whether royalties are being paid or not, is not anyone's business except for TK and the modder. I think it is far more important for modders to earn a few $$$ for their mods than to stop making them. Payware or Noware? What if that were the choice? I much prefer the SF world with Edward making terrain tiles than without... I would rather have more people flying in the SF world, not fewer. I would love to pay for a certain aircraft...
  2. Red Flag Alaska

    Yes, lots of pictures of Alaska...
  3. Found this pic this morning on Defenselink.mil http://www.defenselink.mil/dodcmsshare/hom...-N-8591-066.jpg WOW!
  4. St Pauli Girl...

    Not the beer, the pics of the girl...
  5. anyone playing SH4?

    Game play is highly similar to the old DOS SH. Graphics are really cool! Free camera allows for some awesome screenshots... There are some bugs, but it is similar to any modern sim, in that it was released before it was actually "done"... Still, it is a blast to play, bugs and all... :yes: I will try to post some screenshots later this week...
  6. Anyone working on the FW-190 "D" series for Strike Fighters? This would make a great addition to the WWII collection... :yes:
  7. Very nice work! Would it be ok to include your buildings as part of a terrain package? Keep up the good work! :yes: ML...
  8. Well, here is a preview of my low-vis 2/JG3 skin. Thanks to Wrench for his PSD file and Wolf for the 109... Anyone interested in hacking an INI for the high altitude engine? A new mainscreen, for the Jug lovers out there... Coming soon, along with a few other things...
  9. Well, a clever terrain guy could make a nice harbor setup, provided an equally clever 3D guy made some cool docking facilities.... :yes: One could make a veritable air port on the water...
  10. How's this? Will add more grime and yuck... Markings look ok?
  11. Anyone planning on an F-20 Tigershark for the SF? Would make a great "mercenary" or allied nation fighter... I once read that it was the "best fighter the Air Force never bought"... http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-20.htm
  12. Highly detailed information here: http://www.littlefriends.co.uk/ One of my favorite sites....
  13. Markings are all decals... I have the blockshrifft (sp?) font for the numbers. This will be a complete set of stab markings and staffel numbers... thanks for the tip on the seat...
  14. Very cool Kevin!!!!11!!! ML
  15. Select an alternate directory for installation... SF installs quite readily into new folders... I must have eight or ten SF installs... Got to clean a few old ones out...
  16. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    Perhaps that is typical of the younger set... Just wanting action and not tactics or strategy...
  17. Gaming computer prices

    Wow, that was subtle...
  18. Does anyone have a "refined" panel line layer for wolf's BF109G10? Thanks in advance... ML
  19. JSF_Aggie has graciously made an entire update for Danger! Bering Straits, which brings DBS iup to service pack four standards. This update also allows the use of WOE or WOV as the base sim for DBS installation. Find it at the Aerodrome... http://www.majorleesaerodrome.net Thanks Aggie!!! ML...
  20. Thanks! Always open to learn new things! You are correct... ML...
  21. Great Comic Quotes

    "My Uncle taught me that... He don't grow corn either"...
  22. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Shame and sadness spill from my breaking heart as I realize the depth of my shallowness... My priorities are pathetically out of order... :black eye:
  23. Blue Angel crash

    As the suit inflates and deflates, it causes motion, ever so slight motion, that moves the pilot about... just enough to interfere with smooth stick work... Smooth is the key in tight flying....
  24. Is C5 going the way of CA?


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