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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Memorial Day

    It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion; It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press; It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech; It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble; It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial; It is the VETERAN, not the politician, who has given us the right to vote; It is the VETERAN, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag. Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, Lt. Col. USMC
  2. Just got back from surgery and....

    and Combatace is back in business!! YEEEHAAAWWWW Great job to whoever flipped the reset switch!
  3. Full Mods

    Luftwaffe "Tip and Run" Raiders of 1942; 109s and 190s targeting SE England from France *Hi-fi local terrain, some E boats, a couple of flying boats, some good ground targeting... Need good Spit MkXII 1944 - 45 Tactical War Over Europe; tactical air 9th AF and others, D-Day to VE Day * Need Hi-fi P-47D23 and D25/26/28 variants, Hi-fi Tempest and Typhoon, Late Model Spits. *Broader terrain, but would need good target areas, towns like Bastogne, Metz, Njimegen come to mind. France, Belgium, Holland, Northern Germany...
  4. Always used EVGA brand NVidia cards and usually purchase them from Newegg.com ... Always had fine performance with that combination.
  5. What a sad future for SF series... I was with SFP1 at the start (before WallyWorld release), but grew disillusioned long ago. I had hopes that game play would at least match EAW 1.4, but that never really happened. In EAW, you would at least get different missions occuring at the same time (at least some of the time). This added greatly to the immersion factor. Granted, SF does send a neat force package out, but that is still less than EAW. The lack of proper AI behavior for WWII heavy and medium bombers really killed SF for me. Seeing twin and four engine bombers go flitting away like individual drunken ballerinas after one firing pass was just sad. I have never had a huge passion for late gen jets; early jets (gen 1 and 2) are cool for me, but I really love the WWII prop stuff. How tough would it be for TW to release their P51 and Spits for DLC? As for the terrain, I found out early on the joys of working with the TE... Some expanded parameters and the basic terrain could be much better, but the new terrain engine, well, I'm just speechless over SFNA's "islands"... Now you must have MAX and be a skilled 3D guy just to make a terrain? Whatever... How much would it cost to fix the TE bug of not drawing the invisible mountains that rise above a solid overcast? I guess that is not worth it. For the record, I don't own a tablet and won't be anytime in the foreseeable future, so buying an SF mobile app isn't going to happen here. Hell, I haven't even bought SF2 because I held off installing Windows7. (I recently installed Wi7 on a new HDD) So, do I buy SF2 now? I guess I might get SF2 WOE, but I would probably just try to add WWII stuff and be dissappointed. Anyone know a good WWII ETO flight sim? (replies of EAW will result in a very ugly release of eels... ) Anyway, SF has lots of good features, but the growing distance between TK and a group that has loyally been supporting his efforts is a bit discouraging.
  6. Back up

    You the MAN!!!
  7. Just got back from surgery and....

    Minor outpatient stuff on my right foot, nothing life threatening of any sort... Just cleaning up a bit of bursitis and a cyst... I got pills, I'm good... Thanks, but really glad CA is back up! ML
  8. Another Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!!
  9. A break from the normal trade

    Nice shots there, thanks! That F-86 shot looks like a great foundation for a main screen or loading screen... Assuming your group would allow such usage...
  10. A break from the normal trade

    Air Capital Images? And when/where can we see your online gallery???
  11. A break from the normal trade

    WOW! What a great shot!
  12. Victory In Europe Day

  13. Tigers Game

    I'll be there sometime this summer too... My work is having a company recreation event to see the Tigers... Several Tiger and baseball fans at my work; too bad I'm not one of them Not sure what date yet...
  14. Happy Birthday to Column5 and Crab_02!

    Happy Birthday to two True SF Cornerstones ® ! I hope it was a great day!!
  15. Happy Birthday to...

    Happy Birthday!
  16. Happy Birthday to....

    Thanks Gentlemen! It was a great day; birthday supper out with the wife at a favorite Chinese joint. I definitely got down on a platter of Mongolian Beef... She got me a copy of Win7Pro.64 and a 1TB HDD to install it on. I suppose now I'll need to find a new flight sim to fly? Any suggestions?
  17. Planes That Look Alike

    Bf109 and Ki61... Oh yes, the Hughes H1 racer and the early Fw190... especially viewed from head on.
  18. Buried Spitfires in Burma!

    Well, that figures, oh well, the warbirds the better!
  19. Buried Spitfires in Burma!

    This is just unbelievable! Buried Spitfires in shipping crates soon to be unearthed... What a find!! http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/04/19/buried-treasure-in-burma-squadron-lost-wwii-spitfires-to-be-exhumed/?intcmp=features
  20. 70 years ago

    These men were bad before bad meant great...
  21. Russo or BigBeer had made one many years ago... I may have at home somewhere... From the old Falklands map beta...
  22. Whatever became of Colditz Castle?

    http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/04/09/nazi-prison-transformed-into-tourist-hotel/?test=latestnews Apparently a sort of spartan zimmerfrei...
  23. Prayers and Positive Thoughts....

    Hi all, I am requesting Prayers and Positive Thoughts for my wife of five years, Jeanine. She is having surgery Tuesday the 10th... She will be in the O.R. about 0800 and should take 2-3 hours... Nothing life threatening underlying, just the risks of surgery. So, if you are so inclined, please pray for Jeanine, her medical team, and for me to be strong for her. thanks! ML.
  24. Laid off yet again

    I sincerely hope you find what you need and soon. My best wishes for you. ML.

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