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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Currency Watchers: Euro

    Wonderful discussion, great comments and diverse points of view. Always interesting to hear people who are directly affected by events, rather than just what we can glean on this side of the pond... Thanks! ML.
  2. Currency Watchers: Euro

    Thanks Gepard. I do not wish to see a crash or revert to old currencies. Just wondering about value range... I see historical support at 1.30 or so... thanks! ML.
  3. Currency Watchers: Euro

    The Mark was nearly 4 to 1 when I was there, so many years ago... I hope to get back someday soon...
  4. Currency Watchers: Euro

    I wonder when... Probably in "two weeks"....
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/01/flight-from-us-makes-crash-landing-in-poland/ Smooth.... WOW! Great job.
  6. Scooters.

    Thanks for posting these shots. Last time I saw a scooter in flight was waaayyy back when the Blue Angels flew them...
  7. The Mk XII, along with 91sq at Hawkinge...
  8. Sick as a Dog....

    The med stations are going to be overwhelmed with male patients who are, uh, overwhelmed by the nurses who are, uh, overwhelming... Get well soon Dave!
  9. RIP Dan Wheldon

    Thanks Dan, for all the laps... You will be missed.
  10. They're coming to get you Barbara... er, uh, Wrench...
  11. Tigers Beat Yankees!

    Wow! Michigan teams are winning! The Lions beat Dallas and the Tigers beat the Yankees in their own stadium... Maybe the world can get better...
  12. Another Great Ace passes away...

    Kenneth Dahlberg has passed away (DFC, DSC, SS, PH)... 14-1/2 victories with the 354FG flying the P47 and P-51... Miracle Ear hearing aid developer and the cash behind Buffalo Wild Wings... Even a role in Watergate... A Real American Hero! http://kendahlberg.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_H._Dahlberg http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/05/ap/business/main20116407.shtml http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/minn-businessman-kenneth-dahlberg-wwii-ace-and-inadvertent-watergate-figure-dies-at-94/2011/10/05/gIQAO86iOL_story.html
  13. Photography tips?

    Camera stability is important. Even a basic tripod or monopod will help.
  14. Happy Birthday Brain32!

    Happy Birthday Brain! I hope it's a great day!
  15. Don't you just hate it when he's right?
  16. Happy Birthday FalconC45

    Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great day!
  17. Happy Birthday wpnssgt

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Which song makes you move?

    Falco... The Sound of Musik... Great sounds and a beautiful place to make a video!
  19. In an early version of DBS, I had made hm files with random bumps.. Ships rose and fell as if riding waves, and even the wake would vary with the ships movement... Don't know if "modern" SF will do that..
  20. Well, well ... look at all the birthdays today!

    Happy Birthday to all!

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