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Everything posted by SupGen

  1. How much do we know about the EARLY_WARNING mission in single missions? I know it's not an option for player flyables; I just want the mission to generate; in other words, for the aircraft to be on the map, doing it's job. An alternative title for this thread was, "What's the E-2C got that other AEW aircraft don't got"? I've got both a DAT EC-121K (NAVY) and RC-121D (AIR FORCE) in the game; added the E-2C DetectSystem statements to the Data.inis and tried both with the stock avionics (Avionics60.DLL and a ground mapping radar), the EasyAvionics from the E-767 uploaded recently, and Avionics70.DLL and a modified F-15 radar. If NavalMap is true and it's after the E-2Cs start date I always get an E-2C AEW mission; whether NavalMap is true or false, no matter what the start date, I sometimes get one of the 121s as a NAVAL_SEARCH mission but never as AEW. Anyone got any ideas?
  2. Okey doke, I'll have to be patient.
  3. Ic, you can't rename the .EXE; you've got to make a copy of it and rename that. It's freezing because you no longer have a game called StrikeFighters2/Vietnam on your computer.
  4. Do they show up as EARLY_WARNING missions?
  5. Thank you DA! I was just about to make the same mistake.
  6. What did you change the skin names to? I think they should be AA-6.bmp.
  7. Yeah, my favorite target, too.
  8. Found the thread I was looking for : http://combatace.com...__+afterburners .Check it out. Spool I forgot to mention, you'll find that .ini in your Effects folder.
  9. Well, it's definitely that line...just not that file! The Superpack contains three AfterburnerEmitter .inis, however only one is used; F100PW_BURNEREMITTER.INI. If you open that file you'll see that LightRange=500.0, reduce that as I said in the above post and you're all set. Of course, you can play with it and set it where you like. I thought I had read about this in the KB, but I just looked and couldn't find it; it had to do with Afterburner Effects carried over from SF1. I guess there's still a few hiding out there.
  10. Search "refueling" in the forums here; you'll see it's the (unattainable) Holy Grail. People have been asking TK for this forever; ain't happenin'.
  11. Bravo! Bravo! Well earned! :drinks:
  12. I think it's this line in the F14BAFTERBURNEREMITTER.ini: LightRange=200.0. I think it's got to be reduced, pretty drastically, IIRC; like LightRange=5.0. It's in the KB, someplace.
  13. Look in your Flight folder for an .ini called HUDDATA.ini. Open it, at the very it probably says DisplayDebug=TRUE. Change it to read DisplayDebug=FALSE.
  14. Wrench, you may think making decals is nothing, in about 15,000 posts I'll probably think the same thing. In the meantime, I'm goin' down to the river to keep an eye on it. Edit: Yeah, it's the stock skin; that's still beyond me!
  15. Now, if we could refuel, that would be something. And no, sadly, it doesn't work for drop tanks.
  16. May be gettin' the hang of making decals after all.
  17. Read the Knowledge Base (both series). You'll find stuff like this: http://combatace.com/topic/46471-re-arming-while-on-a-mission/
  18. What do ya think would happen if you dropped an SF2 Control.ini into FE2?
  19. Just kidding, Spinners. It just sounded like the start of an ad. Only joking.
  20. I,m going with Soulfreak and macelena on this one. North Atlantic isn't the best starter...it only has two player flyables and kinda of a limited tactical/operational scenario. SF2 Vietnam comes with a bunch of flyables including most of the aircraft that come to mind when you think of the mid-cold war era: F-4s, F-8s, A-7s, etc. It also has a great Air and Ground War Expansion Pack available here. As mac said, it also provides a better base to merge NA with (if those were the only two you had) and you can add the others as you go. I think SF2 Vietnam (merged with NA if you've got the coin) provides the broadest introduction to what the series has to offer.
  21. First I was sucked into the WW2 propwash http://combatace.com/topic/77093-sucked-into-the-prop-wash/ by the sound of a Pratt and Whitney Wasp; now I'm being sucked into the WW1 propwash by the sound of a Rhone! I've had FE2 forever; just never got into it. Now I've added Jan Tumas' Tiles and a few aircraft, his terrain mod is fricken' awesome! The terrain actually looks alive. I've got Ojcar's Armchair Aces but haven't added it yet. As if I didn't have enough time before! Well, just thought I'd check in as a new stringbag pilot; one more thing: How do you see out of these things? I thought visibility out of a Deuce was bad!
  22. I've just heard from one who knows that those things are there; just not called out in the Default Control.ini. Could be why they work on autopilot. Very interesting. I'll have to try some verification.
  23. Icarus, the Soviet CBGs will not show up by default, but you can create them with the Mission Editor and target them with your Strike mission.

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