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Everything posted by UllyB

  1. LOOOL Yeah, I know what you mean. When the installer kicks in without telling you anything it's very annoying, I give you that. Usually, because I learnt the lesson, if, in that day, I wanna do something on my pc, which is a time consumer, I look into task manager after my pc started to see if Microsoft is showing its ugly face on its columns. If the coast is clear I go on to my business, if not I let it do its job and go into town for a few good hours. LOOOL
  2. No, I didn't. I said in the beginning that there will be no cockpit for the moment. Being a "demo" (test pack) it was intutitive that it will need a substitute cockpit which everyone can pick. So no big deal here. Problem solved. I'll take notes of all your observations. Carry on! PS - the cockpit to which that line in cockpit.ini file sends (F/A-18) it was just used for our tests, that's all.
  3. Ladiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies and Gentlemen !!! ( continuous and annoying drum rols!) Here's the pack for you delight tasting ! Oops, I said tasting ? Well, you all know it was testing :) Don't by shy, be wild and rip it apart, take it for a spin in your virtual skies and, (whispering) in two weeks , here, at the same hour and place, you let me know what you think, will you ? PS - I won't spoil it telling you here what version it is, I let this surprise for you to unwrap it home, when you will open it ;) Test pack.7z
  4. Well, it's not a good choice. Sometimes, programmers implement updated frameworks for their software and you NEED the updates if you want to run the program. Even for games you need updates for Windows. So...yes , apparently one would like to get rid of those pesky updates and that insolent Microsoft intrusion , which I hate it, by the way, but at the end of the day you need them ;)
  5. Two displays...? Hmmm I never thought you are so greedy LOL
  6. well in this case the cause is that you don't have some files you should have (for the campaign) or if you tried to change some things there to suit your needs perhaps you fucked up the installation in the process. I suspect the first one. I give you an example: if you use planes that need a LARGE airstrip and you have none on that terrain, the game will crash. Got the picture ? There are some things you could do: - try install again that campaign. read carefully the README file , the author included, maybe you missed there something (you should have done something you forgot to do in order tha campaign to work, maybe you needed some planes to copy in some folder you forgot to do, or you should have brought the 3D LOD of some planes) - try install it on other pc, try a desktop is my suggestion. If there work, you will know for sure that is something wrong with your laptop, maybe even the Windows. My money is on you don't have some files in it and that is why is crashing. Did you do any changes, AFTER you installed the campaign ?
  7. If you want help let us know your computer configuration. You are not playing it on a laptop with graphics card emulating it , are you ? :)
  8. "moving shadow" ? :) What's a "moving shadow" ? Some technicalities: there's no such thing. It's dynamic shadows, if any, and it must be included in game's graphics engine.
  9. It certainly runs on Win 10 x64 ! My installation is for years and never had a problem runing it on Win 10. If it doesn't work it's not the OS, it's your configuration, there I think you should start searching. Win 10 has the same NT core as Win 7, that is why is running without issue.
  10. A nice lesson Mue ! Maybe Kevin will stick it into the KB. Thx
  11. I will commence the upload Saturday , to give some time for people to learn about the event. Thank you and stay tuned for Saturday.
  12. Ladies and gentlemen! Our community most wanted entered (the FCK-1 for who reads the first time this thread) into its upper test phases. We thought it might be a good idea and a nice surprise for you, to let YOU (yes, you heard well, and yes, you are welcome! LOL), all, test a plane version. What we ask from you is to test it and let us know what you think of it so far and we embrace any constructive critics from you or ideas/suggestions you might have, to improve the model. The testing phase will last for two weeks, period after we would love to hear your input. Thank you all! Stay tuned and ready ;)
  13. Some more WIP for B/D model. The meshes work mostly finished.
  14. Good to know Kevin ;), thx
  15. As Gepard mentioned if you have this expansion , you CAN fly over Sinai. If you meant single player (random) missions , in a way, it make sense to be more missions around Israel. If you want to have missions over Sinai I suggest to try the two stock campaings (1967 Six days war and 1973 Yom Kipur war). There is a third custom campaign, the Attrition war campaign (period between 1967 and 1973) with lots of mission in all those years. I remember I played all of them, long time ago in SF1 series, but they can be very easily adjusted to SF2 environment. Just take a look to MIGBuster tutorials in Basic Knowledge section. If you will not manage to do all the heavy lifting in order to achieve your goal, just PM me and I will help. PS - I think there is even a fourth custom campaign (Lebanon 1982 war) if you want to play more as an Israel pilot. Good luck! PPS - You can also try Wrench's Israel2 terrain, adapted for SF2, with lots of random single player missions and lots of targets. You won't be disappointed, I assure you.
  16. All modders here deserve at least a Hall of Fame.
  17. Which expansion is about (I forgot their order) ?
  18. Our 3D Max operator, Logan4 is fiddling with the shapes of the "B" model and tries to keep the model as accurate as FCK-1 "B" model close ups pictures we've got.
  19. Real life problem

    Hello friend! I am really sorry to hear about your brother M., please accept my sympathy. May God have mercy of his soul!
  20. We started work on the C model as well adding supplementary pylons and correcting/adjusting model data as necessary.
  21. I think you've missed that: " For now I can let you know that we will have four FCK-1 versions (yes, two seat version included, and, yes, you are welcome). Logan4 already corrected the FCK-1 3D model we have, there were some issues with it.(See the pictures included to compare some changes). As soon as we will have the UV mapping, for both models, we will start the work for some skins which will go nicely with them. We also found a better model for SU-34 than the built one we had, and we will bring it soon before commencing the work to SU-34 project effectively. "

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