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About SgtSaunders

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  • Interests
    - Flight Simulation.
    - Military Aviation.
    - Call Of Duty All Series.
    - Medal Of Honor All Series.
    - Battlefield All Series.
  1. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Best Option contratar una Cloud para subir los archivos mas importantes de la Pc, como documentos importantes y demas y la otra es tener un disco externo de backup por las dudas y lamento torno todo tu trabajo con tanto esfuerzo y horas de trabajo good bye :( Mod Malvinas Remasterizado
  2. I have the model of the Boeing 707 (credit to the creator of the model and thanks to CA), with the help that daddyairplanes always gives me, he made some modifications to the paint and I was in charge of placing the decals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boeing 707 models 707-387B Argentine Air Force In 1971 they formed part of Air Transport Group 1 (G1TA) belonging to the II Air Transport Squadron (I Air Brigade, El Palomar, Bs.As) such as TC-91, TC-92, TC-93, TC-94 until December of the year 1981. During the South Atlantic Conflict, the Air Transport Command was reactivated. Since 1982, they were part of Group 1 of Air Transport (G1TA) belonging to the V Air Transport Squadron (I Air Brigade, El Palomar, Bs.As) until his retirement In the year 1983 TC-95 and TC-96 are incorporated, both were models 707-387B already counting 6 Boeing models 707-387B. After the last two incorporations of Boeing 707's changed their name to T-95 and T-96 and they comprised of the Group 1 of Aerial Transport (G1TA) 1991 pertaining to the Squadron V - 1 Group AirPhotographic (II Air Brigade, Paraná, Entre Ríos) until his retirement, is what is said.
  3. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    Eagle114th thank you very much for sharing the installation mode of Jane's USAF + Super Pro 9.4
  4. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    ok np and thanks, I will wait for some help in the forum or I will look for some info about it
  5. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    Hi ragnarokryan I need your help on how to install Super Pro 9.4 I have the iso of the Jane's USAF flight simulator and I have no idea how to install the game and then the Mod, if you tell me the installation steps I would be very grateful from now on Thank you
  6. Del's We need a C-130J cockpit upgrade and a C-130H if possible as it takes too long to make a new one, thanks in advance and waiting for the L-100-30 model
  7. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Si podria entre todos los que son modders con su permiso de prestar sus modelos que ya tienen o estan haciendo alguna modificacion, hacer algunas mejoras tambien en el terreno en el Sur del continente Argentino e Islas Malvinas-Falkland con sus bases aereas por parte de la Fuerza Aerea, Armada, Ejercito Argentino, y la Fuerza Naval y militar Britanica (buques, submarinos, objetivos terrestre e aereo) estaria muy bueno la idea de un ModMalvinas-Falkland (mejorado) remasterizado 2021 mas si esta la idea del SF2 mejorado para Windows 10.Torno con tus modelos mejorados que estoy viendo estoy con el Hype.
  8. Some capture of the Herks, from the Argentine Air Force in the early 80's with the decals you sent me, daddyairplanes Ps Thanks to Dels for his model and templates
  9. Correction instead of putting IA-58 Pucara I put IA-63 Pampa sorry for the mistake
  10. In the photo that describes daddyairplanes that KC-130H has a black patch on the side, it is a Pucara AI-63, that photo was taken at the request of the FAA public relations department, it is not known whether it is before or after from the 1982 War. In the C-130's that flew in Malvinas were the patches C-130 Squadron, 1st El Palomar Air Brigade, the Antarctic Sector and lastly in some C-130 FAA there was the 1st Brigade Technical Group 1 patch. It is worth noting that some C-130s had 3 or 4 patches. Then there is a photo with the Batman patch I tell you that photo belongs to the first crew of SQUADRON I that flew to the PERSIC GULF (DESERT STORM OPERATION) and carried out peace missions in the conflict zone evacuating the Argentines who lived in the region and taking them to Pisa (Italy), where, if I remember correctly, the UN command (Blue Helmets) had a seat Actually, the TC-69 left EZE on January 10, 1991 carrying an Alouette (ARA) helicopter for one of the Argentine frigates that were carrying out the blockade in the Gulf, since the one that was part of the crew of one of the frigates had been taken out of service. The final destination of that first flight was Fujairah (Saudi Arabia), but once they arrived in the conflict zone they were affected by the missions assigned by the Foreign Ministry in order to evacuate Argentines. So the TC-69 returns to Palomar on the 14th. March of that year, having carried out four penetrations in the air zone of war activity within all assigned missions. The reason for the "BATMAN" was that they usually flew at night, which was already considered bats ...
  11. I was using the Dels templates, the C-130's that the Argentine Air Force bought with a Southeast Asian type paint scheme in the early 70's 3 C-130E models whose numbers are TC-61 to TC-63, then 4 C-130H whose numbering TC-64 to TC-68 and later the 2 only models KC-130H numbering TC-69 and TC-70. I have the textureset.ini of the 2 models H and KC. The E version only changes the color of the decals in black and the belly in gray FS36622 nothing else. If you want I can make version E if you feel like it I would be needing all the decals of the E models are their corresponding number, the same as the H models and finally the KC model.
  12. daddyairplanes Look, I have this skin made by me, it is the faithful copy of the color with its respective patch and decals of the C-130 that flew in Malvinas-Falkland, the only thing that would change is to use your decals using my skin and the model would be excellent. of course if you agree. If you look closely, the only problem is that the edges of the wings protrude the camo and I can't find a way to paint everything the same color under the wing and this bothers me too much. There I leave a screenshot. Cheers
  13. daddyairplanes The yellow ribbons were used during the conflict in the South Atlantic (Malvinas-Falklands War) 1982 was to distinguish the planes against the enemies, very similar to what their use in WW2 Operation Overlord the aircraft had the ribbons painted black on the wings and tails. With respect to the C-130 you need to change the color of the belly to light blue, excellent work on the skin
  14. RIP Chuck Yeager

    RIP & Godspeed Brigadier General (Ret.USAF) Chuck Yeager

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