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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Thanks guys just wondering
  2. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Is the United States in this
  3. Hi i was wondering if u can have sams fire at u if ur at the range i get some machine gun fire thats about it any help
  4. I installed my wings over europe to my desktop it goes C:\Users\......\Desktop\Wings Over Europe and how could i patch it if its on my desktop and not in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Wings Over Europe
  5. I tried that already and it still says the 4\23\06 patch
  6. No fly Zone over Libya...

    What about the F-22 or the Strike eagle
  7. SonicBoom

    How does this work i put it in the sounds where it belongs
  8. No fly Zone over Libya...

    What about the tomcat it has long range killing capability
  9. No fly Zone over Libya...

    They should bring back the F-14 Tomcat to take out all the Su-22 attack aircraft and Mig-23 Floggers F-14s Kick A??
  10. Soo then it would be this right C:\Users\......\Desktop\Wings Over Europe
  11. Thanks i like the Mesclaro range i downloaded it for my wings over europe and after im done at his range i press escape and it crahses soo im stuck with the original range to bad i cant play with that on my wings over europe
  12. What about drones or something cuz when i go into the range drones are not flying around is their a way i can put them on
  13. Wrench is tellin the truth he said the sams are left out of the range cuz i was wonderin if u could have sams shoot at u at the range and he said no soo i respect him
  14. No hes tellin the reuth cuz like i donloaded a range and i thought u could have sams fire at u but they are lleft out
  15. DCS: A-10C Warthog--Final Release!

    Yea i know what files to get but idk which files to get
  16. DCS: A-10C Warthog--Final Release!

    Any files i need to make it work cuz when i go to download and theirs a bunch of files idk which ones to get
  17. DCS: A-10C Warthog--Final Release!

    what do i need to download in order to play it cuz idk what files i need
  18. Hi i recently installed WOV Air & Ground War Expansion Pack Gold and i chose to fight in south vietnam but when i try to it crashes anything i should do
  19. DCS: A-10C Warthog--Final Release!

    I currently bouth the beta version how could i get it to work i have a windows 7
  20. It crashes when i push next on single missions single missions and then it crashes on campains when i press fly. the error message says wings over vietnam error
  21. When i press escape to end a mission some planes crash the game instead of going to the debreifing room isthei any way i can stop this

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