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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Ok i have wings over europe ok i downloaded an F-15A Eagle and it came with 4 paint scehems and the original scheme ghost compass grey is white soo i need help thanks
  2. Ok i got it workin thank u guys who helped me with the problems i appeciate it
  3. Ok guys that heled me with the nato fighters 123 and 4 i unstalled the whole game and instaled it to my desktop and it worked soo one me how do i get them to work
  4. Ok got it guys thanks soo how do i get nato fighters 4 to work
  5. How do i get rid of all the mods and everything
  6. how do i know what mods are on cuz i still have nato 4 on their and nato fighters 123 and their still their complete uninstalled the game and then intalled it again
  7. How do i dele all the mods to cuz i just went to the campians and delete the iles from their
  8. Well i have windows 7 its a compaq computer and yea i had red storm before i got the nato fighters soo do u think maybe nato fighters 1 2 3 4 will work for the wings over europe
  9. How do i do it over again Well its cuz i have nato fighters 4 and it wont play thatsthe problem
  10. I tried reinstallin it but it still had the 4 paint schemesand the original F-15A still cameout white
  11. Ok thanks and how would i do that cuz im use to usin the files that say exe on them
  12. Yes but everytime i try to opem it it stops says probelm error is their any way im can fix that or do i jus unistall it and dontplay it again
  13. ANother question ok i have wings over europe not sf2 but the original wings over europe i downloaded nato fighters 1234 and when i start the game it freezes is their aything ican do can i keep all the planes that are already their or do i have to elet everysingle one of them and is the game broken or not play able anymore
  14. Do u know where i can et the original skin then
  15. I bought it it came with a box not downloaded from the third wire store
  16. Dont they have latirns for the F-16I SCUFA
  17. Yes from colom 5 and got the F-15A from their soo i was wonderin if their is any way i can get that ghostcompass grey scheme back
  18. How do u put the jet add ons for wings over vietnam and how do u know which files to down load for it
  19. Operation Desert Storm, Part 1 of 3

    How and where do u put it

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