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Everything posted by tank03

  1. In the Flight folder find the HUDDATA.ini (you may have to extract it) and at the top edit the DEBUG from FALSE to TRUE. Be sure to set a HUD cycle key in the COntrol Section of the game's Option menu (I use "K" as my HUD key). This way you can cycle through the various HUD settings in game.
  2. Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  3. I'm assuming in the new Expansion Pack he released recently (I don't have FE so I'm not certain) Check out his online store at Thirdwire.
  4. Perhaps TK already has in the forthcoming new jet sim. (though I doubt it)
  5. Would you happen to know how to decipher the color codes? I imagine it's some primary color formula but I'm at a loss as to what it is?
  6. I believe the target box color is located in the HudDatat.ini in the flight folder. You can change both size and color, but the color is some sort of code that I haven't figured out yet (it's like a set of 3 numbers)
  7. The game engine wasn't designed for helo simulation, therefore any copter flying is more a matter of "as close as" rather than real simulation. I don't even bother trying, and I use the helos as a/i and eye candy. I've read that it takes very minute inputs and a steady hand to have any kind of control.
  8. Halloween Public Service Announcment

    26. If the child you are babysitting starts talking to the closet, don't look in the closet, JUST GET THE F*** OUT.
  9. Halloween Public Service Announcment

    I'm fairly certain that my drunk, naked, fat a$$ trying to get it on in a canoe is enought to scare away boogie man/ax murderer.
  10. Your thoughts

    I don't see wanting to avoid combat as necessarily cowardly, I know I wouldn't want to be there. But the guy is a complete idiot if he thinks he can join an organization whose sole purpose is to either wage war, or prepare to wage war, and then expect not to have to serve in a hazardous place. That's just stupid! I can't blame anyone for trying to get an education and learn some skills, but with that comes certain responsibilities and a certain duty. You can't have one without the other.
  11. Your thoughts

    It's like a garbageman that complains about the smell of the trash. Being in the military is a job. No matter the branch, the job is to either fight, or prepare to fight. If you don't recognise that then you're probably too dim for the military anyway. Let's be honest, this guy doesn't want to join out of some sense of duty, he want to join so he can get his tuition paid. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be in a war zone, it's basic human nature to want to avoid injury and hardship, but don't expect to get the benefit if you aren't going to make the FULL commitment. That just makes you a leach, and I'd rather my tax dollars go to helping the guy who put his ass on the line and fully recognised the nature of his service, rather than some dipsh*t looking for a free ride to school.
  12. I just realized (stupidly, since I've been playing TW stuff for years) that sending in a guy to take out the radar doesn't really mean anything in terms of the level/effectiveness of the air defense does it? I had been under the impression that somehow the SAM batteries and radar were linked but I'm guessing that's a bit too advanced for these sims. Can anyone confirm/deny my suspicions?
  13. (il)legalities?

    My grandfather showed me a game from when he was a kid during WW2 in Yorkshire. You had to match the silhoutte of the "hun" aircraft to it's name. Obviously, it's design was for a purpose and my grandfather said that the kids he played with could ID planes , not just by their silhoutte, but by engine sound.
  14. I think, but I'm not sure, that the weapon editor allows one to adjust that parameter, but I may be wrong. In any event try using retarded bombs; gives you a bit of time to get away when you are in a low level strike.
  15. It's a relatively simple edit so I'm not sure why it isn't working for you. Did you put it into the Flight folder? What game are you trying it in, what a/c, and what kind of mission? Have you tested it enough to be sure that it's not working, and that you just haven't encounter a threat yet?
  16. For Mig-21F-13 FANS!

    Great video. I know next to nothing about Czech Rep./Slovakia so I was impressed by the beautiful countryside in some of the scenes. Thanks for the link.
  17. Using the Weapon Editor, open up the weapondata.ini found in the Ojects>Weapons file. be sure the editor is set to Win98 compatibility, and be sure you are selecting the weapondata.ini from the correct installation. After making several weapon edits that didn't appear in game I realised that I was selecting the weapondata.ini from a different installation. Just clicking SAVE when closing the editor should save any changes you made.
  18. Happy Birthday To......

  19. Nuclear Ops...or Ooops?

    Yeah, this is a MAJOR screw-up. I can't wait to see who else gets swept up in this.
  20. 1. A cargo package: C-133, 123, 119, 17, 5. 2. A larger middle east: (Saudi Peninsula, Sinai, Egypt, Eastern Africa) 2a. Afghanistan/Pakistan
  21. (il)legalities?

    "Company "A" sells you a flight sim. Intellectual or physical property, you sell something, it becomes the customers. Honda can't come to my house and say I can't change the hubcaps or put in a new radio, even though the Honda Civic design is their intellectual property."- - The something that they sell is the use of their intellectual property for your use, under the guidelines they stipulate; they can do that because it's theirs, not yours. They are not selling you their game. They are selling you a license to use the game under the condtions they stipulate. There is a certain amount of trust invloved in that they are selling you this licence with no actual commitment from you, prior to the sale, that you will adhere to their conditions. The real issue here is that you are not understanding the concept of intellectual property. You keep making comparisons to other things, like cars, that aren't in the same realm. The packaging, the box, and the CD are only a means by which they distribute their game, it's not the game itself. The "something" they sell is intangible, it doesn't exist as a thing. It's a bunch of electrical impulses that can be used by a computer; it's more a concept than a thing. The CD is not the game. You keep thinking that you have all rights to this "something" because you paid money for it. What you keep ignoring is the fact that your purchase was conditional. Whether you like it or not, they sold it too you on the condition that you wouldn't violate their copyright. It's implied. You bought the use of the game as they see fit, not as you see fit. No matter how much you want it to be otherwise, that is the reality of the situation. If only you could understand this concept you'd see how reasonable it is. The reason it's called "intellectual" property and not "real" property is because it doesn't physically exist. The packaging and all of that is merely a means of transmitting and distributing their intangible product. It's like buying a movie ticket. The movie isn't the little slip of paper you receive. Additionally, by buying a movie ticket it doesn't entitle you to start adding or changing scenes (if that were possible) "Intellectual or physical property, you sell something, it becomes the customers."- It's only the customers to the extent that the seller wishes. No amount of saying, "But I bought it...", is going to change the fact that you bought it with conditions. Conditions that are entirely legal and entirely reasonable. See the movie analogy above. "So I would argue I have, or in that trying to prevent me from modding a game does infringe on my rights, they are in effect saying I don't own my own hard drive."- -That's ridiculous. They say nothing about your hard drive. They have not infringed on your rights because they have stipulated how you may use their game. Again, if you understood the concept of intellectual property you'd see how absurd your argument is. "Nor am I infringing on their rights by doing what I wish with my property."- -But you are. This all goes back to you not really understanding what you own and don't own. You are infringing on their copyright by not using the game in the way in which they intended it to be used by the consumer. The ONLY thing you own is the right to use the original game with the original features ONLY. Again, see movie analogy above. It would seem that we are reaching a deadlock in terms of hashing this out. I truly believe that you are not grasping the whole concept of intellectual property and copyright, or are unwilling to recognise that concept. The laws make sense and they serve an important purpose. If it weren't for copyright laws I can't imagine the number of games that wouldn't exist. And those that did exist would probably be so overpriced that they would be out of reach for most of us. I'm not sure if any more debate is going to convince either of us that the other is right. I've enjoyed the back and forth and I'm always up for a good debate, but I just don't want to go so far that one of us starts to feel insulted or offended. I supported my arguments as best I could, and I just hope that they were seen in the spirit of lively debate and not offensive. I'm not sure how productive it would be, but I'd be happy to continue if you wish. I wholeheartedly agree about the lobbyists. I think that whole system is one of the embarressments of our democracy.
  22. (il)legalities?

    "So you would say the rights of a company are more important than the right of an individual?"- - I'm not saying that. I never have. You are reading things into my comments that just aren't there; please read more carefully (I did have to mention 3 times that a painting isn't copyrighted). The American legal system has established the precedent that copyright, typically, takes precedent over consumer rights. That's the way it is. It's not my fault that's the way it is, but that's the way it is. If you are seeking blame then point the finger at society in general who has quite a significant say in what is and isn't acceptable legal theories. Though, most people usually just like to bitch about the seemingly inequitablility of the laws after the fact, rather than do anything about it to begin with. Besides, I don't believe you have had any rights infringed upon, as I'll explain further on. "No, their rights end where my rights begin."- - Just because you say it, doesn't make it true; their rights don't end. By definition a right doesn't "end". What can happen, and does happen, is that one person/entities right supercedes another's based on a hierarchy created by both common law precedent and civil practise. Our society has decided that copyright is a very important right and therefore precedent has been established over that of the consumer; besides, you haven't had a right infringed upon. "And now we're getting into the moral fiber of the american legal system."- - The American legal system is neither as complex, nor as flawed as many would like to believe. Certainly, there are areas in which significant changes could be made, however, relative to the rest of the world's democracies, our system is quite equitable. Unlike some systems based on civil law (such as in France, IIRC), in which what is legal and illegal is determined solely through a strictly civil process (the government writes the laws it sees fit to write), the US operates significantly through a system known as common law in which what is legal/illegal is determined through precedent and societal/cultural expectations. In this way the populace has significant influence on what is ultimately determined to be legal and what isn't. Due to the use of the common law system, the "moral fiber" of our legal system reflects the moral fiber of our society quite closely. "All modern games work in and interact with windows, a comparable environment to the flight sim and model. Does this mean all games plagarize windows and violate microsoft's copyright? It would following your arguement."- - No, it wouldn't because you've missed my arguement entirely. I'll take one more stab at it for you; see below. "Using your own modding work in someone elses game is absolutely nothing like copying words someone else wrote and using it as your own work. If I took the La-7 model out of IL2 and used it in a different game, that is plagarism, not putting your own work into something."- - First, you must realize that reasonable intent is a key component of most legal theories, and certainly applies here. Company "A" sells you a flight sim. You have full use of all the features of the game they want you to have. They are allowed to do this because it's their intellectual property. They don't want you, or anyone else, mucking around with their game engine/code. They are allowed to do this because it's their intellectual property. They say you can't make your own planes and fly them in their game. They are allowed to do this because it's their intellectual property. Thus far, you have not lost any rights. You still have full use of the features of the original game, which you paid for. Now, you may wish that you could do things to the game to make it better for you (like adding planes), but that is not your right, no matter how much you would like it to be. The only thing you paid for, and thus, the only thing you're entitled to is the original game and it's original features. So far no rights have been taken away. Any manipulation/modification that you make beyond what was intended by the manufacturer could be construed as a violation of the copyright because it is above and beyond what they intended the for the consumer. They can do that because it is their intellectual property, not yours. The only thing you own, and the only thing you have a right to is the features which composed the original game. They have taken away nothing from you. The parallel to plagerism (and it's an analogy, I never said it WAS plagerism, I merely used that term as it's the closest meaningful term which corresponds to the situation we are discussing)is because you are using their game engine in order to bring your planes into existence. The manufacturer never intended for that to take place. They only wanted you to have use of the original features of the game; which they can do because it's their intellectual property. You are now using their game engine to give "life" to your models. You are using the game for your own purposes and in a manner contrary to the intent of the games manufacturer and in violation of the implied agreement created at the time of purchase. In the book world this would be called plagerism, I have no idea what it's called in the computer industry. The important point here is the implied agreement at purchase and the manufacturere's intent. They wouldn't sell you a copyrighted work if they thought you would violate the copyright. By purchasing the game you have created an implied agreement that you won't viloate their rights. By selling it to you they acknowledge that implied agreement. As long as you have access to the features that were present in the original game and at the time of the original agreement then you have lost no rights. You paid for 'A', they delivered 'A'. That you want to take 'A' and make it into "B,C,D,...", against the wishes of the copyright onwers means that you want to deny them their rights. Having said all that, what you do in the privacy of your own home is probably inconsequential to the game publisher. AS someone has said previously, it's the proliferation that they are really concerned about.
  23. Thanks for clarifying that. I wasn't sure how the air defense was actaully modelled in the game.
  24. I've sent you a PM about a used stick I'm willing to give up.
  25. (il)legalities?

    I just realized I've spent a better part of my work day on this topic. My lack of production might have been noticed if it weren't for the fact that nearly everyone is hung over from last night's world series win.

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