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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Sunken WWI german submarine found

    What I find interesting is the size of that boat. It must be dinky judging from the people on the deck and conning tower. Beard
  2. OT: Facebook?

    I signed up for twitter once a long time ago, not understanding exactly how it worked. Anyhoo, have never posted anything to the account, don't even know how to open it. But, ever once in awhile I get notification that somebody has signed up to follow me, lol. Beard
  3. OT: Facebook?

    I'm on it too, use it to keep tabs on the family more than anything else. I probably check on it a couple of times a day, but remember, you don't have to write anything, lol. I am also a member of the OFF group. Beard
  4. I believe you will find it is the tilde (spelling?) which is directly under the escape key or to the left of the 1. It also has a reverse and smaller apostrophe on it. That may be the confusion. Beard yep, just checked on the key chart, they call it an accent by the way.
  5. Fateful Morn

    Excellent Beard
  6. The Museum of Diseased Imaginings

    Well, on during my studies at the Museum I ran across this. A 1916 Sopwith Long Range Tractor Triplane. A multiplace escort fighter aircraft. Beard
  7. Wow What a Difference

    I noticed a big upgrade when I switched from Windows XP to Win 7 (64) I had been using a monitor that was 1680 x 1050 and the clarity was like night and day. Then I upgraded to a DVI capable monitor and it is really nice. Beard
  8. Thanks, I forgot all about that.... seems like so long ago, lol. Beard
  9. An Apology from me to all of you.

    This game takes a little getting used to. I have flown it since early-on phase one and think I even wrote the first "field user" review of Phase 3. I remember that that first flight in phase three roundly kicked my butt. Even now if I get 10 or 15 kills before I take a dirt nap I think I'm lucky. You will have many hours of fun and frustration, but the support on this sim is the best you can find. I would be hard pressed to tell you when to start a campaign for the best success, I have flown them from Bristol Scouts on and just when you think you are getting good,.....well..... Welcome back Pawgy, Beard
  10. One Year To Go...

    60's the new 40,lol. Beard
  11. Fateful Morn

    Olham's right she really is a sweet bird. We flew it as a squadron in one of the OFF online wars. That is really good work Dej, the only thing I see missing is the little stuff that should be littering the area around and in the hangers. Carts, barrels, plane parts, rags, etc. But, the overall mood of the work itself is quite compelling. Beard
  12. OT..Lucky?...some are just stoopid!

    Apparently they don't have crossing arms at train tracks everywhere. Beard
  13. saitek rudder pedals question

    I have those rudder pedals and the only problem I encountered was with the toe brakes. Just disable them and you will be fine. You don't need that profiling software at all, you can usually set functions you need in any newer game.... Beard
  14. I prefer the cockpit without the body. The main reason is you can see mixture controls easier without it. When the body is in there it covers a lot of the niceties. Beard
  15. I think it depends on how you name your skin. I usually use the squad default skin as a base for my custom work. This allows you to view it in the 3d object viewer without having to open the program all the way up. However if you do not rename that skin after you change it, it will pop up as the squad default. Also, your custom skins, even if renamed can turn up in the darndest places, I have shot my own skins up on airfield attacks and had them turn up being flown in different squadron formations, go figure. Beard
  16. Did you remember to load patches 1.46 and 1.47? Seems to me I had a similar problem sometime back and that fixed it. Beard
  17. Maybe the boys at OBD could model some of these . http://www.barthworks.com/aviation/aircraftdetectionbeforeradar.htm Beard
  18. Posting Screenshots

    That is the way I've always done it. Beard
  19. Fixed the problem, but.....

    Al, I am running Windows 7 64, and the other day I thought I would goof around with the settings. When I did (going to about 115%) it screwed up the way the windows came up. One of the programs it didn't play nice with was OFF. I don't remember exactly were things were showing up as I have two monitors set up, one for just watching netflix while I'm surfing the net on the main monitor. All I know is some of my windows were bleeding off of my main monitor over to the small monitor/TV on the wall. Beard
  20. Fixed the problem, but.....

    This is just a guess Al, but did you by chance change the font size in the visual preference menu? If you did try changing to normal (100%) and see if you still have the black bands. Beard
  21. Good you can take care of her, make sure she uses her crutches at all times until she can get to proper rehab. I know a lot of people who have had the surgery and they have all had very good results. Beard
  22. Depends on which N17 you fly.... If you fly one with a vickers the canopy opens when you hit Shift+C. I think it will also lower the Lewis on the SE5. Beard
  23. N17-Bis Campaign

    The 17 Bis is one of my faves, a real killer with those two guns. Beard
  24. Thanks Lou, Got'em downloaded and installed, even fixed so my American pilot with 10 kills doesn't have two Medals of Honor. Beard
  25. CFS3 and OFF stopped working

    When doing unistall/reinstall don't for get to purge the files in: C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft That is where you will find the overrides and user xml files Beard

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