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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Asking the inevitable question..

    Actually Phase One is not unavailable I have it and all the upgrades on my hard drive (though not loaded). I'm kinda funny that way. Beard
  2. I found this link on another site and thought youse guyz might be interested (read Olham and Lou) or anyone else the has been bitten by the graphics bug. http://www.jitterbuzz.com/man_cover_over.html Enjoy, Beard
  3. I might pop for Cliffs of Dover just for the eye candy and the hope it has a better campaign than IL2 has. Other than that I'm waiting for P4. I really have no other interests in new games. Beard
  4. Escadrille Lafayette Website

    Great sites Olham, they have some pictures there I haven't seen before. Beard
  5. The Auto Trim Warp Bug, it'll getcha every time. If you warp, make sure you disengage Auto Trim first. Another thing to remember is to adjust the mixture before you warp because it maybe set for the airfield when you pop out of warp at 10,000 Ft, then you have to get the engine started again, which isn't always easy. Beard
  6. OT Severe Weather Warning

    I get weather updates for Yahoo, and I keep expecting to see a severe weather warning stating we should run and hide, extremely pleasant weather expected. Beard
  7. OT: The kegputer

    Do they have one that serves scotch? Beard
  8. Taps for Multiplayer

    I will try to make it. Of course, I now have the new DM for the N28 loaded and some other effects. I hope they come out gracefully, lol. Beard
  9. Enemies Nearby!

    I use time warp a lot and I have noticed that it only kicks out when enemies (not friendlies) get just outside of the 4 miles from your plane. That is not just horizontal distance, but takes in vertical distance also. I have also noticed that aircraft only show up on the TAC at that distance. If you are set on the 8 mile screen, aircraft will not show up until they get within that radius that kicks off the warp. You can however see ground objects on the screen all the way out to 8 miles. That allows you to target a ground object, like a railroad or airstrip at the greater distance. Beard
  10. Skin Download reorganization

    Gee, I don't remember any poll, howsomever, I would lean toward skins being organized by plane type so it would be a little easier to find what you are looking for. Also have the new skins shown as they are now then shuffled into a type folder after a week or so or after the first page fills up. Beard
  11. Blip switch

    I think I read somewhere that the actual blip switch was a little dangerous to use. You could cut the ignition but the fuel continued to flow because of the lack of and effective carburetor. If you left the ignition off for too long before restarting it cylinders could explode. Beard
  12. Changing the Colours in the TAC

    This was posted back in July of '08, hope it is what you need. Beard Hello All UncleAl has a great explanation of the TAC display in the 'OFF Tips and Cheats' sticky explaining what the "blips" on the TAC screen represent. -White blips indicate unidentified Bogies on-screen - usually targets beyond visible range. -Red and Blue blips indicate Enemies and Friendlies respectively within visible range. -Purple blips indicate Goal targets like enemy two-seaters within intercept range - usually seen in Quick Combat intercept missions. -Yellow indicates a designated target. You can set the focus on specific target by Tabbing through the on-screen targets using TAB or Ctrl-TAB key combinations respectively for Enemies or Friendlies. Ok. I don't like the default pale Yellow color of the designated target "Blip" in the TAC display. It is too light and too close in color to the White Bogie "Blip" and it difficult to descern in a quick glance at the TAC display during a heated furball. So I have edited the color code in ViewUI.XML file to give it a highly visible bright Yellow color. The ViewUI.XML file is found in the C:\Documents and Settings\Users_Name\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. Be sure to backup the original file. We need to edit the value of TargetColor in the .XML code line <Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" /> to be as follows <Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" /> Notice that the TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" was changed to TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00". For your information the Hexdecimal color codes are as follows: FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" is Blue EnemyColor="oxFFFF0000" is Red TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" is pale Yellow TargetColor="0xFFFAFA00" is bright Yellow BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" is White GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" is Purple HumanFriendColor="0xFF00FFFF" is Cyan (neon Blue) HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF" is Magenta OlPaint01 Just a note: If you are using Windows 7 you will find the file in Users_Name\AppData\Roaming\Micorsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Beard
  13. Funny you should ask.... Nobody, those planes ever existed. Beard
  14. Reed Chambers in his N28 Showbird meets Ernst Udet in Fokker EV. Beard
  15. US94 N28 Flag Bus

    File Name: US94 N28 Flag Bus File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 15 December 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is a fictional skin based on the post war US94 Showbird Flag Bus, flown by Cpt Reed Chambers. Click here to download this file
  16. US94 N28 Flag Bus



    This is a fictional skin based on the post war US94 Showbird Flag Bus, flown by Cpt Reed Chambers.
  17. Props!

    It seems to me that I read somewhere way back when that the problem with the prop animation is the distance from your virtual head to the virtual prop. CFS3 is set up for WWII planes and the distance is greater, they are just too darn close in WWI planes. Beard
  18. File Name: 213th AEF Trainer, N28 File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 12 December 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins N28 used by the 213th as a Training Aircraft. Click here to download this file
  19. I just uploaded a new N28 for youse guys. This is a historical skin used by the 213th in France. It was so colorful, I figured Rickitycrate would love it ;) Enjoy, Beard
  20. 213th AEF Trainer, N28



    N28 used by the 213th as a Training Aircraft.
  21. windows 7 64 bit

    I'm running it that way now. Beard
  22. windows 7 64 bit

    It must be Outlook that is killing you Al. I don't have it(never have) and am running Office 2000, have no troubles at all. I don't even have to run programs as administrator. Beard
  23. windows 7 64 bit

    I upgraded an older computer to Win 7/64, it ported over all the old XP 32 programs without any trouble. I really like it. Loads quicker, runs smoother, and the graphics are crisper. Beard
  24. My God This Game Is Hard ! LOL

    Use the padlock key. You can see your enemy on the HUD out to 4 miles, padlock one enemy as they pop up (they will be white initially and turn red as they get closer). When they get closer you can cycle your HUD down to 1 mile. If you are locked on a specific enemy, your screen will orientetoward him, you can then cycle through the enemy contacts (by pushing the padlock key) and get a idea where they are because the screen will orient toward each one as you cycle. Don't worry about it staying there, the padlock can be cycled on and off. You need the padlock up to target enemies for your wingmen. The enemy can be hard to find even with TracIR, and you don't have the advantage of a radio or wingmen that will point where an enemy is, that is what the padlock is for. I have bound keys on the joystick for padlock and cycle, I also have zoom in and zoom out keys mapped so I can use it like a pair of binoculars. When just beginning, you should use labels to give you an idea how the game works and how far you will be able to see. Use instruments when first learning, until you get a feel for the airplane. I always have the compass up and have drug it under the HUD (there are actually planes in the game with no compass) and it is hard to navigate using the in game map. The HUD also shows a line to the next waypoint. Find a level of realism (using aids) that you are comfortable with and fly that way. Beard
  25. No Delivery of Game!

    Actually I think I was the quickest... I wrote the first review on it coming in. I think I got it the day after they started shipping, but I'm just up state from them. Beard

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