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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. pass in review

    That N28 was a beauty. Beard
  2. How many times to install...

    I had some trouble with it, which was caused by using a "no cd crack" for CFS3. If you used such a creature make sure you get it out. It will screw up all sorts for things randomly on install, including the maps. The problem I had was it was still in CFS3, so if you have other installs make sure it is eliminated from those also. When reinstalling make sure you have taken out the old user files, they are not in the same place as they were in XP so you will have to search for them (make sure you have show hidden files). Anyhoo, that is what caused the problem for me, I had not used the "no cd crack" until just before upgrading to Win7, and only did it then on a whim. Go figure huh? By the way it will also screw up the ability to upgrade your vid drivers. Beard
  3. N-24

    I have a detailed three view of the 24 that shows Vickers Gun slightly offset to the right, like it would line up to the eye on a right eye dominate pilot. This is a 24 with the flying rudder. Beard
  4. Tons of old Photographs & Maps

    Olham, your english is so good that sometimes we forget that we may use a term, you may not have run across that is fairly common here. The "W" word was explained, but in case you haven't run across surveyor, a surveyor measures land and then draws maps of what he has measured. I have drawn lots of maps so I am naturally interested in them. Beard
  5. Tons of old Photographs & Maps

    Olham, Did I ever tell you that in an earlier life I was a surveyor.... don't you want me to get any work done? Beard
  6. Lozenge Camo question.

    That doesn't really work Al, the lozenge camo was a fabric, they have samples of it at the Smithsonian. So if you were to change it from Summer to Winter you would have to recover the surfaces, of course that would probably been faster than trying to paint them by hand. Beard
  7. OT..What's your favourite Christmas Carol?

    I used to like Christmas Carols until the local radio stations started playing them non-stop beginning the week before Thanksgiving. Beard
  8. Open GL is not the same as Open Glide.....Glide was used by the old 3DFX (Voodoo) cards and I believe Open Glide was an emulator to allow you to run Glide applications on other cards. In case you wonder why I know this, it is because Glide cards or Open Glide was necessary to run Red Baron 3D. Beard
  9. There is a utility called FRAPS that you can use to take screen shots (you can google it) it is free. FRAPS allows you to take screen shots, short movies, has a frames per second counter, and I believe simple benchmarking. I have used it for years starting in the old Red Baron 2/3d days. Beard
  10. Cowboys & Aliens

    Who said Hollywood hasn't come up with any original ideas? LOL Beard
  11. Actually it is a N 11 from the Lafeyette Esquadrille, I took a moon off the side. Beard
  12. I think templates are a little difficult to approach in this sim in that the models are produced by a number of people and their approach to aircraft vary. There seem to be anomalies in some planes that you don't find in others, and digging your way through them can be difficult. A lot of these anomalies occur in alignment of the faces. On some planes the tops and bottoms are a different size than the sides of the fuselage. These can be overcome, but even after you do it, it would be difficult to explain to anyone else what you actually did. If you are working with a generic paint scheme, a lot of these things will never show up, but if you are trying to align something like stripes from one face to another, or even from the horizontal stabilizer to the elevator you may be in trouble. I have fooled around with a few skins and have made layer templates (I use Corel Draw for vector work and Corel Photo Paint for weathering and such). However, I haven't been comfortable enough with the results to release them, and yes, you can save them to psd format. I am a sign painter by profession and I tend to be pretty fussy about my graphic output. Beard
  13. Padlock is not working. Need help

    You also may want to try Facetrack, it is one of the subjects here. It is reported to be similar to TrackIR, all it needs is a camera and is free. Here is the link http://combatace.com/topic/60032-ot-facetracknoir/ Beard
  14. Viewing those rules, I will be willing to help also. Beard
  15. Installing HitR in Windows7

    When you open the workshop screen it will give you the version number in the lower right corner. It should say Phase 3 version 1.47 (I think) Beard
  16. Vasco's Volunteers - Good News!

    Unfortunately I have to work today, have a Rendezvous (Black Powder Shoot/28th Annual) next weekend, and will be out Thanksgiving weekend (27th) with a family commitment. Beard
  17. Totally OT My FSX Skin

    All right Olham, you are now responsible for my lost two hours at the shop this afternoon.... I thought I'd just take another quick glance at that font sight.....I should have know better Beard
  18. Totally OT My FSX Skin

    Here is another site for a ton of free fonts. http://www.dafont.com/ I'm got yours bookmarked now too Olham. Beard
  19. Totally OT My FSX Skin

    Hate to tell you this but you have the "A" on the vertical stabilizer backwards.....if you don't believe me as Olham Beard
  20. Unexplained CTD crashes

    It sure sounds like heat. The game generates a lot of heat when it is running (excepting the menus of course). Adding a fan or two to you box may help a lot. There is a freeware program on the net called SpeedFan, that will tell you exactly what temps you are running and also allows you to turn up the speed of some of the fans. It has all sorts of options and you can use the charts option to see how much hotter the CPU and GPU get when running the game. Beard
  21. my main game file?

    You can put the OBDSoftware file anywhere you want on the computer, I have it placed in one called Games on my D drive. As long as it is has the exe file to boot the game it will work. If you move it, and use a desk top icon to boot the game, make sure the path to find the exe is entered properly under properties in the link folder. The x86 file is easy identification of old 32 bit programs. Beard
  22. Dimming lables

    Von Bauer posted the following for dimming labels....... I like to be able to ID the aces as well as my flight mates (I count noses on the way home to know who, if anyone, I lost). About 1/3 of the way down the ViewUI file (XP users, BOOTDRIVE:\Documents and Settings\your user folder\Application Data[a hidden folder]\Microsoft\CFSWWI Over Flanders Fields) you'll find the color settings for the labels. I use 0x2FCCCCCC for the Friend, Enemy, Bogie and Goal colors. That renders all AI labels the same from any distance. The two numbers after the 0X are the level of transparency, 00 being invisible and FF being 100% opaque. 2F makes them clear enough to be read without having to pause the game but at the same time they're not overwhelming in a dogfight (i.e. you'll usually see the plane before the label...and if you're looking for the labels I hope you've filled out your will before taking off). I find this a good compromise between the full DiD standard and a playable game. It's also a good middle ground for those wishing to work their way up to full DiD without having to go off labels cold turkey. Of course, you may want to modify the specifics to suit you, should you even choose to try this at all. Another side of this is that it makes the information lines ("you hit enemy aircraft", "structure damage",etc.) the same as the labels, so they're not gone but they're not in your face. The waypoint advisory lines are still a solid red. I think that pretty well explains it, Von Bauer came up with this last year when we were flying multiplayer. You can fool around a little with the color codes if you want or just make them more transparent. Hope this is the post you were looking for. Beard
  23. Windows 7..thought it was too good to be true

    I've tried that Winder, and unfortunately it doesn't work on this machine. Like I said it was a problem I first ran into on XP. Beard

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