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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Judge Rules Against Stolen Valor Act

    Well, thinking about it, and not being familiar with this particular case.... If you were claiming to be a Veteran and apply for a job, especially a government job that gives special consideration to veteran status, it would be considered fraud and the harm would be to any other non-veteran applicants. Beard
  2. Watch this space!

    JSGME is pretty easy to use, it gives you a MODS folder then you put your Name folder in that. Then you put the actual file you need it a folder called files so it will look like this D:\Games\Microsoft Games\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\MODS\HPWDM\Files\aircraft or at least that is how I have it set up. Beard
  3. What WWI fighter is this?

    Close but no Cigar. Beard
  4. What WWI fighter is this?

    Armstrong Whitworth F.K.10 And Since we are going Multi Wing...... Beard
  5. New Nvidia drivers out - 258.96

    I installed them last night, and alas it ate my Configoveride.xml file (but I had it saved). I had a little trouble getting it up but managed. I did not have a chance to tweek everything so I will do that today and see how it works. Initially it seems a little gerky where the last drivers did not. On another note I am still running XP32 (pro) with a 260GTS and the mirrors and reflections show up fine. I also noticed when pulling up the Control Panel and setting preferences for the game in the 3D manager there seems to be more choices than there were with the last drivers. Beard
  6. What WWI fighter is this?

    Way to go Lou. Beard
  7. What WWI fighter is this?

    What's the matter guys, no guesses on my little Nieuport? It was WWI and you should get the pilots name, location, date and even the nickname of the bird. Beard
  8. What WWI fighter is this?

    Farman 40, Pilot Lt. Jaumotte and observer sLt. Wouters Beard
  9. The ultimate shovel

    Like all entrenching tools, its real drawback is the length of the handle. I suppose it would be OK for emergency use and possibly handy if you kept it in a vehicle (if you are prone to getting stuck), but in all reality I would rather have a shovel, an axe, a pick, a knife, a saw, etc.... Beard
  10. The Red Baron

    On a side note, I saw that the movie is available through Netflix. Beard
  11. saitek x52 Noob

    I know I've said it before but you can use the X52 throttle separately from the stick, ie, Uncleal could use that EVO FFB with the x52 throttle. The stick with the X52 has some nice functions but like all other sticks you can wear parts out. I lost the pinkie switch on mine. Like Al I fly mainly WW1 so it is not a problem and all the other functions work, but my favorite part of the stick is the throttle. Beard
  12. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    When you make that next pole don't forget the B29 and B70...... Beard
  13. I found something I'd nearly forgotten about.....

    Was the guy that read it in both cases Charlton Heston? Beard
  14. Graficcard gone hot?

    The cards do get hot if there is dust on them or in the fins/fan area. I have GTX260 and that is a good card and it runs pretty cool. It should run up to 80 C safely but mine usually runs at 64 or under in OFF. That is room I am in is normally about 28.5 C in the summer. Beard
  15. Subject: Why Mr. Rogers wore a sweater?

    Just saw this on another forum, good story but..... http://www.snopes.com/military/celebrities/leemarvin.asp Beard
  16. Anyone still interested?

    I'm probably like most, I really like flying OFF but summer is just busy. I'm looking forward to fall when things slow down. Beard
  17. Better SPAD XIII in 1918 ?

    When I was flying online in Red Baron with the 94th, we called that Spad Tag, hehe. Beard
  18. And What About This Old Photo

    Dayam, all those Italians look alike to me Beard
  19. And What About This Old Photo

    Sandbagger got it.... at first glance I thought it was the famous Ferrari horse which is a different story. Beard
  20. OT Your daily History Lesson

    Another muzzle loading term is Lock, Stock, and Barrel, often though to mean buying the whole store, door lock, all the stock and maybe the pickle barrel. But it evolved when buying the whole muzzle loading gun not just the components. The lock (firing mechanism), the stock (wood) and the barrel (smooth bore or rifled). Beard
  21. Does anyone here ride Horses?

    I also am not a rider, however have grown up around horses and people that ride. The main difference I can see off the top is that the western saddle is a working saddle. Guys using these are working for a living, they can tie all sorts of stuff off of them like ropes, saddlebags, bed roles and gun scabbards. When riding your stirrups should be long enough to allow you to stand (bottom off the seat). They usually have horns also (a hard leather hand hold in the front) though you never use them as a hand hold other than when you are getting on the horse. They are basically there as a tie down. When riding a western saddle it important to sit erect, it gives you more control of the stirrups and is much easier on the back over long distances. They are a lot heavier than an "English Saddle" but they are utilitarian. When riding and English saddle your knees are tucked up and are used a shock absorbers and the riders tend to lean forward. Around here you see them mainly for showing horses and dressage where the horses is shown off in jumps. So I guess what the big question is, is your son into riding for fun or does he want to compete and show horses. Beard
  22. By Any Other Name?

    I have a US pilot that flies for the British and the French (expat) and of course the Americans. Second Lieutenant Misbegotten Jones and his half brother Jesse Smithorjones. My German pilot is always Otto Ubering. Beard
  23. Test Flight

    A thing of beauty. Beard
  24. Why me?

    Not only no, NO, but HELL NO. One does not screw up a good friendship, but also do not get involved. Any one that will cheat on a spouse will cheat on any spouse/boyfriend/whatever..... Believe me, bin dere done dat, not cheat on the spouse but dated the girl. Beard
  25. The RFC and the Senussi Campaign, Egypt

    Just follow Lou's instructions and you will be up and running in no time. Beard

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