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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Do you have a military watch?

    I was in the US Army from 1969 to 1979 and never saw a "military" watch. That includes a tour in Viet Nam. If a guy wanted a watch he went to the PX and bought one. Beard
  2. Were you at Kadena? I was at Torii Station from 1974 through 1977. I lived off of Kadena Circle for the the first six or so months, all my neighbors were Air Force, I was the onliest Army guy in the area. Beard
  3. Did almost the same thing Louvert, but I was Army, 1969 thru 1979, but instead of being a Diddy Bopper I was an Analyst. I worked with your guys at NSA and on Okinawa, never ran into them in Viet Nam. Beard
  4. My fear is that people confuse the "War Games" with War. I also grew up in the 50's and spent time in Viet Nam, and was lucking being in a not a very good place at a very good time. Thankfully my unit saw very little action, but were very effective in our mission, which was basically save as many friendly troops as possible while inflicting as much damage as possible on the enemy. These games do not instill the mind numbing sameness and frustration that makes up a war. All they do is show action, and teach no respect of emotions that individuals are subject to after such an engagement. If you lose in a FPS you regen and start again, you don't have to amp up your courage to get out from behind that safe position to expose yourself to harm or death. You don't have to expose your friends or buddies either. Anyone who thinks that these games give anywhere close to an accurate account of the experience of war is kidding themselves. My fear is that people think they have a skill at fighting while never having to do it. They also do not give the individual enough sensory input to appreciate the experience. The ever-present dirt, the cold, the heat, the dust. Bad food, long hours, day in day out with out any time for yourself. Never having the luxury of being truly by yourself or being able to only worry about yourself. Having the mission being the only thing that matters, and having that mission meaning literally life or death for someone (in my case someone you don't know and will never meet). Beard
  5. Very nice Olham, I'll have to rush over there and download them. Beard
  6. Must have a/c for Saturday MP sessions 10 April

    Sorry Winston, I cant make this, it is Round-Up after all and that is is the Kick Off weekend which is shepherded in by our annual Chili Cook Off. I have been a judge for the last 15 years or so, so I must attend. Really the only reason I do it is I get to dress up in my buckskins and scare the tourists (local color, lol). So anyhoo, have a good flight and I'll catch you in a couple of weeks...... Next weekend I get to sell beer to drunk, but fine, cowgirls...hehehe. Beard
  7. No formal Saturday session

    Winston, Sorry, I couldn't make it last weekend or next weekend or the one after that. If you at all heard of or remember Red Bluff, that is Rodeo season and I'm the guy doing most of the arena signs. I'm booked in until the 16th or 17th. Will get my easter eggs after the last bull has bucked. Beard
  8. Actually Catch the same thing could be said about the government. Beard
  9. Happy 50th Birthday Dr Martens!

    I had never heard of "Docs" until my daughter wanted some. I grew up in serious logging country where you went for White's if you could afford them or Santa Rosa's if you couldn't. But you definitely need "Corks". Beard
  10. IrFan View

    After you get one to open you can use your arrow keys to cycle through all of them. Beard
  11. Another request for P4

    But, I have found that flying against AI has an advantage in multiplayer in that you don't have guys picking on that weak newby. The better the AI the more I like it, and face it Von Baur, we have all been shot down by AI online. What I really like about the online experience in the interaction of the guys. Somebody in command and wingman covering you. That is superior to some fanboy that has a zillion hours in a DVII jumping you when you are in an N11, which was a standard scenario in Red Baron. Beard

    I'm running 197.15 without problems. Beard
  13. Saturday multiplayer mini campaign

    I may be a little late today Winston. I have a guy coming to pick up a sign at the shop around 9 this morning. Lets hope he is on time. Beard
  14. Saturday multiplayer mini campaign

    I tried with the 8 bit and got some color distortion and graininess. Actually they were saved as 24 bit, so I guess we can all be confused by the magical world of Corel or computers in general. Beard
  15. Saturday multiplayer mini campaign

    I'm sorry that download is so big, but I tried to make it as easy for youse guys as possible. I have included the default maps as an automatic back up (like Winston did). All you should have to do is just unzip it to the WW1 Scenery File and you are good to go. Beard
  16. File Name: New Map Grids for Western Front File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 14 Mar 2010 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns This set will replace all the standard in-game and briefing maps. The grids cover the entire front to include west to London and south into Switzerland, and are based on the same grid sizes developed by Reddog. The grids are consistent from map to map and should make it easier to navigate with other flight members when flying online. Beard Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    This set will replace all the standard in-game and briefing maps. The grids cover the entire front to include west to London and south into Switzerland, and are based on the same grid sizes developed by Reddog. The grids are consistent from map to map and should make it easier to navigate with other flight members when flying online. Beard
  18. New grid map for Saturday sessions

    Its there, got it downloaded. Beard
  19. Rudder pedals or joystick

    I am currently on my second set of rudder pedals, so I guess that answers the question. The first were game port (thrustmaster elite, I think) and second are Saitek. I prefer the Saitek. I did have a hotas stick that had a rudder pedal rocker on the throttle (I think an x45 has this also) and that worked almost as well as the "real" pedals. By the way my wife bought the first set of pedals for me.....that was before I got the funny hat TrackIR. Beard
  20. CFS3 QC

    Basically it is like the original OFF Quick Combat (which was similar to CFS3). Using it you are able to fly some of the "non-standard" aircraft, the ones that are available in the Combat Ace Download section. You can easily change sides and aircraft, and it also gives you instant stats like you used to see in the old Quick Combat. It is a really handy way to test different types of aircraft. Beard
  21. Nominate ONE aircraft for P4

    Face it guys, we are gonna be thrilled with anything they give us. We all have our preferences but the mods haven't let us down yet. As it is now nobody has time to fly all the planes to a point of proficiency, ya picks a fave and fly it. Don't get greedy. Beard
  22. Hi Res question

    Yep that has been my experience also. The skins do look much better, especially in the VC view. Beard
  23. MP testing needed on Stumps new N-17 Bis

    I'll check in with you this afternoon. Beard
  24. You can't judge the Viet Nam experience by those movies. Vastly dramatized by our friends in Hollywood. Beard
  25. OT--Are Your Feet Cold?

    Did anyone other than me notice it is awfully cold in DC now? Beard

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