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Posts posted by Heberth

  1. Hello. It's been a while huh... sorry for not finishing this one. It's a gorgeous aircraft, and for a long time i thought that i had lost the files... until i opened a few old folders on a dark corner of my Dropbox and,  surprise! ooks like i did uploaded them!
    For those who want to continue from where i left, here's the max file, probably full of rookie mistakes and missing textures. I can look for those files later, PM me or reply here and i'll try to get them. Thank you

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/j99ae82aclz07n6/F-22 WIP 48-1.max?dl=0

    • Like 2
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  2. I'll keep my eyes open for a sale.  The trailers look like the same game as ALB with some half-a$$ed naval combat thrown in.  Not gonna fork over $40 for that.  Multiplayer is great in ALB but the single player campaigns are disappointing.  Any single player improvements in Red Dragon?


    Not many single player improvements: the computer still omniscient of your defenses and use spam of units to win- not fun when you are playing a campaign and starts with 500 points- but there are some improvements in the game mechanics, like SPAAG and tanks buff. 


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