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Everything posted by Heberth

  1. Birthdays

    happy b-day all you guys!
  2. http://www.insky.cn/bbs/thread.php?fid-132.html i just want to know where is the permission to upload those too...
  3. It's SidDogs birthday!

    happy birthday!
  4. It's SFP1Ace's Birthday

    happy B-day !!!!!!! cheers!
  5. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    i could translate, but i'm too lazy BTW, maybe our airforce buy the Grippen too, to replace our old and upgraded Tiger..(amen!)
  6. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    http://www.aereo.jor.br/2011/11/30/suica-compra-gripen/ did you found it here?
  7. This is how WW II really happened....

    i shared it too!
  8. This is how WW II really happened....

    why history books are not like that? that's EPIC
  9. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    alguien tiene una cabina?
  10. CadeteBRA - modelagem 3D

    Olá Brazucas e Portugas! esse forum anda um pouco parado, entao que tal esquentar ele um pouco?? vou manter aqui as atualizaçoes sobre alguns projetos que tenho em mente, e também aceitarei sugestões. atualmente eu tenho trabalhado bastante em algums avioes "fictícios" do jogo Ace Combat, da Nanco. esta aqui é para os amigos brasileiros!!!!!! (sonhar nao paga imposto galera!) nota: o F-5 da foto é o F-5E do TMF, só o Fenrir que é um projeto meu ok? até a proxima!
  11. IMHO there is no problem with the F-16. maybe the FOV on the screenshots give an wrong "feeling" of the size...
  12. Virus strikes US's UAVs.

    fully agreed!
  13. if you found 3 views of the UFO's "fighters" and the Mothership , who know
  14. PLAAF mig-1.44 over Vietnan, 2009 ( or maybe it should be called J-1.44?)
  15. What the Cool Kids are Doing


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