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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. This is some serious sh!t here. Great vid Caesar. You could do a series a new plane each week.
  2. Nightclub fire in Brazil

    Early reports are the foam insulation was set on fire by pyrotechnics.
  3. Found this catching some www waves thought I'd share.
  4. This aired a few years ago on the History Channel or somthing similar. The Spitfire pilot should have let them sit in front.
  5. Women in Combat Units

    As long as they (guy or gal) can do the job and do it well.
  6. P-38 Walkaround

  7. Been working on this for about a year. Yes she's got a burner swapped out the J52 for a F404-GE-402 very similar measurments. However what I may do in the future is use the tailpipe extension from the A-4H. I can only get MACH 1.15 out of her frame still. I've tried all the tricks there is just something in the SF2 world GOD that will not allow this plane to go faster. It was never about making this plane go MACH 2, I was just curious to see what she could do. It was never about top speeds anyhow just more thrust being able to keep high sub MACH numbers up for (ACM) dogfighting and maneuvering with heavy weapon loads, cause lets face it the scooter is slick and quick, but when you start whipping the ponies the speed drops off quick. Yes she can get gas hungry quick when dogfighting the big key is you need that 300 gallon center fuel tank for all load outs. I compared this project to what Carroll Shelby's 427 Cobra, take a small fast little vehicle and put in a more powerfull power plant . I changed out the HUD, cockpit, radar, added some contemporary weapons. Removed the colt 20 mm cannons added a( ) GAU-19 .50 calibur electrically driven gatling gun to the port side, ammo would be carried on the empty 20 mm cannon weapon area on the starboard side. I think she could give an F-18 Rhino a run for the money.
  8. I will look these over thanks for the ini info I wasn't worried about top end just curious how fast it would go. I know the plane would need a fully moving tail plane for super sonic flight. I just wanted the plane to have a fighting chance.
  9. I knew radar wouldn't be an issue because of the origonal KAHU upgrade, I may try that cannon option. I chose a gatling 50 cal because it is a very versatile round with many new options. There a lot of rounds available several types of anti armor, anti armor explosive, the list goes on.
  10. The F/A-4K Super KAHU Hawk. I've been tweaking this little b!tch for about a year. Yes she's got a burner, can only get MACH 1.15 out of her frame. It's not about top speed more being able to keep high sub MACH numbers up for (ACM) dogfighting and maneuvering with heavy weapon loads. Yes she can get gas hungry quick when dogfighting the big key is you need that 300 gallon center fuel tank for all load outs. I must say it's like Carroll Shelby's 427 Cobra a lot fun with your cloths on. Changed out the HUD, cockpit, radar, added some contemporary weapons. Removed the colt 20 mm cannon added a GAU-19 .50 calibur electrically driven gatling gun to the port side, ammo would be carried on the empty 20 mm cannon weapon area on the starboard side. I think she could give an F-18 Rhino a run for the money.
  11. Falklands War Play part 1

    youtube video, click away after each segment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PALTxh9hP8M
  12. Falklands War Play part 1

    Seen them both, good stuff.
  13. US NAVY father & son flight

    Found and I thought this was cool.
  14. feliz año nuevo

  15. Sent him a pm on what to do
  16. 2 police line of duty deaths

    Prayers for people in our armed forces and public safety. http://www.odmp.org/...fer-lynn-sebena http://www.odmp.org/officer/21586-corporal-jimmie-norman
  17. During WWII Santa had to get presents to the Children in Europe what did he use? You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen., But do you recall. The most famous reindeer of all? Bell's P-39 Airacobra! Legend has it Santa even bagged a few Jerrys on one of these trips.
  18. Very cool. Just a skin or are there some engine upgrades to assist with the short field/unimproved airstips.
  19. BSG B&C Teaser

    Here is a link to watch the episode. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrFaRFw9s4G4OYkHPs0afqM_nT0jLvvPy
  20. I got to be honest I hadn't noticed this until now, maybe thats why he removed it.

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