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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. This is some serious sh!t, you all been paying mind to this situation? NBC Nightly news feed BBC
  2. How about THIS for a model ?

    Found this a a while back. 737 F-18 cockpit in AU
  3. Best one by far Ive seen. Plenty of AAA and FLAK.
  4. I am surprised the NAVY didn't hang on to them as a light strike fighter for the reserves.
  5. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    Thats what I'm saying if Russia and China are thier Allies as well as the Arab League they should step in and render aid.
  6. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THE UN, It's the people of this nation I am worried about, thier "Friends" Russia and China are not going to do anything, nor is the UN. This bullsh!t needs to stop. I'm afraid the US and UK are a little used up in this sort of global police force duty. It's time Russia and China step up to the plate and help the global community.
  7. Now your talking! Don't get me wrong I love my PC games but consols "ROCK"! Plug and play.
  8. OFF dont recognize my TrackIR

    They didn't have those back then, they wan't you to old school it.
  9. I posted this back in May My post back in MAY
  10. The "Little Shaver", Brit Chik if my Russian is correct.
  11. She was a little behind the times for what the US wanted out of her, which was a high alt interceptor and escourt but, the Russians loved this plane for its low level below 15K it could turn and make pace with the BF-109s
  12. I was flying with VA-93 in SF2V a couple years ago A-4C, or E during Rolling Thunder 2/3rds the way through the campaign they upgraded to the A-4F. I have not been able to duplicate this since. Could be updates have rulled it out. I don't think any squadron deployed to a carrier or forward area would ever transition. Anyone else run into this? Any real life input.
  13. Off duty Police Officer killed

    I live in this town were he worked I work in public safety now. It's been a tuff year for central Mass/New England public safety officals. My fox 59
  14. Off duty Police Officer killed

    I am pretty sure Indy Police have a suspect in custody.
  15. OT Going on sick leave

    Don't get stressed out too much. The Docs have to tell you the bad side of everything, its so they cover their you no whats. Look at it this way if it was really bad you would have been under the knife when you had the MI. They must think your healthy and strong enough to wait 2 weeks. Just take it easy, watch some old school war movies. Spend some time with your family and relax. We will be here waiting for you to heal up. Get well soon I'll be looking for you.
  16. What and where are the FAA pilots doing, likewise the RAF harrier pilots?
  17. Both you guys hit the nail on the head.
  18. Thnx hgbn I know, I was just being an ignorant American
  19. The thread is tittled sodliers/pilots meaning both ground support and air "both", I posted those statements to provoke thoughts not to piss you off buddy. What side of the wall did you grow up on?(I think its obvious) You come off proud of the fact that the Russian's and East Germans assisted in shooting down American planes. Why you hatin', just started a thread to stir up frienly conversations, why you so defensive the Cold War is over, the wall was torn down, Isn't this one happy community here? I am sorry you think America is "strange" in its ways. After all Beers and Migs are made for pounding P.S. Anyways how many feet is 20 meters?
  20. Buster I read this but, I havn't read of even a short term plan for the RN, what was wrong with the RN Hariers, the Govt just didn't want them?
  21. @ 5:20 because almost all women have a healthy level of O.C.D. especially the moms out there. I read a while back pilots, soldiers, sailors and, maint. crews throughout the war fronts could see a difference in the fit and finish of not only aircraft but all machines, tools, and weapons used during the war that were made by the women. Thanks to the women of the greatest generation we were able to stop the Nazis and Imperial Japanese.
  22. A little bitter Gepard? You are right about VietCong and NVA but, to most Americans at that time in our history they were seen to be the same and to many still are commies, the enemy, the bad guys, allies to the Soviet Union. I am not saying that myself that was just the belief of most US citizens especially at the start of the conflict. I feel the Vietnam conflict was a wast of money, resources, and most of all Humane life on all sides. Talking to many vets from that era at the local VFW Hall some, not all are remorseful for what happened it was a political puppet war w/Russia. This was a topic I started to get people thinking about the Cold War and how hot it really was. We all know that the Russians had pilots flying in N. Korea during that war, and during the War of Attrition, five Soviet-piloted Egyptian MiG-21s were downed by Israeli Mirage III and F-4 Phantoms. More thought provoking stuff: " An F-105 Thud pilot, Jack Broughton, was the author of the book Thud Ridge, where he saw a VPAF F-6 (Chinese MiG-19 Farmer clone) flown by a Soviet pilot. He looked up close and personal with the pilot and saw his blond hair and blue eyes. It was obvious that he was a Soviet." "No one really knows who "Colonel Tomb" or "Toon" was. He certainly did not have 13 AA kills as was originally believed. Nguyen Van Coc is the VNAF's highest scoring ace, with 9 claimed, and 7 U.S. confirmed AA victories. Van Coc did survive the war.there were NO VPAF pilots ranked Colonel in 1972 "Tomb" nor "Toon" does NOT exist in the Vietnamese language. The closest name that comes close to resemblance is "Tuan" Either Steve Ritchie or Randy Cunningham who publicly stated "I don't believe every pilot we faced in Vietnam had tan skin, slanted brown eyes, and black hair..." When a pilot out flies his advasary forcing him to prang the ground and crash because he got behind on his S.A. Shoot him down with a missle or pepper his plane with bullets till he bails out or blows up, or even running him out of gas so he has to leave the plane,............You can call me a strange American but, all are kills in my book. Or shame on the strange American F-4 crew for attacking an enemy plane that was on a training mission.
  23. Hey...Jet Jockies

    The pilot and aircraft are Finish.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moBd9-srBsA&feature=g-vrec

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